Archived Faster Time To Become A New Race

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Jun 30, 2013
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Hello, i think that once you pick a race, you should be able to pick a different one in like, a day and a half or just a day, because By accident I picked a Maiar , when I ment to pick Human so maybe for people JUST joining the server, they get like an extra chance of becoming a new race (ex.If I pick a Human and I want to be Elf, I can switch my race just ONCE for no time to be needed to wait) and then after I pick the elf, then the time will be needed for to pick a new race!:)
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McMuffin55 I imagine just along the lines of regretting what race someone chose, then they have to wait 3 days playing as their disliked race.
Perhaps an in game quest that requires a dedication to an alter of sorts to the race involving a material and silver donation. Something similar to the light and dark alters for vampires, expanding on this idea the racial alters could have other criteria, like an agni one would have to be built in the nether or a maiar one being built in an ocean biome. More suggestion would be for dwarfs to have to choose at a certain low digit "y" coordinate so they were in a mine and a tigran would have to be in a desert. This would encourage travel and awesome rp builds and perhaps racial centric factions and civilizations. Meh, just some suggestions.
I like this idea. Your first race should not set the cool down. As in, if you go from raceless to any other race you do not need to wait 3 days before using the command again. Another thing to help this would be maiar, agni and maybe even vampire rooms in the info universe. When you walk into them you get the powers of those races. This would allow people to try agni and maiar without having to wait 3 days before becoming normal again.
Perhaps an in game quest that requires a dedication to an alter of sorts to the race involving a material and silver donation. Something similar to the light and dark alters for vampires, expanding on this idea the racial alters could have other criteria, like an agni one would have to be built in the nether or a maiar one being built in an ocean biome. More suggestion would be for dwarfs to have to choose at a certain low digit "y" coordinate so they were in a mine and a tigran would have to be in a desert. This would encourage travel and awesome rp builds and perhaps racial centric factions and civilizations. Meh, just some suggestions.

im not sure if this would help or if it is even really related to the thread.
As it stands I think the three day timer is fine, which is why I made a suggestion for a possible solution that would achieve your goal while at the same time creating greater depth and immersion in game.

im not sure if this would help or if it is even really related to the thread.

It relates as a suggestion for a solution that would expand on an existing "racial" change experience, vampires, so that changing race meant more than just typing in a command or waiting for a three day cool down to change to another or back. It would require a sacrifice of materials, maybe silver and full knowledge of the change about to take place. There would be no more "I picked X race by accident and want to reset it sooner than three days". Racial changes would be made with full knowledge, perhaps with a gradual change just like with vampires, and have an "esc" button available as easy as going back to the alter you used and retracting your dedication to it and to the racial change if you decided not to stay that race during the change process., (not to mention it would prevent the abuse of the mechanic by changing race during a fight to prevent death in lava for non-agni, from light for vampires, drowning etc. or for a quick change for tactics based on poison immunity or to switch for weapons like from elf to dwarf mid-fight to get the most from the bonuses.

I really like the idea of racial try out rooms at info and perhaps make those the only places where a racial change could be made so there are no changes made while people are playing live in the medieval world. Than again, I'm not one to speak much on changing race much as I have remained the same one since I started. If the info option was there I'm sure I would give some of the others a go just to experience them without having to spend three days on each.
As it stands I think the three day timer is fine, which is why I made a suggestion for a possible solution that would achieve your goal while at the same time creating greater depth and immersion in game.

It relates as a suggestion for a solution that would expand on an existing "racial" change experience, vampires, so that changing race meant more than just typing in a command or waiting for a three day cool down to change to another or back. It would require a sacrifice of materials, maybe silver and full knowledge of the change about to take place. There would be no more "I picked X race by accident and want to reset it sooner than three days". Racial changes would be made with full knowledge, perhaps with a gradual change just like with vampires, and have an "esc" button available as easy as going back to the alter you used and retracting your dedication to it and to the racial change if you decided not to stay that race during the change process., (not to mention it would prevent the abuse of the mechanic by changing race during a fight to prevent death in lava for non-agni, from light for vampires, drowning etc. or for a quick change for tactics based on poison immunity or to switch for weapons like from elf to dwarf mid-fight to get the most from the bonuses.

I really like the idea of racial try out rooms at info and perhaps make those the only places where a racial change could be made so there are no changes made while people are playing live in the medieval world. Than again, I'm not one to speak much on changing race much as I have remained the same one since I started. If the info option was there I'm sure I would give some of the others a go just to experience them without having to spend three days on each.

There is 1 major problem with having to find alters to make race changes and stuff like that. Lore. The lore states that a human can change into a vampire and back again, and how. However, once you are a race (RP wise) you stay as that race. Your RP character must stay 1 race thought its life. If you want to change race you need a whole new character. For this reason you should not be able to change race via a quest or something because you are effectively creating a new person (in RP sense, unless you are only doing it for the stats, then you would not want to bother with a quest anyway).
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