Preserved Sheet Faust Du Perrin

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Dec 11, 2018
Reaction score

Chosen Name: Faust Eduard Richarr Charles du Perrin. (Goes by Faust Perrin.)

Birth Name: Faust Eduard Richarr Charles du Clermont.

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Race: Ailor

Culture: Leutz-Vixe


Proficiency Points:
(25/25) -10 from vampirism

Finecraft Arts (+15 points)

Threads Arts (+10 from culture)

Unarmed (+10 from great gang)

Alchemy Sciences (+10 points)

Special Abilities:

Vampirism, Anterrin Bloodline:

Auld Grip

Grave Grip

Chainless Flight

Stonework Sapping

Spirit Shift


  • Common (10/10) - Fluent
  • Leutz-Vixe (10/10) - Fluent, taught at birth.
Physical Stat: 0

Body Stat: 0

Body Shape: Average

Body Fat: Extremely Low


Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Strawberry Blonde

Hair Style: Short, messy

Skin Colour: White

Clothing: That of an impoverished fashionista.

Height: 5'8


How your character experiences fear: Faust is quick to hide behind the largest person in the room, in the absence of a large enough table to duck beneath. Lent in part to his skinny frame and lack of combat expertise, Faust is a coward by most definitions of the word; he is not a hero.

How your character experiences stress: Due to the circumstances of his upbringing Faust is heavily reliant on substance abuse as an alternative to his problems, be it via his rampant alcoholism or opium addiction.

How your character experiences happiness: Faust's happiness is best achieved and improved upon when heavily intoxicated. The shell of the ambitious boy he once was, whatever pride he might experience from scholarly achievement will always pale in comparison to the bliss of a celebratory drink.

Your character's opinion on the law: A shifty individual, Faust sees the law as a 'moral guideline' to be considered at best and hidden from at worst. Given his relationship and dependence on his criminal half-sister, as well as his illicit vices, Faust is more often seen dealing with criminals and easily mistaken for one on the rare occasion that he is operating within the law's confines.

Your character's opinion on race: Despite his excommunication from his house, Faust still clings to some of the Leutz-Vixesque bigotry ever present in his upbringing. Circumstance however has led him to grow more accepting of Silven than Nelfkin. Odd.

Your character's opinion on religion: Once a devout Unionist, Faust still gives the tradition and its values some moral weight, to the extent that blame is often shifted to the Spirit's distaste for him, rather than the circumstances he has created for himself.

Your character's opinion on magic: The runt of his litter, Faust views magic as a respectable alternative to the more common ways of life in Regalia. To him, magic is a tool to be understood and practised, morals be damned. He sees magic as a scholarly practice akin to alchemy, albeit for the elite. As such, his proficiency in magic (at least when sober) is a great source of pride, and perhaps his only characteristic he feels objectively positive about.

Your character's biggest insecurity: His addictive personality and lack of true purpose in life. He is quick to lie for the sake of saving what little face he has left, propping up a flawed illusion of joy and success whenever able.

Your character's proudest achievement: Learning how to make his own Opium. In the early years of his addiction, whilst still of a relatively clear mind he was able to apply his alchemical knowledge to the refining of opium. Nowadays it's the only recipe he can utilise without needing to sober up.

Your character's biggest motivation: Alongside fueling his 'substance habits', Faust wishes desperately to make a name for himself, to whatever ends might compensate for his excommunication.

Your character's biggest fear: A victim of his own poor choices and insecurities, Faust is terrified of the day he must take responsibility for his actions and seconds such only for the negative repercussions they might have on others.


  • Born 274 AC to Aedilhild and Witteric du Clermont in the Westerlands of Brissaud bordering Ithania, a strictly Unionist couple.

  • The youngest child of the family - ten years younger than his older brother and sister - Faust was a sickly boy from birth, incongruous from the common Leutz-Vixe child and an immediate disappointment to the pair.

  • For these shortcomings however Faust was also given a significantly different upbringing to his older siblings; whilst his older brother Lucien spent much of his time training under their grandparents' care, Faust spent most of his early years indoors due to a mix of his own cowardice and his parents' shame.

  • Faust's introversion was worsened by his father's death at a young age. The boy's time was mostly spent locked within the family study, pouring over alchemic guides and research.
  • Being the only child remaining to a widowed, less than mentally balanced mother as his older siblings came to adulthood, Faust's primary passtime came from study.

  • This peaked around the boy's early adolescence wherein he came to hear whispers from his elder brother (during his rare visits) of magic and his present interest in it.

  • Of considerably meek stature Faust saw magic as an alternative to his physical shortcomings and an opportunity to prove himself, underestimating the repercussions that might come from his family's prejudice.

  • After a considerable amount of secret visits to darker corners of the Westerlands and a number of dealings with undesirables, Faust came into possession of a Phade Gauntlet to apply his studies, having stolen from the family treasury to pay for such.

  • This research amongst magicians led Faust to also learn of his half-sister, the Silven Charlie Perrin.

  • At the age of seventeen, then, when this theft was discovered so too did Faust's mother and wider family come to learn of his occultist researching.

  • This led to an informal excommunication from his house whereupon Faust was forced to flee his family home out of shame, moving off in search of his half-sister for refuge.
  • At the age of nineteen after much travelling Faust managed to locate Charlie following reports of a 'demoness' in Brissaud.

  • Initially his half-sister, with her own unfortunate scrapes with house du Clermont was wary of Faust. This, coupled with a lifetime of shortcomings led Faust into a deep depression and a lapse in his once character defining arcane study.

  • It was then that Faust first developed troubles with alcoholism as well as an unpleasant Opium addiction. Several months passed as the young man wandered from tavern to tavern, on occasion trying to write back to his house only to be ignored.

  • A chance encounter on his twentieth birthday led Charlie to stumble upon her half-brother then, taking eventual pity on him.

  • This did not remedy Faust's addictions, however, and he began his proper relationship with his half-sister as a parasite; often stealing from her to fuel his drinking and drug habit, though the stability of her care did give him the chance to excel at his earlier magical pursuits in brief moments of sobriety.

  • Charlie eventually made the decision to leave Brissaud, with which Faust was reluctantly complicit (lacking the competence and means of supporting himself).
  • Years later the two made their way to Regalia, where Faust still mooches off of his sister to this day.
  • In the year 307, Faust was attacked and infected with sanguinism, being forcefully transformed into a vampire of the anterrin bloodline and too weak-willed to seek curing.
  • Soon after, in hopes of finding a means of establishing a steady supply of blood (due to his own incompetence) he went on to join the Revenants of Pride gang.
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Please make the following edits:
  • Faust is listed as age: 32, however you have 33 proficiency points. I'm unsure of where the extra point came from.
  • Magician spells cost Magic proficiency points, not magical knowledge. The two are very different. Please change magical knowledge to magic, and update Faust's spell book accordingly. -
  • In the personality section, expand on how your character views magic and go into detail. This is one of his most important aspects to the personality section, given he is a magician. One to two sentences is applicable.
  • Personality sections require at least two sentences. Please update and expand on the more barren sections.
Please tag me once you've made the following edits in blue.
I'm afraid sanguine are incapable of using parlor magic bar from certain mutations, you'll have to choose either magician or vampirism. Update the application and then tag me once you're done.
I believe you misunderstood. A sanguine cannot also be a magician, and vise versa. Please update the application by removing either all sanguine related details, or all magician details. You have a spell book and mutations section which cannot be allowed.
@JarrettdaCarrot I understood fine but for some reason my edit to delete the spellbook didn't go through whilst removing all my proficiency points did. Either way fixed now!