Archived Faction Score Board And Total Friends Online

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Lesser Noble
Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
I've been running my faction a lot but quite often I don't know whether a faction follower has joined or left which can lead to some confusion(ive asked offline followers so many things lol). My solution to this is a command that displays a score board that gives information about the amount of online followers in your faction. This would make it easy to tell when someone comes online or goes offline that isn't in your friend list and would reduce the amount of times you check your faction page to know the amount of online people. The score board could also display other bits of information related to factions.

Whenever I log on I check 2 things, my faction page and friends list although most the time my friends are offline (forever alone). My solution to this is a message that is shown to you when you login that tells you the total number of friends online and potentially what friends are online. This would make knowing what friends are online more convenient.

Hope these ideas help :D
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Perhaps just an announcement whenever someone in your faction is online or offline. Similar to the friends notification. It could be toggled with a command like /f announcment true/false
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