Preserved Sheet Felix Nort, The Fallen

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The Two-World Diplomat
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
the Void
Felix Nort

Basic Information

"You lack some respect."

Full Name: Felix Nort
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Dressolini Ailor
Sexuality: Heterossexual

Skill Information

"I'm a man of my word."

~Total Points~
42 Proficiency points to spend from age, because the character is 42 years old;
+7 Hunting Knowledge
+10 Alchemy Sciences
+9 Rogue Training
+16 Literacy Arts

~Body Shape~

Physical stat:
+8 Literacy Arts​
Total: 8
Body Shape: Toned
Body Fat: Extreme Low Fat


Common (learned in childhood)
Dressolini (taught by parents at home)

Visual Information

"I'm not old. I'm simply damaged."

Eye Color: Very deep brown
Hair Color: Chocolate brown
Hair Style: Left swept short
Skin Color: Tanned skin
Clothing: Old Noble Clothing
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch


Personality and Abilities

"Such an interesting creature. Who are they?"

Alignment: Chaotic good
Personality Type: Advocate
Religion: Unionism (0)


Life Story

"I have the motivation to find those I lost."

Felix was born in Daendroc, to a humble family. His mother died at his age of 10, having left him with a passion for writing. His brother, hoping to make money to better his family's financial state, ends up being killed by vampires during a hunt. His father, man of honour, ironically lets himself corrupt for finding money and health for his family, never returning after taking an eerie contract.

Lonely and hopeless in his adolescence, Felix finds a man in Regalia that would get him into a rogue-like thief guild, where he would steal and bribe for money in Fendarfelle. After a life of many unworthy jobs, Felix and this man part to a city of prestige, mainly through the man's contacts, where Felix learns alchemy until his friend is killed during combat.

Returning to Regalia, Felix takes the ownership of one of his friend's battle forts, making easy money with trade routes through it. In Regalia, he meets a Varran to which he marries secretly against Regalian law, and there he lives with her as if she was his maid.

Hoping only for a good life of redemption and peace, Felix lives it until his fort is taken over by bandits during the war in Fendarfelle. He sends his wife to a safe place far from Regalia and travels to bargain with the bandits, only to be thrown off a tower and luckily surviving, though with a permanently damaged leg and a fainting memory. He was found at shore by a group of sailors that helped him and brought him back to Regalia.


Life Chronicles
Felix Nort was born in a Dressolini Ailor community in Daendroc. They lived in a small village that hunted
for money and food to survive. He was born from a simple family as their second child.

During his childhood, Felix was taught by his father to hunt and strip animals of their skin and meat, a job Felix never really felt satisfied with. For his conservative community, it was mandatory that all men learned to hunt.
At the age of 10, Felix experiences his mother's death in a fire that consumed the entirety of the village, leaving most of the survivors homeless and with no where to go.
Having a direct strong connection to his mother as a kid, but striving to stay strong to never let down his family, he starts to write as a hobby to ease his mind.

During his adolescence, and after the fire, Felix's family starts running through many financial and sustaining difficulties. Him and his brother start to wander off further into other territories to hunt in order to earn money faster.
As a consequence, his brother dies in a vampire ambush, which causes an overwhelming emotional trauma for Felix's father, leading him to accept a dangerous contract just to earn as much money as he could in order to run away safely and be able to give his family's last member a decent life.
As he leaves to fulfil the contract, however, he never returns again.
Felix, hopeless, travels to Regalia after months of working to pay a trip.
Arriving, he finds amongst many issues and trouble, a man that would aid him and take him as a brother to a guild of thieves in Fendarfelle – Echo.
During his time in the guild, he learns many rogue skills. His weakness in combat forced him to use stealth and intelligence to bypass enemies and avoid fights.

After years spent as a bandit and a rogue thief, Echo finds a way for them to enter a prestigious city in Fendarfelle through his contacts, where Felix settles as a student in alchemy and earning easy money with it.
Years later, during one of Echo's combat trips, he gets killed, the news having Felix unable to stand the city from that point. To this, Felix travels back to Regalia, where he settles with the money he had made in the city.
Soon Felix would get a letter from a cousin of Echo's setting him off for a deal, where he would, from that point, own one of Echo's battle forts in Fendarfelle. He starts using this a trading post, with which he earns enough money to sustain himself.
It is in Regalia Felix finds a Varran woman, with who he falls in love with. However, being such a love despised by society, it remained hidden between four walls.
Felix eventually secretly marries this Varran woman far from Regalia, and starts living with her inside the Holy City, in which they pretend she is his maid.

The Bargain:
It isn't without expectation that a war reaches Fendarfelle, to which Felix loses his fort and main source of income, it being taken by bandits after being used as a field of war.
Hoping to bargain with the bandits and, taking precautions, Felix sends his wife out of Regalia to safe lands owned by her family, then sailing to Fendarfelle.
Felix's bargain is rejected and he ends up being thrown off a tower of his lost fort, only to crash down by a river and being taken with the current towards the shore.
Through months Felix remains unconscious, being treated by the ship's medics while the crew that found him travels back to Regalia away from the war.
Luckily, he survives, with a forever broken leg and a failing memory of almost everything in his past.

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