Shelved Character Fernando De Leon

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Feb 19, 2017
Reaction score
❖ Character Information

  • Full Name: Fernando Ignacio Plantación Granja El Puerto Azul De Leon
  • Titles: Count of Vallerosa in the province of Peurto Azul
  • Race: Ailor, Daendroque

  • Age: 30 years

  • Gender: Male

  • Occult: None
❖ Core Concept

  • A noble-born advocate for social justice. Skilled with whip and rapier, he fights for the oppressed. Charismatic and compassionate, he empowers communities, amplifies voices, and challenges inequality. A symbol of unity, passion, and freedom, he leaves a lasting impact on a quest for a better world.

❖ Appearance Information

  • Fernando stands at an average height, his lean and athletic build reflecting his agility and skill with a rapier and whip. His face is defined by sharp features, including a well-defined jawline and high cheekbones. His expressive green eyes radiate determination and intensity, capturing attention. His hair is cut short in a militaristic style, neatly cropped to maintain a clean and disciplined look. Though his face may bear the occasional ruggedness earned through his adventures, there is a charm and approachability that shines through

  • When engaging in his nobility duties, Fernando dresses impeccably, favoring tailored suits in warm colors. His wardrobe reflects a blend of classic and modern styles, exuding confidence and authority. Fernando understands the importance of making a strong impression through his appearance, captivating audiences with his charismatic presence.
  • Weapons
    • The heirloom rapier, a cherished item passed down to from each De Leon, it bears a blade etched with tales of valor. Its ornate guard, symbols of heritage, and aged leather-wrapped hilt reflect its storied past. With each grasp, he honors his ancestors, wielding the weapon with precision and a sense of duty.
    • Fernando's whip is a formidable tool, intricately crafted and expertly wielded. Made from supple leather, it is meticulously braided to ensure flexibility and strength. Its handle, wrapped in smooth leather for a secure grip, allows for effortless control and precision
    • Fernando's Flintlock pistol is a beautifully crafted firearm, meticulously designed for both form and function. Made of polished steel and finely carved wood, it exudes an air of elegance and power. Its barrel is long and sleek, adorned with intricate engravings that catch the light. The grip fits perfectly in Fernando's hand, providing a firm and comfortable hold. The hammer, with its ornate detailing, shows the craftsmanship that went into its creation.
  • Familiar
    • Solacian Sunbird
      • Fernando stumbled upon a fallen nest of the Solacian Sunbird while exploring the forests near his family's plantation. He discovered a wounded chick and decided to raise it as his pet. They formed a strong bond, and the bird, named Amara, became his colorful and melodious companion. Together, they embarked on adventures, bringing joy and wonder wherever they went. Sol became a beloved member of the De Leon family, cherished for their unique friendship.
  • Mount
    • Janita Horse
      • Viento is a strong and spirited horse with a sleek and powerful build. His name, which means "wind" in Droque, perfectly captures his swiftness and agility. With his flowing mane and determined spirit, Viento is a true champion, always ready to take the lead and soar towards victory.
❖ Proficiencies
  • Strength: 1
    • Athletic Point buy
      • Building Scale Pack
  • Constitution: 2
    • Rage Counter Pack
    • Interception Pack
  • Wisdom:
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Cut Throat Point Buy
      • Cutthroat Dodge Pack
      • Cutthroat Backstab Pack
      • Cutthroat Reversal Pack
      • Cutthroat Flank Pack
      • Soft Landing Pack
      • Escape Artist Pack
      • Close Save Pack (Ailor Buff 2)
    • Firearms Point Buy
      • Belt Shot Pack
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 4
    • Language Point Buy
      • Empire Linguist Pack
      • Context Linguist Pack (Ailor Buff 1)
    • State Point Buy
      • Diplomat Pack
      • Saboteur Pack
    • Calvary Pount Buy
      • Calvary Rearing Pack
  • Faith: 0
❖ Languages

  • Droque (Parent)

  • Common (Free)

  • Context Linguist Pack (Ailor Buff 1)
Life Story

  • Childhood: Born into a noble family, Fernando de Leon grew up surrounded by wealth and privilege. However, his compassionate nature and keen sense of justice made him acutely aware of the inequalities that existed within society, particularly for the less fortunate.

  • Adolescence: During his formative years, Fernando developed a deep friendship with a plantation worker named Miguel, who opened his eyes to the harsh realities faced by the laborers. Witnessing the hardships and injustices endured by Miguel and others ignited a sense of empathy and fueled Fernando's desire to support their cause

  • Early Adulthood: As he entered adulthood, Fernando embraced his role as a supporter of the workers' rights movement. He dedicated himself to understanding their struggles and finding ways to address their grievances within the existing social and political structures. He used his position and influence as a noble to advocate for reforms and fair treatment.

  • Adulthood:
    As Fernando matured, he found his calling as a dedicated advocate for social justice. While he didn't delve deeply into the political arena, he remained a vocal and influential figure in promoting the rights of the marginalized.

    Fernando's advocacy work took on various forms. He dedicated his time and resources to raising awareness about social issues, organizing grassroots movements, and collaborating with like-minded individuals to effect positive change. His persuasive speaking skills and charismatic presence allowed him to connect with people from all walks of life, garnering support and inspiring others to join the cause.

Plot hooks:

  • Citrus Plantation: the De León citrus plantation flourishes with vibrant beauty. Expansive groves of citrus trees, their boughs heavy with luscious fruits, spread across the land. The air is perfumed with the sweet aroma of oranges and lemons, creating a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere. The warm sun bathes the plantation in a golden glow, casting a magical light on the thriving orchards. The De León family's citrus plantation is a testament to their legacy and a haven of natural abundance, captivating all who wander through its fragrant corridors. (Business opportunities?)
  • Politics: As a charismatic and compassionate leader, he would advocate for social justice, equality, and the empowerment of marginalized communities. Fernando would prioritize policies that promote inclusivity, education, healthcare, and sustainable development. He would strive to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities and access to basic necessities, while also promoting democratic values and participatory governance. Fernando's political philosophy would be rooted in empathy, fairness, and the belief in the power of collective action to bring about positive change for the betterment. (Potential rivalries?)
  • Dancing: When Fernando dances, his body becomes an instrument of passion and rhythm. With powerful footwork and graceful movements, he weaves a tapestry of emotion, captivating the audience. His intense hand gestures and fiery expressions add depth and intensity to his mesmerizing performance.(Want to learn to dance? Or even dance with him?)
  • Music: Fernando's guitar melodies transport listeners to the soulful heart of Daen. His fingers dance across the strings, evoking passionate rhythms and melancholic melodies. Each note carries the weight of his emotions, telling stories of love, longing, and the timeless spirit of the Daen landscape. (Want to hear him play? Or jam out with him?)
  • Cooking: Fernando's cooking style is a celebration of authentic Daendroque flavors. With skillful hands and a deep appreciation for tradition, he crafts dishes that pay homage to the rich culinary heritage of his homeland. From vibrant paellas to succulent tapas, each bite is a sensory journey through the vibrant tapestry of Daen cuisine. (Ask him about it! He's very passionate and enjoys cooking)
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