Archived Faction Naming Rules

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Dec 23, 2012
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I have recently noticed some faction have named them selves after in game races or worlds. I was wondering if the rules for faction naming should be changed to prevent this as it is very un RPish. There is no country named Human or Earth, it would not make sense, other conutries would not allow it. Why should there be faction with names like Agni or Ithania, what gives them the right to that name. Thank you for reading.
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I agree there needs to be some restrictions.
Well, these aren't countries. These are factions we're talking about. "The Agni Faction" is plausible. However, I agree that factions with world names aren't very Good.
Yes these are factions, but do you agree factions are massivecrafts version of countreis? Also the faction name is just Agni. I may be wrong but I think I remember one of them telling me they are not all Agnis. So what gives them the right to use that name, its not like every agni on the server is in that faction or anything.
Definition of faction: an order of people, such as a family clan or special order and such.
Definition of Nation/Country: An organized and very large community spread over a large land mass, often lead by a government.
Ok so empires are more like the countries of massivecraft but still you dont get a clan nameing them selves after something that is shared by many other clans. Also naming a faction Agni makes people think it is an agni only faction which, according to my information, it is not.[DOUBLEPOST=1359198936][/DOUBLEPOST]Another point I want to add is people should have to think of their own name not just copy it from server lore.
I agree with both the races and world named faction points, why should Agni get to have the name when there are many other Agni factions?
As for Ithania, that's plain stupid. |-(
I think that while it would be nice to add rules on this, we should just add guidelines. Saying 'You CAN NOT name your faction after a race or mob.' is useless, people will still do it. Besides this point, what about factions like Caketopia and Isengard? One is stupid, the other a total rip-off of tLoTR. They should add in the faction guidelines 'Faction names should be original and unique.' Not a rule, just a suggestion and guideline.
I think that while it would be nice to add rules on this, we should just add guidelines. Saying 'You CAN NOT name your faction after a race or mob.' is useless, people will still do it. Besides this point, what about factions like Caketopia and Isengard? One is stupid, the other a total rip-off of tLoTR. They should add in the faction guidelines 'Faction names should be original and unique.' Not a rule, just a suggestion and guideline.
Dammit Mecharic, you basically just said every idea I was going to say. I agree completely. It should be a guideline/suggestion, and the factions that don't follow it will just be looked down upon by the other factions.
Hey, I own a faction named Zion :|
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