

Dec 4, 2014
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a depiction of Ferneth that I think does well... still a WIP...
A Allar-Yanar Seelding Ferneth.jpg
Did you draw that?!!!

Also, pretty sure Allar-Seedlings have leaf-like scales, and no hair. Might be wrong, but pretty sure that's what I saw on the wiki.

I did not draw it, a avater gen + my own alterations

I'm tryin ta figure out how ta do the scales... working on that with Lore Q&A :)

I know the wiki says that Human-Seedlings are bald but the Allar-Seedlings just say about antlers...
I know the wiki says that Human-Seedlings are bald but the Allar-Seedlings just say about antlers...
Fairly certain most Naylar Seedling 'hair' consists of leaves, flowers, vines or other plant-like materials and not literal green hair or nothing/baldness if that helps . Could be wrong, it's just what I've noticed.
I know the wiki says that Human-Seedlings are bald but the Allar-Seedlings just say about antlers...
Naylar seedlings do have the plant-like hair, it is only human seedlings that do not. It can be made up of vines, grasses, leaves, flowers, anything planty that is dense and covers the head!

Also, maybe some small and symmetrical downward-facing leaves would be a nice depiction for the scales? It doesn't have to be all over, but maybe upon the cheeks, shoulders and chest for example.