Archived Faction Information Section

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
Since I don't think that the Recruitment or Announcement pages are suited for an infothread about a faction, I proposed this. It wouldn't be used to recruit new players but rather to show off your faction and display all relevant information regarding said faction.

Thread titles would be the faction name and In-Game Description, you would list factions goals, stats, and of course you would talk about the factions relations and history. You would be required to update the thread whenever something big happens (like settling a new town, abandoning one, or getting into wars). The thread should also clarify what nation, empire, or other such group a faction belongs to (assuming it does) or say "unaligned". The section could also be used for Faction Groups (like the Imperials, The Order, or the various Coalitions/Collectives).

So, what do you lot think?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So like the old faction subforums?
If favoured is correct in assuming that this is like the old faction forums, then I support this, it could help.

If the forum moderators were on the ball and didn't let the faction forums get really messy like they did, I would definitely support this

So, I'm going to take a complete guess here, but I think the reason for the faction subforum section being deleted was due to the inactivity of the forum moderators at the time, and the need to downsize into a forum more manageable with less moderators. I personally, read most articles posted on the forums on a daily basis. I also keep the forums open constantly even when I am in-game in Massive or playing other games.

With that being said, I support the return of the faction subforums with the included things listed in your OP. I for one would moderate them, and I personally don't feel it would be that much more work.

I also feel that along with faction recruitment, and faction announcements, a new faction subforum would allow the smaller factions that become overshadowed to outline what they want for their faction in this new section, and hopefully get some new members. Back when I was in Thaelyn, and we had 100+ people in the faction, it was tough organizing everything we had planned, as well as our systems/rules/ etc. The faction subforum helped us alot.

+1 (Y)
So, I'm going to take a complete guess here, but I think the reason of the faction subforum sectio being deleted was due to the inactivity of the forum moderators at the time. I personally, read most articles posted on the forums on a daily basis. I also keep the forums open constantly even when I am in-game in Massive or playing other games.

With that being said, I support the return of the faction subforums with the included things listed in your OP. I for one would moderate them, and I personally don't feel it would be that much more work.

I also feel that along with faction recruitment, and faction announcements, a new faction subforum would allow the smaller factions that become overshadowed to outline what they want for their faction in this new section, and hopefully get some new members. Back when I was in Thaelyn, and we had 100+ people in the faction, it was tough organizing everything we had planned, as well as our systems/rules/ etc. The faction subforum helped us alot.

+1 (Y)

I agree, Thaelyn's subforum really did help keep Thaelyn organized.
I loved the old Subforums, it's sad though that it got deleted because of inactivity, I think it was much better then having everything spread out now. I support this idea and i love you Mecharic <3
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