Preserved Sheet Felix Morathes

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jayp's gayp
Jun 4, 2018
Reaction score
da Kratör
Character Information
  • Full Name: Felix of Clan Morathes
    • Asha: Chike, child of Rehema
  • Race: Feka Asha
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Genderfluid.
  • Eye Color: Pale Yellow-Brown.
Core Concept
  • A vengeful shade still clinging to the past. Prone to violent outbursts, they toil relentlessly in the wake of a cause that cost everything and left them with nothing. Felix has struggled with the concept of Faith for a long while, through tragedy, hardship and wild changes to their life, and it is only now they begin to recoup some faith, seeking the comfort of religion once more.
  • Strength: 4
    • Unarmed Pack
    • Large Blades Pack
    • Blunt Pack.
    • Polearm Pack
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Affliction Wisdom
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 3 (Void)
    • Metal Magic Pack.
    • Flesh Magic Pack.
    • Glamour Magic Pack.
  • Charisma: 6
    • State Commander
    • West Linguist
    • Ancient Speech
    • Advanced Husbandry (Dew'enet)
  • None.
Common (Free)
Ibeth (Native)
West Linguist Pack (Linguistics)

Appearance Information
  • Felix has no mutations, but a helping of scars smattered over his body from years of fighting.
  • Felix boasts an impressive physique, standing tall at 6'4", that favours a more built appearance with relatively low body fat, and cultivated musculature. Their skin is a light tan, far from pampered and on the rougher side in spots, further marred with the occasional stripe of fine, short fur. Tired, yellow eyes peer out from sockets battered by sleep deprivation, eternally with dark circles. Their hair is a muddy brown, kept long to just below the shoulders and tied back into a bun of sorts, with the majority left to flow down his back.
Life Story
  • Born in the port state of Osso, Chike was born to an unknown pair of Asha and Ailor immigrants. She was shortly thereafter abandoned, and raised communally.
  • Chike spent her formative years wheeling and dealing. Adopting the lifestyle of a grifter at a young age, and learning quick how to make a quick buck off hapless passerbys.
  • Early into her adulthood the solitary nature of her lifestyle began to weigh on her. Seeking companionship, she adopted the sympathetic company of a band of roving Feka not entirely unlike herself.
  • Seeking greater fortune, and a more stable source of living, the catgirl caravan traveled to Regalia. There, they would settle a new homestead and form a community where they finally belonged; or at least, such was the plan.
  • Through trial and trial again, Chike evolves through faces, occupations and faiths, though early into 310 AC finds themselves taking the name Felix, and before long, adopted into a House.
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SUP. Picking this application up for staff review!
@Katiesc Seph went and got infected with vampirism again, so I figured it was time to update her bloodline in accordance with the new alais rewrite, and also reformatted her app to be better with da help of @Qoll

No other changes beyond bloodline stuff, and addition of the new name she'd taken + addition of proficiency limits
@Katiesc Pretty big update. Profs got shifted around to a large degree, introduced Ritualism and changed sorcery to be more on what I want to do with the character, and updated morality/alignment in light of development. In less drastic/aesthetic changes, I updated the list of mutations they have and etc.
@Mollymock substantial rewrite of the character's origins, seeing as they couldn't have been a Half-Varran due to the Asha update. Elsewise, moved the 3 points from linguistics for Kathar Elven and made it a native language to boost sorcery back up to what it was pre-Kathar update
This bloodline will disable her sorcery, and I would remove the ivory description from her auld form, as that should be primarily black or dark grey. Please make these changes and tag me.
The Auld form mentions having pure white skin, with only patches of black/dark grey, which is reflected in the vampire form's description above. It's confusing, but the white skin thing is mentioned under the line with eyes, rather than anything else.

Additionally, I'm aware it disables sorcery; it still remains on the app, however.

The Auld form mentions having pure white skin, with only patches of black/dark grey, which is reflected in the vampire form's description above. It's confusing, but the white skin thing is mentioned under the line with eyes, rather than anything else.

Additionally, I'm aware it disables sorcery; it still remains on the app, however.

Oh you're right, I didn't see that on the eye line. For the sorcery, just mark it as disabled due to vampirism similarly to how you have vampirism as active.
@Azas App updated and massively overhauled. I had a few updates I'd wanted to push for awhile, but had to wait to do so. On top of that, the character has been cleansed.
@Azas hee hoo funny, you're gonna hate me for tagging again soon but it's just to inform that the character was turned into a Manathar icly, and has been updated accordingly
@Azas Character updated after returning from break, swapped out some profs to portray the character more as I want to play them, and swapped 2? spells out that never saw use.
@Follower app updated with general bits of information (namely surrounding gender and appearance facets). Swapped out a duplicate spell (Magic Sight 1) for Element Control 3. No other changes.
@Follower aged down a little, profs updated, along with general information on faith. Removed Flux Shift 7 as a spell, since it was again, unused and taking up points. Ranged combat removed, points pumped into fist following some IC learning over the past month or so, and hobbies rearranged following the same, to get some use out of them. (also because I like more uniform numbers >:( )