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Played Character Fenric

This character is actively played.


The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
Credit: MonMarty/@ArtMovd on Twitter
"I remember his hands,
And the way the mountains looked.
The light shot diamonds from his eyes,
Hungry for life,
And thirsty for the distant river."
Character Information
  • Full Name: Fenric
  • Race: Half Eronidas and Ailor
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Find out IC.
Core Concept
Fenric served and dedicated more than half of his life to war; Once a loyal Tenpenny soldier of the Regalian Empire, the warrior developed a resentment against the gods and the aristocracy after enduring through countless battles on the latter's behalf. He later found himself in the company of the infamous Blackmark mercenaries until eventually parting ways with them as well. With little purpose now, Fenric drifts around Regalia like many of the lost souls there, unable to bring himself to abandon the city where he'd call home.

Appearance Information
A vicious, rugged fighter bearing a steely glare and a disparaging voice; Fenric is a hulking, brutish half-Eronidas man, standing at 6'8" tall while also donning soot-stained heavy-plated armor. His black unkempt beard, deep brows, and strong tusks further validates the perpetual scowl on his visage that airs the manners of a common-faced thug. Years of violence have marked the surface of the dense plates with many imperfections.

Combat Style
Warrior: Fenric engages in combat with his tower-shield and flail.

Hobbies and Talent
Athletic Hobby; In his spare time, Fenric keeps himself occupied through physical fitness such as wrestling, boxing, weight-lifting, and hunting.

Strength: 7
﹥Technique Parry
﹥Diving Tackle
﹥Combat Sight
﹥Cheap Shot
﹥Careful Fighter (Free)
﹥Building Smash
﹥Break Down
﹥Steady Body
﹥Force Toss (Eronidas)

Constitution: 6
﹥Shield Slam
﹥Shield Deflect
﹥Shield Wall
﹥Shield Brace
﹥Shield Block
﹥Shield Cover (Free)
﹥Breather (Eronidas)
﹥Cavalry Summon (Free)
﹥Mounted Armory

Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 0


Life Story
Fenric was born in a rural farm village located in the center of Anglia; A temperate region widely famed as the breadbasket of the Regalian Empire. He was raised by his mother who tended to the wheat fields while his father was away at war, only to later perish during the Battle of Huallo; The Slizzar, desperate during the final conflict of the Chrysant War, called upon the deep sea serpents to destroy the Regalian war ships, including the Anglian Empress Crown that Fenric's father happened to be on.

At a young age, Fenric idealized and glorified the life of a warrior in order to follow in his father's footsteps. Once he was old enough, the half-Eronidas enlisted himself into the Tenpenny Army, sword arm devoted only for the Regalian Empire. But the reality of war ebbed away his fantasies of duty and honor, soon turning his outlook on life bleak, angry, and jaded as the Second Songaskian War left the blood of civilians on his hands.

Burdened with guilt that spiraled him into a fall from grace, Fenric abandoned his position as a soldier and assimilated into the notorious Blackmark mercenaries, but that was not meant to be either as the warriors of fortune later pledged themselves to the Iron Duke of Vultaro. He left the company, rejecting their decision, and never looked back.

Home Sweet Home: Fenric is from Westbroek which is a province in Anglia. Both the Eronidas and Anglians share a deep bond with each other that was born out of a thousand-year long history which strongly entwined the cultures together. He is particularly well-versed in stories of the Eronidas Exodus, the city-ship fleets, and his ancestors landing on the Anglian shores.

Veteran: Fenric, once a Tenpenny Men-At-Arms soldier, has been deployed multiple times in different locations around the world, from the great sands of Farahdeen to the lands of Elven principalities. He can share lots of war stories.

Hunter: Fenric shares an affinity for the hunt and can often be found in the Imperial Hunting Grounds in search for prey. He occasionally comes across different hunters, such as the Urlan, Eronidas, and anyone else that is fond of tracking down the most illusive animals. Most are welcomed to participate with him.

Evil Within: Fenric harbors a dark, twisted curse that is kept secret from the general population, asides from a handful of others knowing. He struggles with adapting and handling the baggage that comes with being god cursed, and finds comfort from others who face a similar fate.

Backwoods: Fenric frequently travels around the countryside and Gloomrot.

﹥Strong: With Eronidas blood running in his veins, and years of physical labor in the military, Fenric is capable of performing great feats of raw strength. His heavy armor, shield, and flail do not slow him down.

﹥Adrenaline Junkie: Fenric's body produces more adrenaline than the average Ailor. Pain is often ignored through the heat of battle.

﹥Hyper-Vigilant: Constantly paranoid for too many reasons, Fenric is often on high alert in both safe and dangerous places, slimming the chances of a successful ambush.

﹥Illiterate: Fenric shunned education. He cannot read nor write.

﹥Bleeder: Having two fast-beating hearts inside of his chest, Fenric is highly susceptible to bleeding out with a greater risk of death.

﹥Volatile: Fenric is prone to unleashing violent outbursts and losing control, potentially landing himself in undesirable situations without giving much thought for the consequences.
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