Archived Feedback On The Pet System

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Leader of Eastwood
May 5, 2013
Reaction score
The pet system is really fun to use, but there are a few things that I think could be improved.

*The glitching
This is avoidable as long as the player does not do it, but it is preferable if it is not possible, of course.

*The hitbox
In PvP the pets felt fun at first, but as you got into it the pets did not work good at all.
The pets are first of all way too fast, the only real way that you could hit people for a long time was if you were chasing right behind them and they were riding straight forward, arrows are rendered mostly useless against people using pets, and as far as I noticed, the bigger the pet the harder it is to hit the person riding it.

I suggest that pets either

A. Are killable. Misuse of this should not be too common as you can just spawn another pet without any problems.

B. Are not rideable in combat. This prevents the PvP issue, but also removes the fun and tactical part of using it in PvP.

Also, the unavailable pets should probably either not be on the /pet list, or all the unavailable ones should be in red text like the giant is.

I realize that it was just implemented earlier today but I wanted to give you feedback as soon as possible so that you can fix it better.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Not rideable in combat.
If it gives an advantage then no. Because Mojang doesn't allow it then.
I agree with all of this, and personally think making them killable would solve most problems they are causing.
Make them vincible outside of the Regalia, but, when a pet is spawned with the world of Regalia, they are invincible. This would keep both sides of the server happy.

Also, if the pets themselves were made vulnerable to attacks, add a cool down mechanic to the command so you can't spawn back a pet automatically.