Preserved Sheet Faleiram / Amuiala, The Skyborn

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Apr 3, 2020
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Name: Faleiram / Amuiala Thündiral Miyyuria

Age: 24

Physical Age: 20

Gender: Fluid.

Race: Cielothar


Skill Points:
27 Core Points, 10 Hobby Points, 10 Talent Points
  • Husbandry Art: 5 Core Points + 5 Racial Points = 10 Total Points (Daendroc Weasel) (Casecabillas Stallion)
  • Horticulture Art: 10 Talent Points
  • Woodwind Instrument: 10 Hobby Points
  • Medical Knowledge: 10 Core Points.
12 Core Points reserved for Magic.

Body Shape:

  • Physical Stat: (0) Normal Shift (5) Beastmode Shift
  • Body Shape: Average.
  • Body Fat: Average.
  • Plains Atlatar. (Native Tongue)
  • Modern Atlatar. (Learned during their travels)
  • Common. (Learned during their travels)
Special Traits:
  • Base Cielothar Abilities:
    • Lightblessed Familiar
    • The Wind's Cradle
    • Sense of Compassion
    • Light-Blooded
      • 1 Sorcery Spell + 1 Sorcery Aesthetic:
        • Elemental Orb
        • Elemental Influence
  • Circle of Joeil Abilities
    • Animal Instincts
    • Timeless Breeze
    • Familiar's Shape (Male Black Pathor)
  • Mage Doc: (To be approved)
  • Werebeast Mutations:
  1. Wisdom of the Raprann
  2. Dive of the Eagle
  3. Poise of the Heron
  4. Song of the Glorybird
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Most of the time, Caramel. This may vary.
  • Hair Style: Varies, depending on Faleraim or Amuiala's mood.
  • Skin Color: Tanned.
  • Clothing: Cielothar style
  • Height: 5'6 ft

The Core List:
  • Choose your Character Alignment
Neutral Good.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
  • Choose your Character's Religion
Estel, The All-Mother


The Cielothar known as Faleiram was born in southern Daen, in one of the Cielothar Enclaves in Teled Methen. His Ta'rath was a Male Long Tail Leasier, which made his mother extremely proud, due to the known honor this animals had.

Faleiram's mother was named as Yeurissia, and for some reason which the boy didn't know for most of his life, she was extremely reclussive, not allowing the boy to interact with other kids of his age. She would leave daily to go "rangering", as she put it, which wasn't suspicious, since she was a Suriiel. Not much was or is known about his father, with Yeurissia always confirming that, despite everything, he did love Faleiram. When the boy would ask how or where did they meet, his mother would either end the conversation, or fall to her own memories, in which no response would emerge.

During most of his childhood, with not many friends besides Amuir, his Ta'rath, and his horse, Petal, the boy spend most of his time alone, playing with his flute, or reading his apothetacary books, or helping the village healer. And life made sense.

And so, came the 15th birthday, and Faleiram faced his Trial of Estel. He was scared, fearing failure of the Trial, but in any case, he went through the process. 24 hours were spent inside the Great Tree, meditating inside it, and after that, another day was spent sleeping. Whatever happened during that process changed Faleiram. When they woke up, they had their objective clear, but they refused to talk about what did they hear, with their Ta'har becoming an Black Pathor of no distinguishable gender. But from that point onwards, Faleiram was a different person. Suddenly, they would be wearing some pants one day, to be wearing a dress the next day.

And so, the now Suriiel Cielothar decided that they could be... truly themselves. And so, Faleiram established an alternate version of themselves. Whenever they felt like it, she would be Amuiala, and viceversa, he would be Faleiram when she felt it was the time to be him.

Faleiram would slowly become more social inside the village, helping those in need, playing her flute for the children, aiding the healer in town, building a community garden...

But his world would be turned upside down once more. As Amuiala grew older, Yeurissia became more and more worried, constantly checking for her state, her hunger, her eyes... As the 17th birthday passed, Yeurissia seemed to become more relaxed regarding her wellbeing. But on Amuiala's 19th birthday, everything changed.

He woke up in a weakened state, and while Faleiram was already someone of a not too strong constitution, he felt even more weaker than usual. After a quick check, his mother realised that what she had feared had become truth. And truth is what she revealed...At least part of it.

Faleiram was a Dormant Werebeast, of the Raprann Fusion. Apparentley, his mother was infected by the Exist Affliction three hundred years prior to his birth. She had never intended for Faleiram to be infected by it, but it was clear now that the Cielothar had to look for a place to stay, unless he wanted to endanger his friends and companions. And so, with a heavy heart, the Cielothar departed their hometown, wondering if they would ever return there.
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Hi! Sorry for the delay, here is your review:
Basic Information
- Cielothar cannot appear younger than 20 if they are over 20 years old! Please change your visual age.​
Skill Information
- Everything checks out numbers wise, however, you cannot have mention of magic on your application until you have been approved and have your magic written up by lore staff! Please remove any mentions of magic anywhere on your character application.
- (EDIT) I missed this in my first go around, so if you do not see it in your first set of changes it is okay, but Raprann cannot use spirit sorcery.
Visual Information
- No issues here​
- No issues here​
Life Story
his mother was infected by it more than a thousand years prior
Cielothar can only live to be 600 at maximum. Please change this snippet.​

Please make the relevant changes in a separate color of your choice, then tag me.
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Hi @Lizmun ! I'll be responding to most of your points in hopes of clearing some things up. Thanks for your review though!

-Basic Information:

Wouldn't the Raprann Fusion Wisdom of the Raprann / Long Aging cause them to slow down their physical aging? More than four years have passed since the Dormant infection activated, meaning the Cielothar would have aged 1 physical year.

Skill Information:

-Yes, this was something I added last second, since I didn't know the procedure too well! Will remove it.

-I was informed of this through a ticket! I'll make sure to change it.

Life Story:

While I don't mind changing this, since I'm well aware of Cielothar age, I need to ask, are Nelfin unaffected by Raprann Long Aging? Since if it were to follow the Raprann Fusion mechanics, it would mean a Raprann Cielothar can technically live up to 2.400 Alorian years, in the case, of course, that they aren't killed by anything or anyone.

Thanks for your points! Hope you'll clear out mine!
Hello! Sorry for the delay, you brought up good points, and it's my fault for not realizing you took the long aging perk, so I asked among other lore staff how I should treat the application. This is what I was told:

Wouldn't the Raprann Fusion Wisdom of the Raprann / Long Aging cause them to slow down their physical aging? More than four years have passed since the Dormant infection activated, meaning the Cielothar would have aged 1 physical year.
This is technically correct! However, I've still been asked to ask you to move you character's age up to 20. The physical aging difference isn't much between 19 / 20, it's more for formality sake of cielothar can't appear under 20 if they're over 20.

While I don't mind changing this, since I'm well aware of Cielothar age, I need to ask, are Nelfin unaffected by Raprann Long Aging? Since if it were to follow the Raprann Fusion mechanics, it would mean a Raprann Cielothar can technically live up to 2.400 Alorian years, in the case, of course, that they aren't killed by anything or anyone.

This point wasn't so much as an issue with long aging as it is that Cielothar nor werebeastism have not existed for over 1,000 years. Ceilothar only popped up around 900-ish years ago at most, and Werebeastism has only existed for roughly the past 300 years. Nelfin are effected, and you're free to say your character's mother was infected a long time ago and is old, but 1,000 years doesn't fit within the frame of what is possible. Additionally, I am not sure that long aging affects age retroactively, so it wouldn't make somebody already old any younger, just prevent their aging from infection onwards.

Everything else looks good!

Hi @Lizmun ! Thanks a ton for this helpful feedback! Before anything, I just wanted to state that you shouldn't worry about any replies taking too long (I didn't really notice)! In any case, I'll get back to the editing!

First Point:
Sure, I don't mind aging the character up to twenty!

Second Point:
Ooh, thanks for clearing this up! Sure, that's valid!

I'll edit your points right now! Hope they look compliant once you check them!