Archived Faction Warzone

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
So, as we all know, the admins do not give out warzones to factions so they can be in possession of private training grounds. I think this is a tad bit foolish (what sane military nation doesn't have i's own training ground?) and have a few suggestions as to how to change this or at least work in a way for faction members to harm each other outside of arenas.

First off, the problem: Arenas are nice and all, but I was once fighting a friend in an arena for the purpose of enjoyment and with the mutual agreement to return items lost in combat. Went well for a few rounds but then some random premium shows up, kills me, and refuses to return my stuff. Needless to say, the friend and I stopped our friendly combat and I haven't done such combat since. Likewise, if a faction is trying to train its members in actual combat they need to go to an arena. In said arena all members are at risk of being slaughtered by a single jerk with a sword, making it very risky to attempt training in an arena.

My suggestions in relation to this:

1) Faction Warzone - Alter the factions plugin so that, at a cost of 10 silver, a faction leader can set a chunk to "Warzone" making it un-editable by any/all members of the faction and causing it to take on all the aspects of a normal warzone chunk except it only works for faction members (meaning allies/truced folks won't be harmed).

2) "Locked" Instance Training Grounds - Make like 8-16 1 chunk instances that can be temporarily 'rented' by factions when a member enters it. These instances are warzones and can be different environments (desert, ocean, nether, snow, cliff) in which people in the same faction can enter combat with each other. The different biomes are for biom-specific combat.

3) Sell Warzone to Factions - Simplest in that is requires no editing of the factions plugin or creation of new instances. You basically make it possible to purchase warzone from, say, "The Authority of Regalia" which would place a request in an inbox to the admin (using the same system as the /helpop system) that would have the XYZ Cords of the Chunk the individual wants warzoned. Anyone could make a purchase but it would probably cost like 25-50 silver per chunk.

So, what do the admins think? And for that matter, what do the people of Massivecraft think?
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I will comment on each of your suggestion in the order of one, two, three....

  1. This would be cool. It would allow faction members to practice their combat skills without having to leave faction land and the leader could customize each battleground he/she makes, such as to have their members practice different styles of fighting.
  2. Would this be like if a faction member enter a command, and this locked instance battleground is generated and the player teleported there? I don't fully understand this one.
  3. Instead of making it so an admin has to claim the battlegrounds, what about if something like the grid is created, but just for combat practice? Say a leader enters a command to buy a plot for a faction. and every faction member is able to teleport there to practice. Although they may need to make it were a faction has to apply for a combat grid, just like the current grid application process.
Just my suggestions and feedback. Cheers.
Now THAT is what should be added. It is a nice touch.
So, as we all know, the admins do not give out warzones to factions so they can be in possession of private training grounds. I think this is a tad bit foolish (what sane military nation doesn't have i's own training ground?) and have a few suggestions as to how to change this or at least work in a way for faction members to harm each other outside of arenas.

First off, the problem: Arenas are nice and all, but I was once fighting a friend in an arena for the purpose of enjoyment and with the mutual agreement to return items lost in combat. Went well for a few rounds but then some random premium shows up, kills me, and refuses to return my stuff. Needless to say, the friend and I stopped our friendly combat and I haven't done such combat since. Likewise, if a faction is trying to train its members in actual combat they need to go to an arena. In said arena all members are at risk of being slaughtered by a single jerk with a sword, making it very risky to attempt training in an arena.

My suggestions in relation to this:

1) Faction Warzone - Alter the factions plugin so that, at a cost of 10 silver, a faction leader can set a chunk to "Warzone" making it un-editable by any/all members of the faction and causing it to take on all the aspects of a normal warzone chunk except it only works for faction members (meaning allies/truced folks won't be harmed).

2) "Locked" Instance Training Grounds - Make like 8-16 1 chunk instances that can be temporarily 'rented' by factions when a member enters it. These instances are warzones and can be different environments (desert, ocean, nether, snow, cliff) in which people in the same faction can enter combat with each other. The different biomes are for biom-specific combat.

3) Sell Warzone to Factions - Simplest in that is requires no editing of the factions plugin or creation of new instances. You basically make it possible to purchase warzone from, say, "The Authority of Regalia" which would place a request in an inbox to the admin (using the same system as the /helpop system) that would have the XYZ Cords of the Chunk the individual wants warzoned. Anyone could make a purchase but it would probably cost like 25-50 silver per chunk.

So, what do the admins think? And for that matter, what do the people of Massivecraft think?

woah woah woah! I stated this like 2 weeks ago!
I will comment on each of your suggestion in the order of one, two, three....

  1. This would be cool. It would allow faction members to practice their combat skills without having to leave faction land and the leader could customize each battleground he/she makes, such as to have their members practice different styles of fighting.
  2. Would this be like if a faction member enter a command, and this locked instance battleground is generated and the player teleported there? I don't fully understand this one.
  3. Instead of making it so an admin has to claim the battlegrounds, what about if something like the grid is created, but just for combat practice? Say a leader enters a command to buy a plot for a faction. and every faction member is able to teleport there to practice. Although they may need to make it were a faction has to apply for a combat grid, just like the current grid application process.
Just my suggestions and feedback. Cheers.

2) This would be pre-existing mini-worlds that any faction member could lock - meaning that only other members of that faction could enter. Each faction could only lock 1 at a time to prevent an ubersized faction like mine locking them all. If there aren't any open then you just have to wait a bit, but if a faction is hogging one (using it for more then, say, 5 hours straight) they would all be booted from the instance back into the Multiverse Spawn.

3) This could also work, but would need more coding done to adapt the Grid network to Faction Use.[DOUBLEPOST=1370711375,1370689861][/DOUBLEPOST]Any admins want to comment on this thread? I hate to be bothersome, but I AM curious as to your thoughts :)
Option 1.
Changing the friendly-fire in faction claimed chunks would be awesome. It would also endorse rp in factions. Could have brawls and muggings and stuff.
+There aren't really any obvious reasons as to why we can't have land claimed as warzone. The only effect is anyone can kill anyone (mods can check the chunk before they warzone it and then no one can edit it), and people can't claim it after (which once again the mod warzoning it can check it is not for a bad reason).
+1 for allowing players to have faction training grounds warzoned or toggle friendly fire on faction land.
I like it, have lots of good memories from the Osion arena.
Agreed. I often pvp my fellow faction members to practice and we have to resort to kicking a member temporarily to do a 1v1. Although you can use arenas, it would be awesome to make your own arena and set it as a warzone for training grounds. I believe Whitelotus' base had something like that. An idea that enchances Rp and Pvp as a whole sounds good to me.
I agree with this. Its better because its actual training, not camping out in a dark room.
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