Preserved Sheet Ferassellasen Nos’naílnae

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are

Ferassellasen spots an aberrant in Regalia.


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ferassellasen Nos'Naílnae.
  • Age: 115 years.
    • Born: January 15th, 192AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Sihndar.
  • Sexuality: Ignored.
  • Preferred Weapon: Personal Khoptar or claws.

Skill Information
  • Proficiencies:
    • Total Points: 60 points. (60 point pool, 20 Racial points.)
    • Combat:
      • +20 Blades Combat. (+10 from Sihndar racial, +10 from Points.)
      • +20 Unarmed Combat. (+20 from Points.)
    • Knowledge:
      • +10 Magical Knowledge. (+10 from Sihndar racial.)
        • Sanguinology.
        • Soullism.
    • Body:
      • +10 Athletics Training. (+10 from Points.)
      • +20 Perception Training. (+20 from Points.)
  • Body Shape: Strongman.
    • Calculation: (10 Blades) + (20 Unarmed x 2) + (10 Athletics * 2) = 50.
    • Body Fat: Moderate.
  • Languages:
    • Sihndar Dialect Elven. (Birth tongue.)
    • Common. (Free language.)
  • Special Traits:
    • Sihndar Lording & Archon:
      • Lording of War.
      • Archon of Everbeast.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Steel grey.
  • Hair Color: Snow white.
  • Hair Style: Grown long, swept back.
  • Skin Color: Tyrian purple.
  • Clothing: Traditional Sihndar fashion.
  • Height: 6'1", or 185cm.
Personality and Abilities
The Core List:
  • Moral Alignment:
    • Lawful Evil.
  • Personality Type:
    • IST-J/A; Logistician.
  • Religious Affiliation:
    • Religion: Sihndar Estellian.
    • Piety: 9/10.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood
  • Ferassellasen Nos'Naílnae is born on Drowda midway through the month of January in the year 192AC. Much like any other natively born Sihndar, he is born in one of the southern Holds and begins his training early in his childhood.
  • His childhood is entirely typical for a Sihndar; he is thoroughly trained in agility and swordsmanship with a training Khoptar as soon as possible, and drilled with the dogmatic hatred for anything and every extradimensional that comes with a generic Sihndar.
Adolescence & Teenage Years
  • Ferassellasen (now using Feras as a shorter nickname) receives his Khoptar at the age of 14; he marvels at the weapon, naming it 'Hossílaan', and immediately training with it as much as possible.
  • At the same time, he begins embarking on lesser 'demon slaying' missions with older Sihndar, executing some of the less dangerous mutated flora and fauna of Drowda before he is allowed to engage in more serious operations as an adult.
Early Adulthood
  • Feras' coming of age ceremony sees him fully settle into himself; he chooses the Archon of Everbeast, holding a hateful respect for the great beasts of Drowda and their prowess in hunting and killing even his own people.
  • He also chooses the Lording of War, which he never deviates from, even when able to. Summoning Hossílaan becomes second nature to him, and as he grows older, he develops large horns, scales upon his shoulders and neck, and even a long, black-scaled tail. As well as this, his nails shift into blackened claws, which he promptly begins training with to use in combat. He views these mutations as symbolic of his dedication to the Everbeast Archon, and wears them with pride.
Later Adulthood
  • Feras' life continues much as a normal Sihndar's life would; he continues to slay beasts and demons, stemming the tide of extradimensional creatures that might otherwise swarm Aloria and destroy all civilisation. He never bonds romantically to any other individual, far more focused on his duty to protect than to engage in anything else.
  • After gaining his seventh medallion, having survived for 105 years and a third of his life passing confined to Drowda, he begins to look out, wondering if he may at all be able to assist the world outside. His pondering is brought to an end in 302, after the commandment by the College of Sins to turn the people of Regalia and its government more harshly against any form of aberrant. Although he lingers in Drowda for five more years, he eventually sets off in 307 to the Holy City, hoping to do exactly as the College commanded.
Hello! A Sihndar on his way to the Holy City, with duty in his heart! See you in town.
