Archived Faction Take Over

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Incredibly good looking.
Jan 22, 2013
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After watching a documentary about a roman emperor, Constantine the great, and after playing Medieval Total war II, i have come up with this idea.

If a faction leader is killed by an enemy faction too many times it gives attackers a chance to take over.

Faction A declares war on Faction B, after a month of raids and full on assaults faction A has killed faction B's leader 25 times, Faction A sends a dispatch of it's army along with one of their generals to take control of faction B.

How it might work
After a faction A has gotten enough kills against the others leader faction B is made open to faction A, giving Faction a complete control until Another faction takes it back over.

Roleplay advantage
it would add more meaning to wars. Factions wouldn't go to war over "he insulted me" it would be "Our empire is in desperate need of expansion. What faction would be a strategic move"

Some issues you may think of

"They would just target new factions" well, this true, BUT if they accept this idea they could add it into it that if a faction is over a month old it can be taken over, so it gives new factions to build up and get an army and allies. This would be similar to the pvp-timer plugin.

-No more issues i could think of, im sure you guys will help with this part :D


Roman Emperor Documentary
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
We believe surrender should always be a choice and not forced upon a player.

As such, this will not happen.
Such things will be incorporated in the future factions 2, but I don't see a system of forced surrender happening.
Such things will be incorporated in the future factions 2, but I don't see a system of forced surrender happening.
Yeah.. I just like that the main thing this would do is stop the wars that are done because of a single insult. The faction leaders would need confidence in their military and their militaries would have to try harder to protect him/her instead of the death of the leader being the same as any other loss
Even if this was implemented, what is to stop faction leaders staying away from fights and sending others to battle.
Even if this was implemented, what is to stop faction leaders staying away from fights and sending others to battle.
Back in the dark ages, the leaders would usually only partake in a attempt to take a city over if it is a capital of an empire and are planning on moving their themselves. such as Constantine, he went into that battle to take over and move into rome
While I like the concept, I can see too many ways this could be abused by powerful factions to force their will over small ones. After all, only one side needs to declare war, and if a faction like Hisoka (my fac) was to be attacked by a faction like Auxullian or 9th... I'd either be in my castle keep the whole time or Regalia. It just wouldn't be fair on newer, younger, weaker by choice or fate, and smaller by choice or fate factions.
Yeah and it would open a door to abuse if they get control of the faction heres an example faction a attacks faction b faction a captures them then factions a's leader: Faction for sale 100s
While I like the concept, I can see too many ways this could be abused by powerful factions to force their will over small ones. After all, only one side needs to declare war, and if a faction like Hisoka (my fac) was to be attacked by a faction like Auxullian or 9th... I'd either be in my castle keep the whole time or Regalia. It just wouldn't be fair on newer, younger, weaker by choice or fate, and smaller by choice or fate factions.
Yeah, but like i said to marty, this would be to stop pointless wars because of the fear of loss, but it would be much more intense roleplay wise, right now factions go into war with only the fear of losing silver and items, losing a faction would make them protect their leader as they would have in the past. Faction leaders now get killed and their members say ' lol'.
MonMarty is right about this one, I can however see this as I minigame idea
I really don't like's the idea about losing a faction cause of war then the strongest player's could just go out kill everyone and be rich...
but i understand the point.
I know this suggestion was turned down but thanks anyway. It's people like you that spend time trying to make the server a better place and give players a greater experience. :)
I thought this would be a suggestion for some kind of Revolution type thing, where faction members could overthrow their leader... Now THAT would be interesting...
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