Preserved Sheet Felix "redbeard The Mad" Richards Ratcliffe

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Bane of Europe
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score

Felix "Freedman" Richards Ratcliffe

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Felix Richards Freedman Ratcliffe
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Nautilaan)
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Dual Sabers
Skill Information
50 Age points | 10 Talent Points | 10 Hobby points
  • 15 Blade combat (+15 from age points)
  • 10 Pureteck Combat (+10 from age points)
  • 5 Fist combat (+5 from age points)
  • 10 Captain Knowledge (+5 from Culture boost | +5 from Talent points)
  • 15 Sailing art (+10 from Hobby points | +5 from age points)
  • 10 perception training (+5 from talent points |+5 from age points)
Body Shape

  • Physical stat:
  • Ripped build
  • Low body fat

  • Common
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Archblood Arsenal
  • Archblood Mindwall
  • Archblood Siphon
  • Calling of Lords
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Archblood Purple
  • Hair Color: Ginger Auburn
  • Hair Style: Short and messy with a bright ginger beard often decorated with incense.
  • Skin Color: Ailor pink/ tanned
  • Clothing: Casual breathable clothing.
  • Height: 6'3
Personality and Abilities

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Felix being the easy going guy he is, along with his wild and upbeat personality. Constantly does the man sport a smile, happiness is expressed with the man whistling sailing tunes and his face adorned with bright smile.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Upon facing fear, a crooked yet nervous smile can be seen on Felix's face. Smiling in the face of fear and danger has become a coping mechanism for the man, as he doesn't really know how to act in the situation.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Quick to blow up, being the hot headed man he is stress isn't something he deals with all too well, causing him to blow up and act irrational or distant.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Without law and authority there is chaos and destruction, but too much law and authority there is no freedom
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Felix sees Ailor as the superior race, the lowest being kathar. Albeit he holds a strong hatred towards Allar due to his previous enslavement under them.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Felix himself is a Unionist, but he believes as if religion in its own might be a sham to control weak minded people.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • "Magic? It's for fools who can't wield a blade, or for those who belong in a circus" - Felix on the topic of magic
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Felix feels guilt for abandoning his family, but having them back he feels a strong sense of responsibility to bring the name into a good light.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • The man is most proud of his own strength to push forwards throughout all the troubles he has endured in his life.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Freedom, Family and his pursuit of Wealth and Glory.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • The single biggest insecurity Felix holds, is how he is perceived by others
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • The loss of his humanity.

-=[Life Story]=-

Birth through age 8: Born on the 20th of April on a rainy spring day, to the aristocratic common Ceardian family Biltcliffe. The youngest son of seven children. These years of the boy's life were spent studying under his political father Davisson J Biltcliffe and getting into trouble due to his wild personality and free spirit nurtured by his mother Dianne Biltcliffe

Age 9 through 15: Upon the ninth year of Felix's life, Davisson J Biltcliffe rises in political power in Ceardia, taking his seat with the Aristocrats and Nobles alike. Albeit rising into power through crimes and plots to treason. Thus the Biltcliffe men were arrested and branded treasonist. Upon Felix's fifteenth birthday his Father Davisson and his Eldest brother were executed for their crimes against the state. Felix taking this harshly as he was the next Male in the Biltcliffe line. Fearing for his own life he abandoned the family, taking refugee on a wood rot merchant ship. A week past on the oceans before the ship was taken fire upon by a Slaving vessel, the stowaway found and enslaved along with the other captives of the ship.

Age 16 through 18: For two years Felix Biltcliffe endured the life of slavery, finding a wife and having a child. Both of which falling to sickness from the poor environment provided to the slaves thus dying shortly after. Enraged with the events, Felix along with other slaves under his master, planned a rebellion. The rebellion resulting in heavy casualties on both sides and ending with the Murder of the man James R Verro, the owner of the seventy slaves. Taking their freedom back , commandeering a large merchant's vessel from the harbor and setting sail.

Age 19 through 26: Upon taking his freedom by force and commandeering a ship with the fellow freedman, Felix Biltcliffe took up the position as Captain of the new ship. Leading the men into Multiple battles against slaving ships and privateers alike. Freeing men and plundering ship for their own benefits and survival. For Seven years The man fought on the seas freeing other slaves and pirating, finding a love for the salty spray of the sea's winds thus finding his home on the waves.

Age 27 through 30: At the age of Twenty-seven, eight years after he took his own freedom and began freeing other slaves. Felix returned to Ceardia, coming back into contact with his mother and sisters, along with his Surviving brother. The long thought dead and youngest son of the Biltcliffe Family returning only to find the family's name changed to Ratcliffe and the remainders of his once aristocratic family living in poverty. Felix Challenged his Eldest surviving brother to a duel for the head of the family. Felix cut his brother down quickly in the duel, taking leadership at the head of the table to the Ratcliffe family, vowing to bring dignity and honor back, but now to the name Ratcliffe. He lives with them in Ceardia for two years before embarking on another voyage, only to return to take his mother and sisters to the holy capital city of Regalia.

Age 30 to Present: Upon arriving to Regalia, the Ratcliffe family looked for work. Felix getting with a Varran sailor and opening F&F Fishmonger Company. Felix now works the company as a co-owner and captain to a fishing sloop. He's eager to find ways to better the name of the family, looking towards the Imperial navy.

We now wait for where Felix goes with life, as it is a mystery we must watch play out.~ OR SO WE THOUGHT.

After years back on the seas, Felix gained the name Captain Redbeard the Mad. Leading his pirate crew from ship to ship. Plundering and killing those in his way until he made his way around the world some times over and back to the archipelago where we now await his next move.
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Review time!
  • Please specify which stats are from the Ailor +15, as they do not factor into body stat!
Make your edit in a new color and tag me @Rochelle_ when you're done! Also do keep in mind Felix will still not be able to use any of his Witchblood mutations until the 11th of August.
In addition, Changed body stat in Red
All changes will be done in red
My Review

Proficiency Points
  • Puretek: Puretek is currently disabled, if you place the points here you will not be able to use them for some time.
  • Calculation: I swear I double checked this at least four times. You've an extra FIVE points that you can use from your age (currently it hits 40 rather than 45 with your age boost)! If you'd like to put it towards something, you may, or you can list it as undecided place to be taught IC.
  • Racial: Please relabel Cultural Boost to Racial Boost.
Body Stat
  • Calculation: Seems like you forgot to add your body stat, please revise.
No im gonna have to set it aside for a while. As iv limited access to the internet right now. @HydraLana
Rejected until the requirements are reached! Go ahead and update the thread at your convenience.