Archived Factions Plugin Suggestion

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Butter Elf the Wise
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
It would be handy to have an "/f unclaimall currentworld" command that worked only for the world that a player is currently in. Don't have much of an argument for it, just think it would be handy. (drunk)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Would hate for that to be usable by officers... one little argument and its ALL gone.
It would be handy to have an "/f unclaimall currentworld" command that worked only for the world that a player is currently in. Don't have much of an argument for it, just think it would be handy. (drunk)
Or just /f unclaimall <world>
Would hate for that to be usable by officers... one little argument and its ALL gone.
If officers can claim, they can do /f unclaimall and the entire claim is gone.
Perhaps make it an ability only used by the Leader then?
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