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Played Character Fernando Inigo Conde

This character is actively played.
Feb 2, 2019
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Fernando Inigo Conde
  • Race / Culture: Ailor/Daendroque
  • Age: (Minimum 17) 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: None
Core Concept

Fernando is an outwardly friendly individual, offering kindness and friendship to those he encounters. Yet fundamentally he is a more cynical and pragmatic person, focused on advancing the goals of his order, family, and Empire. He is a member of the Herebrand order, but is withdrawn from his position in any open manner unless he finds it necessary.

Appearance Information

A stocky man, standing at about 5'8, with chiseled aging features. He has amber hair, similar hued eyes, and tan skin.


STR - 7
Athletic - 4
Unarmed Expert
Steady Body
Swimming Expert
Melee - 3
Unyielding Strike
Technique Parry
Concussive Blow

CON - 7
Tanking - 5
Tank Charge
Tank Slam
Tank Rush
Tank Hero
Tank Watch
Shielding - 2
Shield Block
Shield Phalanx

DEX - 0 (Free Pack)
Roguery - 1 (Free Pack)
Escape Artist


Common / Fluent
Daen / Fluent

Life Story / Plot Hooks

Fernando was firstborn to a noble house in Segovia.

At a young age he was enlisted to join with the Herebrand order to deal with the issue plaguing the lands of his parents.

He was successfully indoctrinated into the order; however, he was a frequent delinquent. He is devoted to his ideals and faith, but elects to remain more recluse on contentious subject matter unless surrounded with like minded individuals.

His father passed away and his mother insisted he take over the family, alongside his brother he now mans the helm of his Household.
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