Archived Faction Login Message

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Rock Monster
Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
Getting information to all your factions members can be a pain. Something as easy as a message that can be edited and shown once a faction member logins in would be very useful.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If i'm correct you are already able to setup a message whenever someone enters faction territory. I also believe this message shows up whenever you log on.
I believe she's talking about the 'Faction Description', which is not the same thing. The idea mentioned here is to give messages to your FACTION members only, not everyone who walks into the territory.
It would be useful however it has been stated by members of the staff that all other plugin development is on hold until the MassiveMobs and (idk what its called) the MassiveMagic plugins are finished.
I would love to see this added as a feature to Factions. Right now we rely on Private conversations on the forums to communicate en masse, but not everyone in the faction uses the forums and it's nothing we require.

Likewise, ig mail can't be depended upon as now and then it gets cleared, in addition to being cumbersome to handle with a larger group.

i see this becomming a problems with very large faction though, true the chance that everyone logs on at the same time is very small, but i can image that in a large faction th change that you have player's with a bad internet connection, if they lose connection and log in and lose connection again and tehn keep trieng to log on your chat will be spammed if you can't disable it. maybe that an idea? let individula players enable/disable it to prevent chatspam in such cases
Their similiar but different ideas. The one we're talking about would be very convenient. Especially for larger factions like Mithril for example.
1. Spam, it would be less than what the server already does when you log in. It would display only to the member logging on and only when they log on. It would also be nice if it would broadcast once when it is changed.
2. This is not to see if a faction member logs in, this is to get a message out to all members. Even if it was, adding every member to your friends list is ridiculous when you have faction hoppers and the like.
It would be useful however it has been stated by members of the staff that all other plugin development is on hold until the MassiveMobs and (idk what its called) the MassiveMagic plugins are finished.
From the Changelog, Cay is presently working on the Mojang UUID change and MassiveMobs. He also has plans to expand the capabilities of MassiveQuest in support of a new Quest world map that is being developed. Which project will follow these is still being decided.
As someone who sent out 21 mails in order to alert his members to an update, this would really help me.
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