Archived Faction Name Change Rule

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
It has always been an issue. That person who renames their faction over, and over, and over again. It gets annoying. There is that person who renames their faction to something ridicules, like rainbow ponies or dahsuifnfjsnef.

My idea will stop this, mostly. Similar to how you can only change races once every three days, this should be the same with faction names. This would be a way to keep people from doing this. They named their faction this, and they need to live with it.

This will stop spam, and make people think before they rename their faction.

The only issue I see is if you have a spelling error in the name. However, so long as you double check, you should be fine.

Let me know what you guys think.
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Even if it was as small as a 1 hour cool down, it would be enough to stop spam. However three days could become problematic if you misspelled the name you wanted.

So +1 support but maybe not for such a long cool down.
I think there is no cooldown for it for a reason. If you misspelled a name, then you f'cked. This can't happen with races.

I suggest a cooldown of 30 minutes or 1 hour. 1 minute would be enough too.
I think a rule is a little excessive. I wouldn't imagine a cool down for the command would be that hard.
A rule does essentially exist for this in a way. There is precisely an image under the "do not abuse factions plugin" pertaining exactly to this issue. Many times if name changes become an issue, mods issue warnings regarding it and then take action if ignored. They can't always catch it though (not online or just too busy with a project or ticket). A Cooldown may be beneficial, even if it is only for a minute or two.
๖ۣۜI am getting tired of people changing faction names when no one is active to be able to stop them. A few examples (They are real, too!):

Need I say more?
+1 Big Fat Support
I think a better idea would be /f name <name>, but it adds it to a list of name changes for one of the /modlist to approve. It wouldn't be a burden for them because it would take only a few seconds to approve ALL of the pending changes, yet completely eliminate troll or inappropriate names.
Well, to be honest I personally always look the other way when people change the name of their faction. For those who do happen to spam with it, this could indeed put them on a leech. But I would like to say this:

For those that use it as is desired, a mistake can happen. And everyone deserves a 2e chance. So allow people to change their name twice, but when you change it twice the punishment does come knocking at your door as well. And then comes the timer that you have to wait at to reset. ;)
Is it really that big of a deal...
Massivecraft is not good enough for you as it is?
I don't care about the result, I see this as just complaining for the sake of complaining.
Though I take it the messages are not in a channel that can be ignored...
Is it really that big of a deal...
Massivecraft is not good enough for you as it is?
I don't care about the result, I see this as just complaining for the sake of complaining.
Though I take it the messages are not in a channel that can be ignored...

May I disagree with you, dear Sir.

As Omnomivore has said, there is a rule that clearly states to not abuse the faction plugin, yet there are many that do so. I'm not sure what you're attempting to say by assuming this is complaining, for that it is not. It's merely pointing out the well known fact that the plugin is abused frequently, and suggesting a solution, which would spare moderators time, and have them not having to deal with such a pointless, yet a frequent, matter.

A cooldown would be to stop all, if not most abusement of the function. So, I must agree with the idea. It would support the server, and allow players to not be so quickminded when breaking a rule, if not stop them entirely from doing so.
May I disagree with you, dear Sir.

As Omnomivore has said, there is a rule that clearly states to not abuse the faction plugin, yet there are many that do so. I'm not sure what you're attempting to say by assuming this is complaining, for that it is not. It's merely pointing out the well known fact that the plugin is abused frequently, and suggesting a solution, which would spare moderators time, and have them not having to deal with such a pointless, yet a frequent, matter.

A cooldown would be to stop all, if not most abusement of the function. So, I must agree with the idea. It would support the server, and allow players to not be so quickminded when breaking a rule, if not stop them entirely from doing so.
Is it that frequent and frustrating of an issue?
Though this cooldown function punishes the people who do good and follow the rules as well as those who abuse it. I believe there are more good people who do not abuse it, than people who do abuse it and this method blanket punishes all. Not that I ever plan on changing my factions name ;)
The cooldown function would also not prevent silly or vulgar names.
Is it that frequent and frustrating of an issue?
Though this cooldown function punishes the people who do good and follow the rules as well as those who abuse it. I believe there are more good people who do not abuse it, than people who do abuse it and this method blanket punishes all. Not that I ever plan on changing my factions name ;)
The cooldown function would also not prevent silly or vulgar names.

Er, yes, it is actually. For me, personally I don't become awfully frustrated, though I am well aware many others become so. And if you could, elaborate on how it punishes those players that follow the rules? If they are, they're not exactly changing the name without wanting a serious name, that they don't intend to change two seconds later. And I am well aware many players follow the rules, but consider there are often 200 players at a time, so there are many who do abuse it, which is visible in general. And they always seem to be abusing.

And may I ask how it would not? Elaborate there too, if you will. Nobody wants to have a faction named ''SWEG4LYFE'', as a joke, for over three days. So I'd think it would.
Is it that frequent and frustrating of an issue?
Though this cooldown function punishes the people who do good and follow the rules as well as those who abuse it. I believe there are more good people who do not abuse it, than people who do abuse it and this method blanket punishes all. Not that I ever plan on changing my factions name ;)
The cooldown function would also not prevent silly or vulgar names.
Read my idea... Did no one read my stuff?
Yeah cool idea Joshy.
Eledana one of the first posters stated how it would be a pain to someone who legitamately tried to change their name and made a spelling error, then they would have to wait x days. It would limit those people who are legitimately making a faction and want to change their name a few times because they have a new idea. Waiting '3 days', as you said, would just be a pain. That is what I meant by it punishes the people who do not abuse it.
Also, if there is a cool down and people do still make vulgar names that frustrate people, then we are stuck with them for x days.
I rarely see this issue occur and it has no effect on me when it does occur. :|
I see your points though, a cooldown should deter most people. You're right, and I support the idea.
I say add a cooldown, of course. Let the mods decide what is sufficient.

Yeah cool idea Joshy.
Eledana one of the first posters stated how it would be a pain to someone who legitamately tried to change their name and made a spelling error, then they would have to wait x days. It would limit those people who are legitimately making a faction and want to change their name a few times because they have a new idea. Waiting '3 days', as you said, would just be a pain.

What I propose is that one checks what one writes when creating the faction. The cooldown I stated was the one in the thread starter, so I simply went on that. However, a cooldown that lasts for just a minute, would help a good deal. So I personally agree, though the cooldown should be minimized, the idea itself is constructive and helpful. Also, I doubt anyone is going to do a silly name, were they to hear of this feature. It will also give moderators more time to deal with the name as it will be easily pointed out.
Every hour seems ressonable, Oh look i typed it wrong, or no capital, or hell no i found something else, well guesse people shall laugh at me for 3 days then...
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