Archived Family Plugin Suggestion

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Queen of Arthain
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
I came up with an idea to where it would make it easier for RPers to follow what family they come from. Basically, say you were the son of MonMarty than u would do

/family s MonMarty

To show the Family Tree you do
/family t
/family list

f= father
gm=grand mother
gf= grand father

Hope you guys like :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sounds funny, but also unnecessary.
It would somewhat ruin RP instead of increase it. The fact that you can know a person's entire family from one command when you are on opposite sides of the world isn't exactly RP. If you wanted to know Ulumulu's family tree, when you haven't even met him in character, it would just lead to serious meta-gaming that no RPers would like.

It also might be a bit hard to code, and, like Kapry said, unnecessary. I don't think Cayorion will put this up to the top of his to-do list when he has so many other projects to work on instead.
It would somewhat ruin RP instead of increase it. The fact that you can know a person's entire family from one command when you are on opposite sides of the world isn't exactly RP. If you wanted to know Ulumulu's family tree, when you haven't even met him in character, it would just lead to serious meta-gaming that no RPers would like.

It also might be a bit hard to code, and, like Kapry said, unnecessary. I don't think Cayorion will put this up to the top of his to-do list when he has so many other projects to work on instead.

yeah your right, make things too complicated.[DOUBLEPOST=1364150155,1364150142][/DOUBLEPOST]
You might be an old lady if you can't remember your family.

who you calling old! lol :)
I think its a cute Idea.
It also has alot to do with Roleplaying

true, but then again like what Imboring had just said, it would be horrible to ruin RP and I dont want to make MonMarty Cry.
Plus Cayorion would have a fit making it. It was just a suggestion :)
Do we really need a whole plugin to keep track of your relatives?
Jesus, all of you must be terrible at family renunions.
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