Preserved Sheet Fayette Vigneau

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professional rotter
May 24, 2020
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  • Name: Fayette Vrière Vigneau
    • Born name: Naevys Norxisys
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: El-Maraya


  • Core
    • +3 Admiral School
      • Talant Ilha-Faial
    • +15 Void-Based Sorcery
      • Element Control 3
      • Arcane Mastery 1
      • Spirit Familiar 1
      • Element Control 1
      • True Path 1
    • +5 Sword Combat
    • +15 Sailing Art
    • +15 Instrument Art (10 Core + Racial Boost)
    • +10 Vocal Arts (Lich Speechwill)
    • 2 unspent
  • Hobby
    • +5 Body Art
    • +5 Pathfinding Art
  • Body Shape
    • 5 Sword + 7.5 Sailing Art = 12.5 rounded to 13, capped at 5.
    • Slim
    • Low Body Fat
  • Languages
    • Common
    • Shalota
    • Modern Altalar
  • Abilities
    • Sorcery
      • Element Control 3
      • Arcane Mastery 1
      • Spirit Familiar 1
      • Element Control 1
      • True Path 1
    • Racial
      • Keen Mind 1
      • Home Enchant 3
      • Meraic Will 1
      • Meraic Will 2
      • Body Tether 1
      • Mind Shield 1
      • Element Control 6
    • Mutations
      • Exist Grasp
      • Void Tears
      • Harpsichord of the Deep
      • Never Dryeth
    • Zikiel Bloodline (ACTIVE)
      • Lich Mastery
      • Lich Mindward
      • Lich Spiderweb
      • Lich Frostwall
      • Lich Horrorwall
      • Lich Death storm
      • Lich Faithwall
      • Lich Reachwall
      • Lich Speech will
      • Lich Word will
      • In lich form, her skeleton is fully displayed, with not so much as a hint of flesh, muscle, or blood left. The anatomical structure itself possesses an icy-blue sheen, pearlescent and glimmering only faintly when exposed to a light source. The tips of her phalanges are coated in an iridescent shimmer akin to the rest of her bones, though it seems more concentrated upon these tiny areas, becoming more intense in hue saturation and reflective qualities. Other than this pearlescent appearance sprinkled across her structure, Fayette has no other abnormal qualities for a normal skeleton; her structure is simple with no extra eyes or limbs. Moreover, she is granted an additional foot in this form, making her 6'5 rather than 5'5.


  • Eye Color: Light Pink
  • Hair Color: Darker pink
  • Skin color: Light Blue
  • Hairstyle: Grown out waist-length, typically down to be utilized more efficiently.
  • Clothing: Anything convenient
  • Height: 5'5


  • Alignment: True Neutral (non-afflicted)
    • Having been exposed to both sides of the coin throughout her life, Fayette has come to understand that the same things are more useful than others, whether good or bad. She has learned to utilize both the sunlight and the shadows for the greater good of whatever her moral compass points to, or for whoever she may be serving. She is not a leader, she is a tool who fakes leadership; an influencer made to bribe and make deals, two-faced.
  • Afflicted alignment: Neutral Evil
    • She sticks to the same two-faced mentality, albeit a bit more intense and focused on her own selfish needs. What she wants more than anything else in the world is to hold as much knowledge as is possible for her body and she will go by any means necessary. She doesn't care to break the law nor keep it, and abstains from letting outside forces influence her decisions wholly. She will simply do what she must, whether that is breaking a law or keeping it.
  • Personality: Logistician
    • Fayette was born with a keen mind for learning, and she often takes time for herself to self-teach. Moreover, she thinks less of emotions and most on thought and strategy, thinking the world would be a better place if people relied less on their hearts and more on their heads -- assuming they have heads. In some cases, she will go to the extreme as to even suggest that the world would be better if people had no feelings, emotion, or passion at all.
  • Religion: Void-aligned, worships Morrlond
    • With her time traveling the seas with Fin'ullen she heard the various tales and was educated on the topic of the Pantheon, though the particular half-demon piqued her interest. Due to something that happened to her at sea, she now believes him to be one of the most powerful entities and worships him for the sake of being granted grace and mercy from his wrath.


  • Birth
    • A certain egg laid cast aside in the bottom-most storage units of a ship with a wend for Ithania, her birthright promise of a place in the home swarm all for naught as she was smuggled away by Ailor. Once arrived, quickly setting up shop citizens and visitors of all shapes and sizes lined up to see what they could grab for the day. One such Fin'ullen family had their sights set on the exotic egg, quickly sweeping it up in trade for whatever was needed. She was taken back toTalant Ilha Faial, where she finally hatched with enough care. There, she was named Naevys Norxisys.
  • Childhood
    • Raised in Talant Ilha Faial by her two adopted Fin'ullen parents, the El-Maraya certainly felt out of place amongst a population of Altalar. Nonetheless, she carried herself in similar grace and athleticism, being indoctrinated into the seas from a young age. Her parents went on to birth two children of their own, thusly deeming Naevys the eldest and therefore with the most responsibility on her shoulders. The family was not poor, but they were not rich either, living in relative comfort without luxuries of a sumptuous life. Her father was keen on the waters and winds whilst her mother attempted to maintain a stable home life.
    • Often her father would leave home for months on end in favor of grand adventures and luxurious lifestyles, leaving behind Naevys' mother alone with three children to look after and no support. One day, however, their father never came back, and they were answered "he chose his path."
  • Teenage Years and Young Adult
    • Growing up, Naevys had a lot to work with in terms of providing for her family and taking care of her siblings and mother. However, more traits of her father showed through her true colors as she longed to be out on the sea as other Fin'ullen were. After an extensive amount of arguing, her mother agreed to send her off to the Talant Ilha-Faial Academy for Admiral Schooling. There she studied, and from there she graduated, having been fully integrated into the Fin'ullen culture despite her blue skin.
    • When she returned home, her mother had the household well under control and was providing for the family just fine, seemingly not needing Naevys anymore. She took this the wrong way, and left once more on a sour note, in favor of her adventurous wants and needs.
  • Adult Years
    • Serving in the Navy for a few years did not quite meet her expectations, leaving what she found behind cyclical over a few months every year. She traveled before eventually settling in Ithania, where she graced a locally traditional name of Fayette, last name Vigneau because she was so enamored with their culture. Instead of upkeep her relatively decent reputation, one evening at a tavern she had indulged in a scuffle between a band of sea travelers and some merchants who had cheated them out on a deal. Settling the ordeal with a game of cards, which she won, the sea-travelers took a liking to her and integrated her into their band of misfits. Being perhaps more skilled in her sailing techniques than the others (due solely to the fact that she had better schooling for it) she took up the helm and bent the sea to her will upon the mast. From this group of friends, she learned tales of Morrlond, the wayward Fin'ullen also teaching her the secrecy of Void sorcery and dark magics untold. Completely enamored, she spent weeks, months mastering and perfecting the art and craft of her newfound Void essences to bend and shape to her will. She often used other people to get what she wanted in the form of knowledge of the arcane or history she found useful, gathering up her knowledge to store in dusty tomes. In her time spent with the odd Fin'ullen crew, she also underwent extensive means to appear just as they did, undergoing procedures of mutation application to better suit her lifestyle.
    • Eventually saying goodbye to her previous wayward method of living, she moved past her childish wants to push forth to gain her more mature needs. Ultimately she settled in the Holy City: Regalia, where she challenges its 'pureness' in hopes of exploitation. She will go by any means necessary to get what she wants at the moment and currently resides in Crookback, making friends of Vampires, Werebeasts, petty criminals, and big-time terrorists.
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Hwahhh Reserved
Claimed for review.
@Lumiess She has been infected with the Zikiel bloodline. Changes made in red.