Archived Factions Lore Campaign

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
So, with all this talk of people wanting factions to be in lore I came up with this Idea based off of the dulofall campaign.

So, I was thinking, some factions could send in requests based off of their statistics. This would be similar to the dulofall campaign. Factions would send in monthly reports of some of their progress and possible lore for this. This would only be decided by staff members which factions get reports and staff will make the decision on how much power to give each faction and which lore would be feasible. Say a faction off the shores of ithania called "Redundant" sent in:

- About 120 population
- 90% maiar
- 10% dwarf
- Small settlement
- Able to fight off undead by retreating to the sea during major attacks, leaving the undead nowhere to go in the barren city and eventually leave.

Staff would take this and put something in the report like this:

- "redundant" settlement popped up from the shores of ithania as a mainly maiar settlement that had assistance from some dwarfs.
- It is a small settlement of only about 7-10 homes and a mere 30 population
- "redundant" managed to fight off the undead by retreating to the sea during major attacks.

Staff would have to be sure not to give each faction too much power or recognition. for say raptum:
-The "raptum" band of bandits continue to terrorize all lands with petty thefts and murder all about.

I think this would solve the problem of making factions compliant and each month, the reports could use real progress that the faction made to give the faction some progress in lore. I feel this will give rpers reason to leave regalia to venture out into factions worlds.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Raptum actually has its own lore and back story, they're way more developed than petty thieves and it also wouldn't make sense to make a big faction appear weaker if they're not
Alright, tell me why we need factions lore, tell me who it helps, tell me how much effort is required, and tell me how lore inconsistencies such as the undead leaving when the maiar swam out to sea would be corrected? Who gets credit and when? Do you need a char app?
Raptum actually has its own lore and back story, they're way more developed than petty thieves and it also wouldn't make sense to make a big faction appear weaker if they're not
monmarty has discussed this before. Giving a faction too much power is illogical in the lore. There are some factions with cities bigger than regalia. This is why staff would typically have to downsize each faction due to the fact that regalia is supposed to be the maincenter of the world and the "big main empire". though, I don't speak for lore staff. I am going to wait for staff to approach this.
Unfortunately I am going to reject this suggestion based on the multiple times it has been brought up and rejected previously.
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