Archived Fear Not Maiars!

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Wallpaper Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2013
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The City of Sails
Mithril. Represent.
Roleplay Guilds
Some Maiars have been complaining about roleplaying being extremely difficult in Regalia due to their lack of water. A fix for this problem could be...

*Maiars carrying a water bucket will consume the bucket the next time they are "Thirsty" and they will not lose hunger, rather gain some.
*Same for water bottles, but they add less.
*As for our non-maiar friends, drinking water from a bottle restores 1 chicken nugget (Or hunger whatevs) except for Dakkar. Drinking water should decrease their health by 5 hearts.

Just a little idea for our sea dwelling friends.

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I'm quite positive this had been suggested numerous times before. Simply if you are not up to the challenge of role playing a Maiar do not do so. Just like vampires don't have umbrellas to walk around with an need to find shade( yes easier then water ) but still the main Roleplay attractions such as the tavern have the spa which is a source for fish folk. Yeah it's a nifty idea and all but has been denied time and time before.
I'm quite positive this had been suggested numerous times before. Simply if you are not up to the challenge of role playing a Maiar do not do so. Just like vampires don't have umbrellas to walk around with an need to find shade( yes easier then water ) but still the main Roleplay attractions such as the tavern have the spa which is a source for fish folk. Yeah it's a nifty idea and all but has been denied time and time before.
I just think, it's really ridiculous that people physically CANNOT roleplay as Maiars no matter how hard they try to stay near water. The idea of Maiars drinking water when they need it would be realistic and generally helpful. I don't see a valid reason to refuse it, as you've just completely turned down my idea without much backup reasoning.
My friend, let me tell you a tale of my own maiar's tail. There were no fountain paths for a time. Our people were as disregarded as the dakkar, and I made the same question as you once. We also have more maiar females than males. Which...there's one dwarven female, I think? Ratio wise, not bad. No convenient fast travel water pipes, and frequent dying on Celine's doorstep.

Which is now my second character's new estate- after working with my maiar in roleplay so much. Ha.

But! We have an embassy now, are not threatened with daily consumption by regalian residents, and we have water fountains hidden about town. We as staff are *completely* overburdened right now, and doing our best- plugin wise, after months of upgrades to making regalia maiar friendly, it is low on our priority with everything else the player base is asking for.

Enjoy your youth my little minnow. We'll do what we can, but we're doing out best. If you need to, I lead a maiar faction as well if you'd like assistance.

All the Best,
I agree that it is a neat idea, and I do think it would be useful for Maiars. However, unless I'm mistaken Maiar's are a race that sticks to themselves and their own community. To stay in character as that race you wouldn't really need to leave the water all that much. If someone wants to RP out of the water as a Maiar it would be best for them to just be another race and RP as a Maiar as some Vampires do when they have another character of another race. Sure, it's not the same as being able to swim and the other benefits of being a fishy, but unless something like your idea comes out it's just something that will have to be done, and comes as one of the faults of being a Maiar-RPer.
I just think, it's really ridiculous that people physically CANNOT roleplay as Maiars no matter how hard they try to stay near water. The idea of Maiars drinking water when they need it would be realistic and generally helpful. I don't see a valid reason to refuse it, as you've just completely turned down my idea without much backup reasoning.

Well clearly people can RP as maiars, because some do. And the valid reasons have been stated many times on many other threads which suggested what you are suggesting and were rejected.
I was a maiar a while ago, and yes, it was tough to stay alive. I just stayed in water a lot. And I constantly find myself getting into fights, then having to go back for water, which was incredibly annoying. I wish more people would go near water, it'd make it easier for maiars. Though, Maiars are meant to her are around Regalia so...
No no no no no. There are fountains all over Regalia. Just sit in those and regenerate your hunger. I could see maybe the water buckets, but if you did this with bottles, the Maiar would have an infinite source of water. All they'd need is bottles and a water bucket, and they could walk anywhere without having to sit in water ONCE. Now the water buckets, maybe, because those take up much more inventory room and it'd enable Maiars to roleplay more easily without allowing them to leave the water for too long. But even this kind of ruins the roleplay, because Maiar are supposed to be water creatures, seen mostly only by ship and by fishermen. In my opinion, if you can't handle being a Maiar, change your race and make a new character.
[Tis' but a Joke]

"Oh, I can't breathe!"
*Takes out bottle of water and drinks it*
"Ah, that's better!"

Because that's how breathing works :D
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