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Played Character Fiadh - The Witch-kin

This character is actively played.


"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
(Original Character Concept and Art by @Germanich on Tumblr - I make no claims to their work)

Fiadh - The Witch-Kin

Character Information

- Name: Fiadh Grainne
- Other Names: Herpenokh
- Race: Half-Lanlath (Half-Ailor)
- Age: 26
- Born Sex: Female
- Gender: Female (She/Her)
- Sexuality: Pansexual
- Occult (Optional): Void Mageborn, Strangle Marken

Core Concept
- Idea: Fiadh has had a sheltered life in her witch-like home on Eidda, but even then she is drawn to conversation and friendship, always trying to make a new friend each day and learn something new. This is especially since she has missed out on so much due to the manipulation and controlling nature of her mothers. She feels no judgement for anyone in her endeavours, even against those that despise her and that she in turn doesn't trust. After all, everyone has their reasons for their opinions. It's only when they are illogical (to her) that she might bite back. Nonetheless, she exists to sew a little chaos, enjoying the cause and effect of her actions due to her vivid interest in understanding society around her.
- Religion: Fiadh grew up worshipping the Evolism pantheon, but after leaving her family she is not so sure. She saw how her Voidal nature turned everyone against her, and learned of what it drew her mothers to do. And, worse yet, she has heard of the fear the people have for those who worship the Void, so she fears perhaps there has been something she has not seen. But in terms of other religions and converting, she does not really know much of other faiths beyond the simplest of hints on Unionism, Draconism and Fornoss from the people of Eidda, and knowing nothing of other faiths. So they are not on the table, until someone introduces them to her. But she is still very intrigued all the same, especially with her scepticism against Evolism now coming into bloom.

Appearance Information
- General Appearance: Fiadh is a 7 foot tall, relatively ripped woman who is also, at the same time, quite voluptuous. She has rusty red eyes, tanned/green skin, pointed ears, curling rams horns and large and long red hair. Additionally she has a two-pronged ear and a tail that turns into two down the bottom, with prongs at the end of each, and sharp teeth. This is despite her not being a vampire. Furthermore, like her tail, her tongue is also forked, and green and her arms bear strange golden markings running up them. Finally, one more strange add-on is her legs, being like that of a reptile, while having the skin and meat of a normal humanoid. Fiadh often wears relatively revealing clothing to make her more interesting to look at and to feel everything around her, while also knowing her looks can entice and enjoy the attention. This clothing often matches her colour scheme, being in reds, blues, greens, whites and browns.
- Alternative Forms: Sometimes Fiadh takes a Ailor or Lanlath form when not trying to be attacked for her oddities. In this form she shrinks a little bit (but not a lot), has a normal tongue and ears, a tanned skin colour, no tail, brown eyes and normal legs. She is basically her, but without her mutations. In her Marken form, Fiadh takes on a very wild nature, with her whole body being covered in muted red scales, her eyes will turn purple and become a snake-like Marken. Her golden arm markings remain however, as do her (now far more jagged and misshapen) horns, and her lower body tail is two-pronged at its end.

Combat Style:
- Attack: Magic (+Mimicry)
- Defense: Constitution (+Mimicry)

- Alchemy
- Medicine
- Athletics
- Magic Talent

- Common
- Aontaithe
- Pannarokh
- Altalar


- The two Free Magic Packs chosen from Heritage Traits can be used as the Sinistral Variant, but will always be Radiant instead and cannot be forced to be Sinistral.
- Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
- Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask the DM for Event use.
- Lanlath cannot use God Magic. However, Lanlath can Dimension Align to Lathan Magic, which is extradimensional like Void/Exist/Ordial, and unique to the Lanlath.
- Ailor may spontaneously generate Divinium (either alone or shared with other Ailor) during Staff Events if they act within the ideology of their faith.

Strength: 3
- Building Scale
- Steady Body
- Technique Parry

Constitution: 3
- Thick Hide
- Debuff Endurance
- Rebound

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 2
- Escape Artist
- Soft Landing

Faith: 0

Magic: 6

- Mimicry Adaptation (Magic)
- Shapeshift Adaptation (Magic)
- Safeguard Adaptation (Magic)
- Mindcontrol Adaptation (Magic)
- Oceanic Adaptation (Magic)
- Wardrobe Adaptation (Magic)
- Magic Bolster (Half-Lanlath)
- Magic Revive (Half-Lanlath)


- One grim evening, after days of praying and receiving no response nor blessing from on high, an older noble Ailor couple wedded going on 3 years went into the wetlands of Eidda to seek out the Hags that lived there. The two were mysterious, grim women, but held the magic to give them what they sought…a child. Giving the Hags the name they had chosen, and the proper payment as well as the agreement that they could make them look as they pleased as long as they were natural and healthy, the duo waited for them to perform the ritual and do as they had asked. But when the child appeared from their pot, it was not at all normal. With legs of a newt, claws, a two-pronged tail, forked tongue and green-tinted skin it was no ordinary babe. Healthy, yes, but not normal, at least in their Ailor eyes. But the Hags did keep their bargain, one way or another, as the parts were all natural, even if they weren't natural to an Ailor. Refusing to take the baby, they left in horror and disgust, returning to their village. The babe of course was kept by the Hags hence, to join them in their grim worship of Evolism.
- Growing up alongside the Hags, young Fiadh (known to them as Herpenokh) grew up on a steady diet of scavenged meats and plants, often even indulging in the offerings that the Hags debtors paid…or had taken. This strange and bestial diet was what made the young child into a Marken alongside her mothers, if it wasn't already going to happen from their connection and rituals to their Gods. Fiadh, despite her affinity and strength from a young age, was always kept close to her mothers though. They were fiercely protective of her, and had done horrible things to those that had attacked her before due to her strange shape during her little explorations. As such would still keep her from the wider world, only allowing her to play with them and go out when they were with her. They also filled her time with chores and work to keep her mind active and not thinking about escape. This ended up with her being isolated, exhausted and coddled, wishing over and over to see and talk to the weird people she had spotted to learn more about the outside world. Even when it came to customers, the Hags themselves or using their familiars to lure in these folks to work with, denying her any time to speak while they were conducting "business" and rituals with/using their servants beyond help with the ritual itself. She still loved her mothers though, even despite their overprotectiveness and their overworking of her.
- By her teenage years her magic began to come into full swing, able to shift her shape, mimic the abilities of others and a number of other fun things. And, with said abilities, she managed to begin to slip away and explore without her mothers knowing. And out there she could explore to her heart's content, seeing all the things she had been denied and growing all the better for it. But often enough she wandered down to a village nearby in the form of an Ailor girl, and explored its many intrigues…while getting into a little bit of trouble on the way as well. After all, knowing little about the wider world, and the concept of "property" often would get her caught, but she always got away like a goblin in the night. And with each visit she grew more knowledgeable, and even more curious. About the wider world, about its peoples and about its wonders. But even on this isle she found wonders to boot, predominantly in the form of a girl her age named Iseult. She was a wild youth, always speaking of the wider world and wishing to go out sailing with her ma and pa and, when she came of age, hoped to see the world. But she felt denied, and held back by her strict parents…so of course the rebellious Fiadh was interesting to her. And the infatuation was the same with Fiadh, as the two grew fond of each other and gained feelings for one another. Even then they knew that they were their respective "ones" due to a kindred spirit.
- The two had become deeply in love by the time they reached adulthood. But all Fiadh's slipping out had not gone unnoticed. Her mothers had finally noticed, and prepared a punishment for her to prove to her of the evils of the outside world. That THEY were the ones who cared alone for her and could protect her from its evils. On the night of the duo's first anniversary as a couple, they would go pay Iseult's family a visit with their minions and kill them in front of the girl. A butchery that scarred Iseult. Comforting her in the coming days, Fiadh did her best to prove to her that she had someone. And, in return, Iseult grew closer than ever, having no one else she could now confide in and rest with. Despite her rebelliousness, Iseult did love her parents after all. Eventually, Fiadh felt so comfortable in her company that she was willing to show her true self to them, despite the warnings of her mothers ringing in her mind from long ago. Revealing the truth went wrong, just as her mothers planned, as all Iseult saw was another witch, initially asking what she had done with the real Fiadh, before realising that this was her true self. Attacking her and alerting the town, Fiadh was chased out, fleeing back home to the safety of her mothers who drove off the attacking villagers with thorns and dark magic. Taking their child in their arms once more, they led her back into their home hence to begin her punishment, but also keep her safe again.
- After the terrors of what occurred, Fiadh was chained to her home, never allowed to leave again…not that she wanted to. She had been so intrigued by others and their tales, and loved company and companionship much, but it had all been as her mothers said. But she couldn't get that thought out of her mind that something felt…wrong. And the more time she had to think on what Iseult had said about her parents death the quicker she realised that her own mothers had caused it. Whether then realising they had done that to control her, or just not wishing to end up like them, that was the moment Fiadh decided to leave her home and escape. It took time of course, and many more punishments from her more and more sadistic growing mothers, but one night (while they were away dealing with some debtors) she managed to conjure the perfect charm to escape. And escape she did, fleeing back to the village and taking the first boat she could to wherever it was going next. And that place was Regalia.

Family and Friends
- "Mothers": Mother Amvilocc and Mother Reptonn, over 200, Fallen Lanlath - Two mutated worshippers of Evolism in Eidda, these (believed to be) Elves are old enough to have built a legend for themselves as all-powerful witches. They offer pacts, bargains and more for sharp prices, always looking to gain control over the situation and being controlling. But their love for one another beats any hate they have for the wider world.
- Ex-Lover: Iseult Burke, 26, Ailor. Initially, Iseult wanted to see the world and explore it, but after watching her parents be slaughtered by void witches and then her lover turning out to be the same, she decided to join the Lothar to hunt and destroy sinister mages and monsters so no one else would have to suffer as she did.

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