Preserved Sheet Ferrikh ⤲ The Soldier

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
[Deployment] [Windsong]

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Ferrikh Cervantes
    • Original Name: Fenic Cervantes
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Nōthorc
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Mace
Inventory Information
  • Serrated Knife
  • Straight Razor
  • Flask (Whiskey)
  • Pouch (30 Regals)
  • Metal Necklace (Vakgar)
  • Siggs (3)
  • Box of Matches (30)
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: Ferrikh has a total of 25 Proficiency Points to spend, along with 10 Hobby and 10 Talent points.
Leftover: 4 Points.


  • 10 One-hand Blunt Combat (+5 Points, +5 Racial Boost)
  • 5 Shielding Combat (+5 Points)
  • 3 Fist Combat (+3 Points)
  • 1 Dagger Combat (+1 Points)
  • 5 Perception Training (+5 Talent Points)
  • 5 Frontline Command (+5 Talent Points)
  • 3 Bodycare Training (+3 Points)
  • 3 Percussion Instrument (+3 Points)
  • 6 Body Art (+6 Hobby Points)
  • 4 Pathfinding Art (+4 Hobby Points)
  • 1 Cooking Art (+1 Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 33
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Common (learned in Daen)
  • Vashkularr (learned from parents and surrounding Orc slaves)
  • Vashnōlor (learned from parents and surrounding Orc slaves)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None.
Position in Regalia: Ferrikh, originally arriving to Regalia in 304 AC as Fenic, has flickered on and off from the public view. From serving as a guard, to engaging in criminal activities with Sloan's gang, his place in society constantly fluctuated with great instability. He currently lives off in the poorer parts of Regalia - where he sits, contemplates, and plans on where his true ambitions lie.

Upbringing: Born and raised up as a slave in a Jandaskea plantation, Ferrikh developed into a steeled figure, having to shoulder the burden of slavery that the plantation owners inflicted upon those in chains.

Second Ambitions: Ferrikh plans to save up enough regals, become more financially stable, and shift over to a better neighborhood. He would also like to acquire a blacksteel weapon for himself. Perhaps a medal or two from wartime efforts.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Gray sclera with yellow irises.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: High and tight, military-cut. Subtle curls and kinks wave through his hair.
  • Skin Color: Taupe.
  • Clothing: Vibrant sashes draped over both shoulders, lingering off into a shortened cape while a thick dark leather belt, engraved with simple weaving patterns, cover his abdomen. Several cloths of varying
  • Height: 6'5" (195.58 cm)
Facial Features: Baring tusks and a slightly snarled feature, Ferrikh's Nōthorc features become presently clear. Wild, black hair line along his jawline, peppering off into stubble dotting above his upper lip and down to his neck. Two scars draw across his broad nose, while a single golden septum piercing hangs. Like wet river stones, Ferrikh's sclera is stained a dark gray - though his irises reflect off an inflamed amber-yellow. Both ears are slightly curled upwards with a soft and short point, equally donning a few simple rings and jewelry. Heavy, thick brows rest above his eyes which carry a semi-permanent frown. The top of his head is completely covered in slightly curly hair though this is maintained and groomed into a more militaristic style.

Body: As someone who takes great pride in self-reliance and physical prowess, Ferrikh honed his body further through strength training, body care, and warfare - all paired with the additional help of his Orc heritage. Both built and stacked like a brick, the Nōthorc's muscular and rounded body rolls and ripples with nearly every moment. Short, coarse body hair wave and walk from his neck, chest, while finer hair covers his forearms. Deep battle scars, though now faded and faint, mark across his body as a testament to his time as a soldier, mercenary, and slave.

Fashion: With his inability to see muted colors, Ferrikh mostly dons brightly colored clothes. Sashes are a common trend, while his legs are never exposed. Should he not be able to get his hands on finer clothes, he is not afraid to wear anything of lesser quality - greatly unbothered and already developing a tolerance thanks to upbringing. His upper arms and chest are partially exposed as Ferrikh strives to show off his bodily pride.

Voice: Low, gravely, and rolling off with a quiet rasp, Ferrikh's voice contrasts against his brawny yet piercing appearance. Softly spoken but clear. He lacks any accent and utilizes Common with great proficiency, though he has tendencies to emphasize consonants with a harder edge.

The Core List

  • Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality Type
    • ENFP-A
  • Religion
    • The Call of Vakgar and Makosh (8/10)
Quirks: Unable to contain bodily compulsions and energy gnawing within, Ferrikh has tendencies to bounce his feet or keep hands occupied. Most of his nails have been whittled down from his nail-biting habit that usually occurs during moments of boredom or anxiety. He can sometimes be observed constantly, and absentmindedly, rubbing an open palm along his jawline and beard while he converses with others.

Skills: Though most of his skills lie within martial training, Ferrikh has expanded beyond the horizon and selected hobbies during his free-time in Regalia. He is by no means a true musician, the Nōthorc found enjoyment out of percussion instruments - even fantasizing bringing one to the battlefields. The roar of the drum is enough to stir a boisterous sense out of his spirit. Along with the drum, Ferrikh has become somewhat proficient at memorizing paths out in the wilderness. His frequent trips out to the woods has allowed him to become a decent camper, able to set up a proper campfire and assemble tents should he need to stay for a few nights.


  • Cats: Self-reliant, clean, and individualistic. The perfect pet.
  • Drums: The way the drum booms, echoes, and roars has personally resonated with the Nōthorc.
  • Body Arts: Ferrikh holds some artistic appreciation for modifications such as tattoos, piercings, and etc.
  • Storytelling: Experiences and tales are easy for Ferrikh to imagine and admire.
  • Siggs: Originally prescribed to him by a physician, Tabacca has helped soothe the battle-scarred warrior in many ways, though it is an unhealthy coping mechanism.
  • Url: This particular race is on par, if not above, the physical superiority of Orcs. Bearers of strength. Straightforward and profound. Ferrikh holds a great liking towards these beastly hunters
  • Atheists: To be godless and without any faith invokes some sort of pity out of Ferrikh. As a strong believer in The Call, he also despises those who attempt to tear his faith down.
  • Altalar: Once tolerant of them, the Riot of Merkar'sarh has completely tarnished his view on them. The sight of a knife-ear is enough to flash memories, of lynch mobs and cruel wounds, before Ferrikh's very eyes.
  • Sorcerers/Magic: Ferrikh is unable to comprehend the utility of magic, nor its origins. While he finds great distrust and a pensive attitude towards casters, he also secretly harbors the slightest feeling of intrigue for them.
  • Slavers: No one should have their freedom stripped. No one should allow themselves to be subjugated under the chains and whips of weaker men.
  • Haurrmann: He recalls a memory, one a few years back, of when an egg-man abomination had wandered into an establishment. It created great mischief and chaos to the patrons, including him.

Life Story (Required)
Genesis - Blood and Sweat:
  • Born on 288 AC, Ferrikh was born into slavery on a Jendaskea Tabacca plantation. A product of an Orc mother, and an Altalar father - both who were bound in chains by the same owners. He spent his very first years playing with other non-slave children who lived in the nearby farmhouse. It was an act that the owners had allowed for the sake of keeping freeing up some time on their hand.
  • With his rapid growth, the Nōthorc was soon put under great labor, spending countless hours out in the fields, burnt by the sun and hauling crates to and fro along wide fields that almost seemed never ending.
  • Despite finding companionship and friends with his other Orc brethren, Ferrikh couldn't escape from the suffocating, earthy scent of the Tabacca leaves. Endless days and nights flashed by. To wake up early in the mornings before the sun dipped above the horizon, and to sleep as midnight struck had taken a serious toll on his spirit. To keep himself held together, Ferrikh found great inspiration and comfort out of the remnants of his culture which the others were able to share. The greatest foundation for his determination became known to him as The Call of Vakgar and Makosh.
  • No longer being able to keep his emotional turbulence in check, with his emotional immaturity as a young teenager added in, Ferrikh frequently found himself lost in the throes of his Orken Thrift. It lead to him constantly butting heads against authority figures, such as the plantation owners and guards. Since the Nōthorc had the physical stature of an adult but a penchant for rebellion, the slavers sought to completely subjugate him through whips and isolation. However, this did not quell Ferrikh's stubbornness, but instead fueled into his thirst for freedom. Unable to set him straight, the owners decided it would be best to completely get rid of him while also simultaneously making money - thus setting him up for an auction.
Development - Break The Chains:
  • In shackles and anxiously awaiting in a cage, the Half Orc did not want to depart. Ferrikh knew that he would only have a different owner, but the same set of shackles and lose the community he had known for his entire life. The night flowed as every second, minute, and hour painstakingly passed with great dread until he fell asleep. But out of the blue, chaos startled him awake. Flames, slaves, and chains clashed all in tandem. A rebellion had broke out. As they all revolted, fighting and fleeing, an Orc in passing had struck the lock until it shattered into pieces, freeing Ferrikh from his bondage. He fled out into the wilds without a second thought, eager for a taste of freedom as panic razed his mind.
  • He spent several days and nights in midst of the forest, utterly lost and unable to sustain himself. Though out of sheer luck, Ferrikh finally stumbled upon a city. Needing support in every and any was possible, Ferrikh found himself in a gang of mercenaries and warriors. From there, he and his newfound companions would sell themselves out for the sake of coins, whether it'd be through illegal activities, guarding, or hunting. Nothing was off the tables, and Ferrikh was in no position to object.
  • Mercenary gangs began to turn even more cutthroat against each other. Competitive and constantly in search for work, a bloody brawl broke out which completely wiped out the group Ferrikh was in. Running, this would have been the second time he had fled for his life. In fear of them wanting to completely clean up the rest, which included him, the Nōthorc fled to Regalia.
Notable Events - Progressions:
Noting General Mikhael's predicament, Ardige then ordered the Orcs to cover the left column and to recreate the same maneuver Rodrigo Peirgarten had pulled off only an hour or two before. Kalmar Lok-Guthrain, Unrik Lok-Hammovich and Fenic Cervantes hurried into battle. Kalmar, despite his strength and brutish demeanor was quickly overwhelmed by the magic the Kathar used, fleeing back to the ships in utter fear alongside Unrik. Fenic, being a Half-Orc, did not fear the magic the Kathar used, rallying soldiers behind him and charging forward. The next few minutes would be noted as some of the most defining of the entire conflict as Fenic Cervantes, an eighteen year old Half-Orc, put all other combatants that day to shame: culling nearly twenty Kathar without a scratch on him. Both Generals watched on in amazement as the young Half-Orc performed the work of a seasoned Field Commander, a testament perhaps to the Iron Duke Lampero in the Vultaro Lands.
Meanwhile, in a tag team duo, Fenic and Ania utilised their brute strength to clear a path through an onslaught of Wolond spellslingers, dodging the incoming projectiles. In an act of pure heroism, Fenic turned, bending down to a knee as a Saivale officer advanced. "Now!" the Half-Orc roared, prompting Ania to sprint full force toward him. He launched the woman into the air to the Saivale's surprise, allowing the woman--whilst bellowing a war cry in Skodje--to drive her longsword through his skull and downward into his body. With a number of Kathar Officers now dispatched, the army began its retreat, still leaving the attackers from the East to deal with.
On the eastern side of the city, things are much direr. Fenic Dak-Cervantes, unaware of the orders but clad in Regalian uniform, is targeted by an Altalar lynch mob, due to being a half-Orc. Fenic is savaged, suffering a broken arm, wrist, and ankle, as well as various severe gashes, before being strung up against an oak tree in a communal park by the neck. Before any serious damage can be done through this, however, Theresa van Linau, Adeleide Rote, and Frankland Laurent intervene.
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I'll approve this application, but I would ask that add at least one more Life Story point to clear up what he's been doing since his involvement in past progressions. Also perhaps adding some context to each progression snippet you have would be good, as I barely remember some of this.