Archived Factions Plus Plugin

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Dec 12, 2012
Reaction score
I think that the Factions+ plugin should be installed for it would allow for factions to punish their own members and also to setup at the warps to their outpost and other bases. I hope that you agree with me.
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Warps are non-RP. Set up a portal instead.

What do you mean by punish? My type of punishment is to give them a probation tag, exile them, or kick them for a short period of time. I also don't see any link.
Yes, there is really no need for any of this... at all.
Well I like the faction jail and ban part, not so much the warps. The faction jails and ban would influence alot of Roleplay
Just imagine what would happen when say a troll gets a faction and invites a random person just to jail them for a long time and be, we'll a troll. This could be abused wayyyyy to easily and as zack said there is really no need for it because its not very rpish at all.[DOUBLEPOST=1358109868][/DOUBLEPOST]Didn't mean to say we'll, meant to say well
weell if that happens, you could just leave that faction to not be jailed forever
I'm sorry but this just isn't the best idea, I don't think the staff would even consider giving faction leaders staff permissions such as jail and ban even if its just for their faction.
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