Shelved Character Fanai Candracinta

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Mar 29, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information
Name: Fanai Candracinta
Race | Culture: Allar | Pelayaran-Allar
Age: Adult
Gender | Pronouns: Male | He/Him

Core Concept
An Allar that was saved by purists and then raised by the Lothar. Fanai makes use of his species talent with the alchemical skill along with a deep interest of technology, to become one odd but effective occult hunter.

Appearance Information
Fanai is a draconic looking allar that is fairly short, clocking in at 5'1ft | 155cm. He is more or less always seen wearing his knight armour of the Lothar, which is blemished and damaged from alchemical and technological causes from his trade.

Proficiencies - 14/14
- Strength
0. Steady Body (Allar Buff 1)
1. Concussive Blow
2. Battle Flurry
3. Unyielding Strike
4. Diving Tackle
5. Knockback Sweep
[0] - Constitution
0. Debuff Endurance Pack (Allar Buff 2)
[3] - Arcane
1. Chem Slip
2. Chem Bang
3. Chem Cleanse
[6] - Wisdom - Chemtech
1. Radiant Barrier
2. Tech Antimagi
3. Tech Rockets
4. Tech Gravity
5. Hook Shot
6. Tech Sanction
[0] - Dexterity
[0] - Faith


Fanai was lost in a thunderstorm when young, and he would've died were he not picked up by purist vessel that happened to come across him.
The Lothar picked an interest in him as he was skilled in the alchemical arts, like many of his kin are, and had a rather good knack for technology as well.
Adding these two together with the training of the Lothar made him a Knight that was very odd in his skillset, but also very good at fighting occult.

He is now sent to Regalia to aid his colleagues in the upcoming struggles against the filthy occult...

Plot Hooks/Trivia
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