Archived Faction Taxes

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Demon of Wrath
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
The Void
I am greatly disappointed with the new changes to the faction plugin. First off, making it only 100 regals for someone to make a faction, anyone who joins the server can make a faction. The worlds are already overcrowded, how will making factions 1900 regals cheaper help? I have quit servers before because the worlds were completely spammed with factions. Second, I know you may say that it is balanced with taxes, but it is not. It will take a very long time to add up to 2000 regals with taxes, so it will rarely even equal the previous cost. And for us who paid the 2000 regals for them, we shouldn't be paying taxes for our factions. Even if you want us to, we should only have to is we are taxing our own members. I hope the recent update will be reconsidered.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I dont know... My faction pays 87r per day... 22.9 days and its at 2k.... JUST SAYIN
Inactive factions with using barely enough just to let their faction live, will die off. This will help with the crowded-ness part. There will end up being less factions, because you must pay to keep it going. After a while, those people who only come on for two seconds every month won't be able to pay the tax. Therefore disbandment.
The taxes create a virtual supply and demand. Factions need more continuous money flow to keep it running and more dedicated leaders. This will keep the faction populations in balence
Honestly, I don't see much of a problem with this. Granted, on the day I was rather displeased, but it's not as if all factions require mass amounts of regals to continue running. If anything, I believe that this would support the community, in the sense of providing a majority of us something to work for, which could potentially lead to a larger amount of IC and OOC trades being set up, a more active PvP community and a general inflation of the economy potentially.
Moved to Feedback
I hate this idea so much. I don't play anymore and I want to keep my stuff safe to give to a friend because he's currently banned. Paying to keep it when I don't play? This is an outrage ..
I hate this idea so much. I don't play anymore and I want to keep my stuff safe to give to a friend because he's currently banned. Paying to keep it when I don't play? This is an outrage ..
Isn't it just. Taking up space on the server and not paying anything back to validate taking up said space preventing others from taking it. Such outrage.
I think they should still cost lots, even more I think. Bigger factions, bigger battles :D
I hate this idea so much. I don't play anymore and I want to keep my stuff safe to give to a friend because he's currently banned. Paying to keep it when I don't play? This is an outrage ..
Where is all your stuff? I will take care of it for u. :/
I'm not so much against taxes as I am against the Daily Tax. Daily Taxes are stupid, and will result in very few factions ever bothering to GROW. That in turn will result in tons of tiny factions with shitty buildings spamming the server, ruining worlds, and then vanishing and leaving the ruins behind. Taxes was tailored for the (in my opinion) badly thought out World Renewal plugin.
im not very much for this tax thing myself i still think many players are going to leave and form there own factions now that the cost of a faction is so low only to fail later because they dont have the upkeep money and over all players going inactive
Players will just leave bigger factions to make their own. Bigger factions might also go bankrupt and unclaim after a while. The worlds are already spammed with factions making them cost 1900r cheaper isn't gonna do much other than spamming the worlds with even more factions. (headbang) (N)