Preserved Sheet Fallun

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The puffiest damn pigeon of them all..
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
The Empire of the Great Jin
Roleplay Guilds
Hightower, Vindicators

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⚪Basic Information ⚪
☽ Name: Fallun
☽ Age: Unknown | First Generation
☽ Gender/Pronouns: Agender | They/He/It
☽ Heritage/Culture: Bralona - Bralla

☽ Religion: None
Occult: None
Occupation: Anything

⚪Core Concept |
Concept| Content Apathy | True Neutral | Fallun is a cold individual whose occasional cruelty is not a product of ignorance nor malice, but indifference. An unfathomably old consciousness that has never moved on from being a mere drone in Basalon and finds comfort in remaining inside this bubble psychologically; irrevocably stunted by this existence and seemingly unable to grasp the spice of life much of his kin have since discovered. Though capable of paying back kindness, Fallun is someone who is terminally in their own head with only limited interest in coming out of it, much less justifying their thoughts and actions to outsiders.
⚪Appearance Information | OBJECTIVE: Assimilate.
General Appearance | Fallun is a very large silver-blue Bralla, yet prefers to be as average among humans as possible. Because of this, while they stick to being a slim 5'8" - 10", they are forced to put the extraneous mass into a tail just over the length of their entire body that splits far down the middle. Fallun chooses to appear masculine and thus accepts the pronoun they are given by others for it. They neglect to form a mouth or nose, yet have four glowing eyes.
☽ | Additional Features: Fallun's upper body (excluding head) contains a visible Leytech endoskeleton they use to perform certain abilities.
⚪Skill Information | OBJECTIVE: Unknown.
☽ | Hobbies & Talents: Technology
☽ | Mechanics: Bralona
☽ | Languages: Brix, Common

⚪Skill Information ⚪
14/14 Points Used | Bold = Heritage/Category Bonus Packs
☽ Fallun is a hard-to-pin marksman who derives Attack from Dexterity and Defense from Intelligence.
⚪ Strength | 00
☽ Athletic: Steady Body
⚪ Constitution | 00
☽ Training: Rebound
⚪ Intelligence | 05
☽ Adapt: Oceanic, Wardrobe
☽ Tech | Leytech: Hook Shot, Livewire, Resist
⚪ Wisdom | 03
☽ Chem: Bolts (Deadeye), Mend, Cleanse
⚪ Dexterity | 06
☽ Roguery: Dirty Fighter, Escape Artist
☽ Deadeye: Barrage, Puffshot, Luckshot, Crit

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⚪Plothooks ⚪
  • Astronomer || A study Fallun is highly knowledgeable and passionate about. The stars and planets are some of the few things that stay the same or at least stay consistent. Processes and phenomena Fallun can observe repeatedly, including normally once-in-a-lifetime occurrences.
  • TBD
Last edited:
Hasn't been updated since the occupation. Time to change that!