Preserved Sheet Farrokh Ferrón

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground


Character Information
Full Name: Farrokh Ferrón
Race: [Half-Qadir] Daendroque Ailor
• Age: 32
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Sandstone​

Core Concept
• Zany, morally dubious, engineer whose technology only sometimes blows up in his face.​


Strength: 0
Constitution: 2
• Metallurgy Pack​
Wisdom: 7
• Mech-suit Pack (Artificer)
○ Addiotic Patent
○ Hacking Patent​
• Quick Cover Pack (Artificer)
○ Lifegiver Patent
○ Mechpet Patent​
• Tussling Pack (Artificer)
○ Chassis Patent
○ Mindslave Patent​
• Automaton Pack (Artificer)
○ Automaton Plus​
• Medical Pack (Artificer)
• Memblock Pack (Technician)
○ Memblock Self​
• Stimboost Pack (Technician)
○ Investment Plus​
• Qadir Specials:
○ Servo-Golem Patent
○ Biotic Patent
○ Appliance Patent
○ Momentum Patent​
Dexterity: 1
• Suppressant Pack​
Magic: 0
Charisma: 4
• Stupid Luck Pack
• Pet Husbandry Pack
• East Linguist Pack​

• Common (Free)
• Droque (Father)
• East Linguist Pack (Learned)
○ Only effectively speaks: Faraddi and Sofaal​


Appearance Information
Abnormal Traits: Farrokh has a Biotic Thumb and pointer finger on his left hand that also acts as a pipe
Appearance: Farrokh is on the paler end of the Qadir skin tones with pale sandstone colored eyes and dark brown hair. He is near average height at 5'9 and has a rather angular face with an amazing mustache.​


Life Story
• Born to Ramon Ferrón, a Daen Ailor and an unnamed Qadir woman who left Farrokh with his father after Farrokh's birth.
• Raised in South Rivel, despite mostly appearing Qadir and quickly learning engineering.
• Met his half brother when the two were older, finding their personalities differing heavily. Both learned engineering from their father, though Farrokh took up technician and clockwork on his own. At some point during this time, he loses two of his fingers in a cooking accident
• Moved to Regalia to continue his engineering career, hoping to get rich off of the people of Regalia.​
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Hey there! Quick review.
Life story looks all good! I'm just going to make the suggestion that you should include where it was Farrokh grew up. It says he moved to Regalia- but from where? North and South Rivel both have notable Daendroque populations, and as it is a hub of immigration into the Empire, probably Qadir too. It probably wouldn't be the worst of places to have him be from, assuming you've not already decided.

I'd also maybe consider mentioning any religion Farrokh follows, or the lack thereof.
Race: Half-Qadir
Though I know it states it in the backstory, you should include what Farrokh's other half is here, and indicate that Farrokh is Half-Qadir dominant. Something along the lines of: "Race: [Half-Qadir]/Daendroque Ailor" would be good! This is the only thing I'll actually ask you to change.

@Tag me when you've done that, and I will mark this sheet approved!
Hey there! Quick review.

Life story looks all good! I'm just going to make the suggestion that you should include where it was Farrokh grew up. It says he moved to Regalia- but from where? North and South Rivel both have notable Daendroque populations, and as it is a hub of immigration into the Empire, probably Qadir too. It probably wouldn't be the worst of places to have him be from, assuming you've not already decided.

I'd also maybe consider mentioning any religion Farrokh follows, or the lack thereof.

Though I know it states it in the backstory, you should include what Farrokh's other half is here, and indicate that Farrokh is Half-Qadir dominant. Something along the lines of: "Race: [Half-Qadir]/Daendroque Ailor" would be good! This is the only thing I'll actually ask you to change.

@Tag me when you've done that, and I will mark this sheet approved!
@ezalB changes made!