Archived Faction Officer Chat Channel

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Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
United States
The concept is fairly simple - much like there's F: for faction chat and A: for alliance chat already, add a O: for officers which is something only in-faction officers (and the leader) can see and use. The officer chat is separate for each individual faction, like faction chat itself is separate.

At the moment when we need to have a quick internal discussion amongst officers, I have to individually /msg each one for input on the topic and it gets quickly complicated to maintain multiple separate conversations, for a discussion that functionally would work better in a group officer chat. While we use TeamSpeak for private planned/lengthier meetings on occasion, for routine quick discussions and on-the-spot decision making, an officer channel would be useful.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well yes, but its really not worth the time to spend coding a new whole chat after cay just made another chat for premiums only. It could be nice, but all in all i think server-wise its not a priority and even if this idea was accepted, i'm sure it would not be the thing cayorion first codes for. Nice idea, but not really needed
Well yes, but its really not worth the time to spend coding a new whole chat after cay just made another chat for premiums only. It could be nice, but all in all i think server-wise its not a priority and even if this idea was accepted, i'm sure it would not be the thing cayorion first codes for. Nice idea, but not really needed

Actually, all he needs to do is copy and paste the code that creates a new channel, and it'll just create it automatically. All he needs to do that's close to complicated is to set the perms for that channel, which he can do probably within the span of 15 to 30 minutes.
On some other servers I've been on, they have plug ins that let you create your own personal channels and invite anyone you want. might work well on Massive.
Sometimes I need to tell my officers something but I don't want my citizens so know about it
Supported, it would have been much easier to fight against Viridian if there was a officer channel to tell us to let the enemies stream in to f home and kill the poor nublets there without them panicking and opening the whole complex trying to escape. As well, recruiting would go much easier when you didn't have to msg 3 different people at once going like "Wow this guy is a scrub at mining even though he thinks he is good." three times, for every, single, thing you learn about the recruit.
We don't want the public to know about those secret tests going on in your basement do we?
๖ۣۜI can promise more than tests are going on in my basement.
I love the idea, as a previous officer of 3 factions, it got troublesome speaking amongst the other with the spam of the members asking questions about everything.
+1 Support
Are you making cupcakes in that basement with your friend rainbow dash?

๖ۣۜI can promise I am not a brony. I rather am avoiding of when such names even come up.
However you got the first part right.
Anyone want a Radioactive cupcake?
that culd help alot
that culd help alot
soory for post duble coment
I really like this idea, when officers need to discuss something important we have to either go into the Sentinel officer chat on skype or msg all the officers one at a time, it sometimes costs too much time or effort when something needs to be decided quickly.. I support this ^-^
This would really be useful.
You have my.. Uhm.. Chisel i guess...
I can arguably state that one can simply use the Massive Teamspeak for officer chat, or Skype calls, but seeing that we can't always do so/not able to, this would be a useful improvement.
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