Archived Faction Jails

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Shinigami of WhiteRoses
Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
South-West Daendroc
I have been thinking of the big rp at Regalia when they slaughtered all the vampires and things.. Wouldn't it be awesome if every faction could have their own prison and prison system to use it for rp and for people who maybe raid or attack them, however the person who is in the cell shouldn't be aloud to be there for more then 5 min or so.

I've been thinking of the system like this.

When they would build their own prison they set a spawn point for every room with maybe a bed or something. And then they would type /jail cell or room 1 <players name> and maybe add an amount of time. This would be great to use in RP But also in case someone brokes in and instead that the person teleports away the leader or the officer could only put him in the faction jail until there is some negotiation. As I said to pervent miss habits of the command ( or overreact with the command ) the prisoner wouldn't be able to be there for more then five minutes so that he isn't stuck for iternety.

I think it would be an awesome thing and command for RP!

// XSX
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The best solution to this, is to have people agree to submit to the RP nature of it. It could so easily be abused otherwise. And do you really want to imprison a faction member that is so adamant against it that they won't play along for 5 mins? Anyway, what's funnier is imprisoning raiders, since they can't teleport if you're near, they can't suicide, and they can't escape :D Very good RP component to raids
Well damn i posted on the wrong one it seems...T_T
Seems I posted on the wrong one as well, haha. Oh well :P

EDIT: Well since the other thread was deleted I suppose I'll try to reword what I said here instead.

I can imagine how many trolls there will be if this is implemented, jailing people for no reason. However it could be cool to jail people for breaking rules, ect. But there will be too many people whining and reporting faction leaders or officers for jailing them. That would be really annoying.

IMO there are too many cons and not enough pros for this to work out.

Although it would be kind of cool to jail enemies that you kill a couple of times on your land. But that might discourage raiding.
Prplninja proves a valid point there, the amount of "abuse" to harras players would be to much for the team to handle.
Please do remember, that we aim for new features to be automatic causing minimum maintance - leaving us time for better things.
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