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Needs Help/Review Felsin Kretch Ol’ Neras Lokril

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!
Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Scion, the Chancellor’s Contingency


"Just fuckin' call me Felsin, kid."



Full Name: Felsin Kretch Ol' Neras Lokril

≻ Nicknames: Old Man
≻ Alias: Agraves, The Watching Eye
Race: Ailor
≻ Culture: Gallovian (Mother)/Calderliga/Wirtem (Father)
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Eville!-ish‌ (Bicurious)
Preferred Weapons: These Hands / Longsword / G u n
Eye color: Ruddy brown


≽ A nice crossbow
≽ 3 bottles of wine
≽ 1 really good bottle of wine
≽ Bottle of 'wine'
≽ Longsword
≽ Pouch of 50 regals
≽ Papers
≽ Inkwell



Character Identity Concept: Felsin is a man of morals that he holds dear to himself, even if others may not know them, doing arguably questionable things for reasons he believes to be good overall in the long run, fully willing to get his hands dirty in pursuit of his goals as well as to assist others in theirs when they offer a hand in turn.
Religion: (Silvershroud Sect)
Evintarian Unionism | 6/10 | Arken of Trickery | 4/10

≻ 'Manifest Destiny' for Vampirism thing, 'coming back from the dead' granting him this belief of the world where he seeks information about these entities to moreso understand them & the source of their power to assist in the conquest of vampiric legality/removal of oppression for the gain of himself & others who may benefit fully from it.



Strength: 6

≻ Unarmed Expert
≻ Bruiser Slam
≻ Bruiser Feint
≻ Bruiser Agony
≻ Bruiser Tackle
≻ Steady Body
Constitution: 3
≻ Interception
≻ Rage Counter
≻ Rebound
Wisdom: 1
≻ Tech Armory Pack
Dexterity: 2
≻ Firearms Combat: Critical Hit
≻ Rougery Pack: Dirty Fighter
Arcane: 2
≻ Sinistral Leap
≻ Sinistral Rage
≻ Sinistral Implode (Ailor Free Pack, Void)
Faith: 0



Ailor Racials

≻ Familiar Disrupt Pack (Ailor): Great grey owl

Blooded Vampire

≽ Ailor Racials
≻ Special: Familiar Disrupt Pack (Ailor)

≽ Packs
≻ Bruiser Packs

≻ Bruiser Slam
≻ Bruiser Feint
≻ Bruiser Agony
≻ Bruiser Tackle
≻ Athletic Packs
≻ Steady Body
≻ Unarmed Expert
≻ Training Point Buy

≻ Interception
≻ Rage Counter
≻ Rebound
≻ Sinistral Packs
≻ Sinistral Rage
≻ Sinistral Leap
≻ Sinistral Implode (Ailor Free Pack)
≻ Tech Point Buy
≻ Tech Armory
≻ Firearm Weapon Point Buy
≻ Firearms Combat: Critical Hit
≻ Firearms Combat: Agonizing Shot
≽ Blooded Vampire
≻ Special: Vampiric Feeding
≻ Special: Vampiric Infection
≻ Special: Vampiric Charm
≻ Special: Silberfeder Mechanic I
≻ Special: Silberfeder Mechanic II
≻ Special: Silberfeder Mechanic III
≻ Special: Vampiric Form


Common (Free)



Mutations (Void): Felsin's tears appear as if blood. (Tears & Blood)
Appearance: An old man with a heavy chin, rust-brown eyes, and scraggly (only slightly) balding white hair. Felsin stands at about 5'8" (or roughly 173cm), with a wry, upturned grin on his face. His clothing is a mixture of Calderligan and Aontaithe style, with a black and dark burgundy color palette of studded leather and fabric. He generally wears with his clothes a crimson red cape over his shoulder in the typical fashion of the Bloodcast Knights.
Vampiric Form: A creature with a lupine skull, bare of any flesh or stain upon its surface. Its spine is elongated and bent, curving his posture, and every bone pushes against the constraints of its flesh. Its legs are digitigrade, feet splayed wide and exposing bone. Its exposed skin is heavily scarred and scabbed-over, appearing as if deep wounds from times past had barely managed to heal over, and veins pulse occasionally with crimson ichor beneath thin epidermis.



Childhood: Felsin was born in a rather nondescript little town, a rambunctious little lad borne to Telania (His Mother, kindly, though sharp of wit & tongue, Aontaithe) & Julianis (Weary man, quiet, observant, actions speak louder than words incarnate, Calderliga).
Adolescence: Felsin found interest in the Bloodcast knighthood, beginning to train his marksmanship expressly for that purpose, beginning to get rather independent.
Early Adulthood: Felsin finally was knighted fully, properly, & went about doing as a Bloodcast does, delivering justice & so, getting into drunken barfights on his free time for the fun of it, but keeping true to each oath he swore, along with working with an associate of his he found in the order, named Ser Chelsey. Additionally, he found a child named Alton Rider, eventually adopting the wee bastard & training him in the arts of a Bloodcast.
Advanced Years: Would find himself to several skirmishes with all manners of folk, that being from cultists trying to murder him & others, to warfronts that brought little but more corpses & saddened widows. Then, in one such skirmish, he was 'killed', then infected with Sanguinism, quintessentially bringing him back from the brink of death.
Why he came to Regalia: To find his son, Alton Rider, after Felsin'died' & lost track of him for years.

"I—Felsin Kretch Ol' Neras Lokril—started off as a young boy, enamored with the thought of being a knight, fighting for the good of people and all that shite. Well, that was until I realized that some people were absolute shite, so that changed to 'if shite, smite. If not, pass.' Of course, this didn't fit well with most knights, so I decided to drag myself along with the Bloodcast Order, learning to shoot the kneecaps of bad people, or those who were overall assholes to good people.

"Eventually, I found a child, full of spunk and life who wanted to become a Bloodcast. This child's name was Alton Rider, and he was a persistent little shit, coming to my tent every day for weeks as I dealt with business in the town nearby, asking me to teach 'im. Years of walkin' alone on paths by yerself can be boring, so I asked Ser Chelsey. He said, 'No, that's a bad idea. A really bad idea. Please don't take the child with you to train.' So I eventually relented and took the child to train. Alton was a smart lad, better with the sword than crossbow, and I taught the brat everything I knew. Eventually adopted the stubborn twat ...

"So, you'd think things'd be nice for a bit? They were, a good twelve years' worth of good times. Of course, bad shite happened, but what's better than having yer kid almost neuter ye with the blunt of 'is sword? Seeing the lad do that to a foe! But then we were jumped by some jackasses who wanted us to 'become one with the earth again' or some shit. I got stabbed. A lot. Also cut. I shot some of the neanderthalic numpties, but there were too many, so I fell unconscious.

"Felt a pain in my neck, then woke up covered with some cold-ass dirt an' mud. Also, fuck the rain when yer waking up from dying."
(He was bitten in the middle of the battle by a Vampire and was infected. He was put on the edge of death, but stabilized from either some dumb luck, or the Vampire stabilizing him.) "So, I stood up, froze my ass off in the thrice-cursed rain, and started walking to a town. I was hungry, so damn hungry at that time ... Found some chap in the woods, ripped his neck out. It was good. I think he was a bandit ... Eh, fuck 'im, he died like a pansy.

"So, anyhow, walking on the roads, got some ideas. Son o' mine was never really happy, he thought he was, but he never had a good home, no real good foods, passable wine, virgin-lookin' ass, so I decided, 'Know what? Fuck 'em, I'm goin' to change some shit' and decided to gather all my wealth. Learned some new shiny shit somehow? Felt like things needed to change, my son deserved this shit, deserved the fuckin' world, an' then I could do this new shit. Pretty fun, thought Alton'd find it good, thought about him, got angry, punched a tree for a bit, continued on. Eventually came across civilization again.

"Now I'm here, feelin' like I've been tortured, beat, an' hit with bags of rocks, canine teeth feeling like someone applied a file to the damn things, eyes burnin'. But alive."
Last edited:
I'm so sorry for the wait on this one, I completely forgot to put in my review.
Here's my review:
>Please fix your formatting! Parts of this app are very difficult to read thanks to a lot of gaps or lack of gaps; this happens a lot with porting text over from another program to Xenforo, but it's usually helpful to go back through and fix it to make it easy to read. >Also, don't be afraid to cut out/leave out Optional sections until you've written them up to import; it makes reading app a lot more concise. Or, if you'd prefer to keep them, you can make a spoiler around them using the box in the top bar of the text editor that looks like a little '+' inside a box.​
❖General‌ ‌Command‌ ‌‌10‌ ‌(5‌ ‌Talent.)‌ ‌
>Please note here if the extra 5 points invested are Proficiency or Boost; it just helps for readability. Also, note how many Proficiency points you have spare; by my count, you have about 6 points left unspent.
Body‌ ‌Shape‌ ‌
>In this section, could you more concisely list out your entries? For example, rather than your current format, try:
"Body Shape: Ripped
Body Stat: 29, capped at 30
Calculation: 20 Crossbow + 9 Sword = 29
Body Fat: Low."​
Personality & Abilities
>Please note that you don't have to do both the Question List and the Core List; you only need to do one or the other. That said:
❖Choose‌ ‌your‌ ‌character‌ ‌personality‌ ‌type.‌ ‌
➢i.e.‌ ‌ENFP,‌ ‌ISTJ‌ ‌(Don't‌ ‌know‌ ‌enough‌ ‌to‌ ‌add‌ ‌to‌ ‌it.)‌ ‌
>Please enter a personality type here; if you take a look through this website, you'll find a list of 16 personalities with the relevant letters. All you have to do is pick one for Felsin, enter the letters and the title of the personality, and your Core List is good to go.
These are my points of review! Again, I'm so sorry about the wait. Please mark your edits in red (apart from the major formatting edits) and @tag me when you're done! As an ending note, please remember that you are allowed to @tag your reviewer if your app has gone to the second page of the Character Applications subforum without a submitted review, or if your app has been left a week or longer without a submitted review. Happy editing!

Ok, should look drastically better now; not sure why Docs wanted to pick a fight with the forums. If you want me to condense the ability info down into spoilers as well, that can be arranged, I'm keeping those there for ease of memory.
Had a question in regards to a thing for re-review as well; Not infected atm, but planning on reinfection. So, in that case, what do I do with the info already there? Also, he's missing an arm now, mark that down?
Edit to add the Drahl Racials into the sheet & all that pizazz. Also moved a point around to compensate for the Drahl Racial Honed Skill @Scribbe .
  • Vampirism (Von Kërle Bloodline)
  • Bloodline Traits
  • Servile Collar I Control Power
      • The user can target either a willing or fully restrained person to attach any sort of Servile Collar to their neck. This Servile Collar can be any shape or color or design, applying a Possession to the target (which can be cleansed by Exorcism II), and is indefinite until it is removed. The Servile Collar causes the target to be under the command of the user, meaning that any command issued by the user within Emote Distance must be followed. Only the last command will remain active when leaving Emote Distance however. Servile Collar I cannot be used to cause a Character to engage in activities that would cause self-harm.
    • Afflicted Life I Constant Passive
      • From the moment that the Character is affected by the Affliction, their body ceases to age, and their Racial max-age no longer applies. If the Character is cured, they will age to their appropriate age within 2 weeks. If they are re-infected, their body will age backwards to when it was first affected by the Affliction. If the person has already lived past their Racial Max age, they die at the end of the 2 week period instead. For Characters using this Ability older than 150 years in total, a 150 Year Old Special Permission is required
    • Blood Eyes II Constant Passive
      • The Character permanently has reddened and darkened eye-sockets, and irises that are solid red, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes II. Additionally, the Character has Night-Vision, and is able to see through Mundane Darkness.
    • Blood Curse I Constant Passive
      • Firstly, the Character can still consume food and drinks, but achieves no satisfaction from their taste, as it all tastes like ash to them (except enchanted food made by other Vampiric Abilities). Secondly, The Vampire can reproduce with non-Vampires and Vampires alike, however the child will always result in a Vampire Brood of their Bloodline. Thirdly, if the Vampire does not feed within a week, they become physically frail. If they do not feed within two weeks, they become unable to engage in combat. After three weeks, they lose the ability to walk and become bed-bound. Vampires are unable to feed from other Vampires, and receive no satisfaction from feeding off of animals, except domesticated Sewer Rats, though the taste is revolting and makes the Vampires feel ill.
    • Vampiric Form I Mythic Shift
      • The Character is able to Mythic Shift into their Vampiric Form. While in Vampiric Form, the Character has access to all Abilities from the Abilities from their Bloodline Ability Kit. Shifting in and out of Vampiric Form is instant, cannot be Cancelled or Countered, and the player may design the Vampiric Form, with some ground rules. For the Ground Rules, refer to the Bloodline page, which will have an outline on the limitations and design choices for Vampiric Form. This Ability has no Cooldown.
    • Cursed Soul I Constant Passive
      • While the character has an Affliction that includes this Ability, they are unable to use any Abilities found in Sorcery, Magic, and Faith Will. While having this Affliction, no other Affliction can be acquired. Proficiency Points are not refunded for Abilities lost. When the Affliction is removed (and this Ability), all normal use of Abilities is restored, and the Character can be Afflicted again.
    • Primal Horror I Constant Passive
      • This Ability has a number of functions. Firstly, the Character is simply able to walk through Primal Shield I, ignoring it as a physical barrier. Secondly, Primal Divination I does not work on them. Thirdly, Attacks or Abilities made by this Character cannot trigger Primal Defense I when used by someone else. Finally, the Character can sense any Dragon Warden, Dragonsoul, or Archblood within Emote Distance, even through walls, to pinpoint accuracy. This Ability and all its effects have no Cooldown.
    • Belliard Horror I Constant Passive
      • The Character is completely immune to all Puretek uses. Furthermore, the Character is also immune to Exorcism I, II, III and Primal Cleansing, meaning if they have an Affliction, this Affliction can only be removed in a Sakrosankt.
    • Blood Feeding I Control Power
      • The Character can extend their Vampiric teeth and sink anywhere on a target's body to begin drinking blood. While drinking, the victim is paralyzed and unable to react, but is still aware and can still speak. A full drink takes up to 10 minutes. As soon as the Character releases the Target, they have lingering paralysis for 30 seconds before the effect is removed. This Ability cannot be used during combat or to initiate combat, and the target may also not be restrained by other means during the feeding. This Ability has a 30 second cooldown after feeding is complete. If the Target has Control Power Immunity, they are only immune to the Paralysis effect, and can still be fed on.
    • Super Self II
      • The user can use Super Self II to instantly shift their feet or legs or ankles by either phasing, ghosting or re-shaping in such a way that any Rooting, Trapping or Snaring that is applied on them is instantly cancelled the moment it hits (all other effects of those Abilities or Mundane Techniques still apply). This Ability does not affect Abilities that apply Disabling effects to specific limbs or Paralysis.
    • Super Self IV Constant Passive
      • The Character is immune to any Alchemy, Mundane Techniques or Abilities that would cause a loss or gain, change, exchange or transferral of Proficiency Points or Physical Stat, both positively and negatively.
    • Super Self V Constant Passive
      • The Character is immune to any Ranged Combat Proficiency Mundane Techniques, with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment. The aesthetics for how these projectiles miss is up to the player, but it is recommended to simply pass through them as if they were a shadow.
    • Blood Dance I Trigger Passive
      • Each wound drawing blood the Character applies with a weapon can be immediately used to undo an equivalent wound inflicted by that specific Target on the user themselves, as long as the wound was inflicted within the last 30 minutes. If there is no equivalent wound to undo, this Ability does nothing. If the user has no wounds, this Ability also does nothing. This ability has no Cooldown, however each wound inflicted cannot be "saved up". It must be used in 10 seconds or it expires.
    • Blood Dance II Trigger Passive
      • The Character is able to summon a mist of Blood that quickly suctions onto their body, forming Steel plate armor on their chest, head, and forearms colored in crimson blood. This armor can be summoned and un-summoned instantly, and there is no Cooldown to this Ability. If Armor breaking Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and a single piece breaks, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown.
    • Blood Dance III Trigger Passive
      • The Character is able to summon a mist of Blood that quickly suctions into the shape of a melee weapon of their desire in their hand. This Weapon can be summoned and un-sumoned instantly, and there is no Cooldown to this Ability. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown.
    • Vampiric Familiar II Toggle Passive
      • The Character has a permanent Vampiric Familiar called the Bloodfalcon, a Falcon with bat ears, bat wings and a long tail that appears like squid arms with blood sucking mouths at the ends. The Bloodfalcon is purely aesthetic, as soon as Combat begins, it flies high up in the air and won't come down until Combat is over. The Bloodfalcon cannot perform any tasks, or leave the user. It can only play with the user or others in Emote Distance, or perch on the user's shoulder and make aesthetic gestures or noises. The Bloodfalcon can be summoned or un-summoned at will. This Familiar is immune to Spirit Curse I.
    • Power Howl I Trigger Passive
      • The Character can unleash a blood curling echoing scream that reverberates in Emote Distance. Anyone who is Channelling an Ability or about to Channel has the Channel forcibly interrupted, regardless of what interruption rules this Ability has. If this Channel Ability has a cooldown shorter than 5 minutes, it is set to a 5 minute cooldown. If longer, the Ability's own cooldown is used. Additionally, anyone within 2 blocks of the user that was mid-swing with an attack, has their attack Staggered, meaning it automatically misses or is interrupted. This Ability has a 30 minute cooldown.
    • Corvaic Will I Trigger Passive
      • The Character has a preemptive strike aura. Any first-of-the-day harming Ability or Mundane attack or Mundane Technique that is used on them (with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment) is intercepted by a flock of Crows that suddenly appears before the attack impacts the user, instead being Countered and doing no damage to the user, and also not imparting any additional effects. This Ability can only trigger once per day.

  • Drahl Racials
    • Battle Sense I
      • The user may activate this Control Power on anyone in range, attaching to them like a Mobile Channel. While it is maintained, the user may choose one of the target's Melee Combat Proficiencies and increase it by +5 Proficiency Points that may break the Cap for Proficiency. The user may only move at walking speed, must have the target within viewing distance, and the user may also not be attacked themselves. Knocking over or otherwise removing the focus from the user on the target cancels the effect. Additionally, the user gains the Constant Passive Omniaware I while this Ability remains active. While Battle Sense I is active, the user may not use other Abilities.
    • Spirit Familiar I
      • The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon) species. This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. Once chosen, the user may choose to manifest and remove smaller visual and aesthetic changes to their body from the animal chosen, but never so thoroughly that it mimics a Werebeast, Allar, or Asha. Secondly, they may summon a magical looking familiar of the animal chosen that may never be larger than a domestic cat regardless of original size of the animal, but may also be smaller depending on the preference of the user. This familiar can carry a single object on them, but may never enter combat, and is disabled for 1 hour if hit by any Ability or Attack. If a Magical aesthetic is not desired, a Mundane creature can also appear to the Character in their childhood and stay with them, with this Ability applying to them, with all other rules. The Mundane creature gains a lifespan as long as the user. (Animal: Owl)
    • Honed Skill III
      • Choose any Command Skill Category Proficiency. As long as 5 Proficiency points are invested in this Proficiency, gain another +5 for free. If this Ability were somehow removed from the Character, the Proficiency Point bonus is also removed. This Boost does not break the Proficiency Cap. If the chosen Proficiency is already boosted from any other source, it cannot be boosted by this Ability.
  • Brittle Shot
    • Brittle Shot is the default Arrow attack for a CrossBow Combat user. This simply involves shooting a Crossbow at a target that is not behind cover. Each shot has to specifically be aimed at a piece of armor, as Brittle Shots do not cause much damage, but instead disable pieces of armor on a target. For each shot, the Archer must do a "/dice 0 20", with any roll above 5 causing a hit to land. For each landed hit, a piece of armor is disabled (which must always be either an entire left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, chest, or head piece), while doing minimal brute damage and causing some bruises. This Technique has a 1 minute cooldown, and does not break Artifacts or Mythics. The effect applies the same to Ability Created Armor, unless the Ability armor has a per-hit breaking rule set, in which case it follows that instead.
  • Knocking Shot
    • The Archer shoots a heavy pound arrow, an arrow with a lot of weight and force behind it, but more kinetic than piercing damage. This shot damages about as much as a stab of a dagger does, but forces the target to be knocked back by 6 blocks into the opposite direction of the Archer, or until they hit a solid object, which then causes blunt damage but does not Stun them. This Technique has a 3 minute cooldown. This Technique is a guaranteed hit.
  • Net Shot
    • The Archer shoots a Netbolt at a target, causing an exploding canister to throw a net out at the target, which if the target is not behind some form of cover, causes them to be Rooted. In order to determine hit, do a "/dice 1 20", with any roll above 5 meaning the shot lands. The target is netted for 1 minute, during which they cannot move or use Abilities (unless that Ability gives immunity to Roots or allows them to free themselves from a Root), but can start freeing themselves. If the target is not attacked or knocked out, they can be freed by themselves after the 1 minute is over. If another person helps them, the netting only works for 20 seconds. If the target is attacked while being netted, the first attack instantly breaks the net, but is guaranteed to hit as the netted target cannot defend themselves. This Techniquehas a 24 hour cooldown.
  • Gate Shot
    • This Technique allows the Archer to knock down a Mundane Gate or Ability Wall (such as Magewall). The Archer is immobilized, taking 4 separate strategic shots (each separated by 30 seconds for a total of 2 minutes) after which they activate a specialized steamtek winch that pulls both a Purestone core as well as force on all anchor shots. After the emote pulling the winch into action, whatever metal/wooden gate or Ability wall/doorway it was aimed at is destroyed. This Technique can be used twice per day but has no cooldown. The Archer must also be standing within 10 Blocks of whatever they are shooting at, and within clear line of sight.
  • Percussion Shot
    • This Technique causes the Archer to shoot an explosive Percussion Shot After a quick loading, the shot is fired, is a guaranteed hit, and causes a fire-less explosion at the target person. This technique cannot be blocked or avoided by any Abilities bar Shielding. Any person within 10 blocks of this person is knocked to the ground with shrapnel cuts on any exposed skin. The target themselves are knocked to the ground with one limb of their choice broken as well as cuts and slices all over their body. After Percussion Shot is fired, the Crossbow of the Archer becomes defunct due to the heavy firing mechanism breaking during this shot. This prevents further use of Crossbow Mundane Techniques for 12 hours.
Put these into spoilers.
    • Packs (x2, 6 points invested)
      • Government Forgery Pack, Guard Forgery Pack
    • Abilities (x1, 3 points invested)
      • Rogue Gift 3
Furthermore, list the abilities granted here along with the abilities in the aforementioned spoiler post. Please tag me when amended.

"Just fuckin' call me Felsin, kid."



Full Name: Felsin Kretch Ol' Neras Lokril

≻ Nicknames: Old Man
≻ Alias: Agraves, The Wandering Eye
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor

≻ Lineage: Drahl
≻ Culture: Ériunin
Sexuality: Eville!-ish‌ (something)
Preferred Weapons: Crossbow / Longsword


≽ A nice crossbow
≽ 3 bottles of wine
≽ 1 really good bottle of wine
≽ Bottle of 'wine'
≽ Longsword
≽ Pouch of 5 regals
≽ Papers
≽ Inkwell



Points: 50 + 10 Hobby | [50 / 10] Spent, [0 / 0] Remaining


Core Group Proficiencies
≽ Melee Combat Category

≻ 7 Sword Combat
≽ Ranged Combat Category
≻ 20 Utility Ranged Combat
Talent Group Proficiencies
≽ Special Training Category

≻ 10 Perception Training (5 Points, 5 Drahl Boost)
Hobby Group Proficiencies
≽ Nature Art Category

≻ 10 Hunting Art (10 Hobby)


≽ 3 Points

≻ Altalar Language
≽ 6 Points, Honed Skill 3

≻ Command School | Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy
≻ Command School | Skole Militair Nordskag
≻ Espionage School | Groupe d'Intervention Pratique
≽ 9 Points

≻ Rogue Gift 3
≻ Government Forgery Pack
≻ Guard Forgery Pack


Physical Stat: 17 [Drahl Cap at 30]

≻ Utility Ranged x0.5, Sword x1
≻ 20 Utility Ranged, 7 Sword
≻ (20 / 2) + 7
≻ 10 + 7 = 17
Body Shape: Ripped
Body Fat: Low


Common: Free language
Ériu-Innin: Parent language
Modern Altalar: Linguistics investment


Ailor Racial Abilities | Drahl Lineage
≻ Battle Sense 1 | Control Power
≻ Spirit Familiar 1 | Toggle Passive
≻ Honed Skill 3 | Constant Passive
Utility Ranged Combat | 20 Points
≻ Brittle Shot | Mundane Technique
≻ Knocking Shot | Mundane Technique
≻ Net Shot | Mundane Technique
≻ Gate Shot | Mundane Technique
≻ Percussion Shot | Mundane Technique
Vampirism | Von Kërle Bloodline
≻ Vampire Base Kit
≻ Servile Collar 1 | Control Power
≻ Servile Collar 2 | Control Power
≻ Afflicted Life 1 | Constant Passive
≻ Blood Feeding 1 | Control Power
≻ Blood Eyes 2 | Constant Passive
≻ Blood Curse 1 | Constant Passive
≻ Vampiric Form 1 | Full Shift
≻ Cursed Soul 1 | Constant Passive
≻ Bloodline Ability Kit
≻ Primal Horror 1 | Constant Passive
≻ Belliard Horror 1 | Constant Passive
≻ Super Self 2 | Constant Passive
≻ Super Self 4 | Constant Passive
≻ Super Self 5 | Constant Passive
≻ Blood Dance 1 | Trigger Passive
≻ Blood Dance 2 | Trigger Passive
≻ Blood Dance 3 | Trigger Passive
≻ Vampiric Familiar 2 | Trigger Passive
≻ Power Howl 1 | Trigger Passive
≻ Corvaic Will 1 | Trigger Passive



Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Short but messy
Skin Color: Pale-ish white
Clothing: Think Count Dooku, but friendlier. And a shorter red cape.
Height: 5'8" | ~173cm




Alignment: Lawful Evil | "The Dominator"
Personality Type: ENTJ | "The Commander"
Religion: Faith of the Dark Ancients(?) | 7/10

≻ Reasoning: 'Manifest Destiny' for Vampirism thing, 'coming back from the dead' granting him this belief of the world. Additionally, trying to make life as easy for his (adopted) son Alton Rider as physically possibly by nearly any means necessary due to warped perception of the world.


How would Felsin express happiness and contentment?
≻ Drinking wine, smiling, happy yelling, painfully tight hugs
How would Felsin respond to experiencing fear?
≻ Yelling, punching, cursing like he just stepped on a d4 while singing a shanty
How would Felsin respond to experiencing stress?
≻ Acting irritated, snappy, cursing, random words being strung together as insults (i.e. 'you badgering bumpkin', 'you salted watermelon')
How does Felsin view the law and authorities?
≻ Follow it, use it from the shadows to manipulate others into useful positions, avoid drawing their ire.
How does Felsin feel about races other than his own?
≻ Acts friendly, despises most unless they are strong or have proven themselves (or are vampires; then less proving needs done)
How does Felsin feel about religion for himself and other faiths?
≻ Surprised about his newfound belief, but isn't in the mental state to question it at the moment. Also enjoys the belief at this time.
How does Felsin feel about the arcane and magical in the world?
≻ Useful, efficient, and 'shiny', like a new toy. Also quite unique
How does Felsin feel toward his family?
≻ Extremely possessive, wants to protect his son at almost all costs. Loves him, but very possessively. Will accidentally make some real pointed barbs at him though.
What is Felsin the proudest of about himself?
≻ Comin' back to fuckin' life because of his love for his son (or so he believes)
What motivates Felsin to move forward and better his life?
≻ His son; almost an obsession, really.
What is Felsin's biggest insecurity?
≻ Losing his son and seeing him sink into poverty
What is Felsin's biggest fear?
≻ Dying again without making sure his son is safe for the rest of his life


≻ Can be hotheaded if he has some alcohol in him.
≻ Liked bar fights. Not so much anymore, but is still decent at them.
≻ Drinking games. He's rather good at holding his alcohol.
≻ His son
≻ Practicing fighting. It gets the blood pumping.
≻ Indulging in being a lovable dumbass?
≻ Drinking wine and chatting about things.
≻ People beating up his son. This tends to have the side effect of anger and murderous intent rising in him.
≻ He has a love-hate relationship with bar fights.
≻ Being stabbed (eliciting much anger)



"I—Felsin Kretch Ol' Neras Lokril—started off as a young boy, enamored with the thought of being a knight, fighting for the good of people and all that shite. Well, that was until I realized that some people were absolute shite, so that changed to 'if shite, smite. If not, pass.' Of course, this didn't fit well with most knights, so I decided to drag myself along with the Bloodcast Order, learning to shoot the kneecaps of bad people, or those who were overall assholes to good people.

"Eventually, I found a child, full of spunk and life who wanted to become a Bloodcast. This child's name was Alton Rider, and he was a persistent little shit, coming to my tent every day for weeks as I dealt with business in the town nearby, asking me to teach 'im. Years of walkin' alone on paths by yerself can be boring, so I asked Ser Chelsey. He said, 'No, that's a bad idea. A really bad idea. Please don't take the child with you to train.' So I eventually relented and took the child to train.
Alton was a smart lad, better with the sword than crossbow, and I taught the brat everything I knew. Eventually adopted the stubborn twat ...

"So, you'd think things'd be nice for a bit? They were, a good twelve years' worth of good times. Of course, bad shite happened, but what's better than having yer kid almost neuter ye with the blunt of 'is sword? Seeing the lad do that to a foe! But then we were jumped by some jackasses who wanted us to 'become one with the earth again' or some shit. I got stabbed. A lot. Also cut. I shot some of the neanderthalic numpties, but there were too many, so I fell unconscious.

"Felt a pain in my neck, then woke up covered with some cold-ass dirt an' mud. Also, fuck the rain when yer waking up from dying."
(He was bitten in the middle of the battle by a Vampire and was infected. He was put on the edge of death, but stabilized from either some dumb luck, or the Vampire stabilizing him.) "So, I stood up, froze my ass off in the thrice-cursed rain, and started walking to a town. I was hungry, so damn hungry at that time ... Found some chap in the woods, ripped his neck out. It was good. I think he was a bandit ... Eh, fuck 'im, he died like a pansy.

"So, anyhow, walking on the roads, got some ideas. Son o' mine was never really happy, he thought he was, but he never had a good home, no real good foods, passable wine, virgin-lookin' ass, so I decided, 'Know what? Fuck 'em, I'm goin' to change some shit' and decided to gather all my wealth. Learned some new shiny shit somehow? Felt like things needed to change, my son deserved this shit, deserved the fuckin' world, an' then I could do this new shit. Pretty fun, thought Alton'd find it good, thought about him, got angry, punched a tree for a bit, continued on. Eventually came across civilization again.

"Now I'm here, feelin' like I've been tortured, beat, an' hit with bags of rocks, canine teeth feeling like someone applied a file to the damn things, eyes burnin'. But alive."

I knew Felsin knew Alton but, holy crap, he's Alton's DAD!! Than means he's Cati's gRANDPA!!!!!

Removed the Altalar language from Felsin, changed a few things about personality which felt outdated, & updated with the Aontaithe update. Not sure if I should mark for re-review or not, considering how little has actually changed.
I knew Felsin knew Alton but, holy crap, he's Alton's DAD!! Than means he's Cati's gRANDPA!!!!!

*Upon the realization of this, Felsin feels twice as if he aged a decade within the span of a few seconds. He's a Grandfather now.*
But yeah! Old bastard pretending to be responsible in front of the grandchild is likely plausible xD
@festiveCorvid I am real sorry, but I made an edit right as it was being approved; felt that it requires a ping as well
Edit to get rid of Guard & Government forgery packs due to lack of usage both in the past & future plans
Edited Communal vamp point, removed Hacking & turned it's communal point to Sabotage & bought Blunt Pack with the point freed