Archived Faction Chat Add

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Krorug The Orc
Dec 13, 2012
Reaction score
Ive been thinking about if u could do maybe like /f add ch [username] and he will be added to the faction chat?
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Faction chat

Ok no, he's suggesting it be added as a feature of chat that players be able to pull in a non faction member to the faction's channel. Like if I wanted to have [playernotinmyfaction]included in a discussion happening in my faction channel I could add him/her to the channel, then when the discussion is over, remove them. If added it should probably be something only officers can do.

I don't think it's a horrible idea. It'd make communication easier across server I would think.
I like the idea of this, it allows more communication between the whole server, but
at the same time it could be a pain to code into factions.
As an added suggestion, perhaps add an optional timer?
/ch f add <username> 10:00
"<username> has been added to faction chat."
ten mins go by
"<username> has been removed from faction chat."

It would add the user to the channel for 10 mins, then auto remove them. That way it'd be possible to buy time in a faction's chat, or if you were intent on someone only having x amount of time to explain something, good for quick interviews or demanding an explanation for violence.

A similar suggestion would then be Party Chat. It'd be another channel that only people the channel opener invite will be in. The OPs suggestion would be needed to make this one happen, and my timer suggestion would fit nicely as well.
Though having tons of extra channels popping into and out of existence might strain the server, idk.

A final added suggestion would be to add an optional price (faction decides its amount) so that using it costs silver. It'd make it a reasonable way to keep the command public in the faction instead of officer based. And it'd also be a mild silver sink. Then usage would become:
/ch f add <username> [timer]
"[Cost] silver has been deducted from your account and <username> has been added to faction chat."

I guess it'd be another option to make the payment eat the silver entirely, or give it to the faction (first is a better silver dump, second is a better form of income for factions).
it could turn into a spam fest though, maybe ruin the private faction chat for all.
Wait... If you're added to someone else's Faction chat, and you talk in F: chat. Aren't you then talking to both your and their factions?
Also, would this work with factionless players?
Wait... If you're added to someone else's Faction chat, and you talk in F: chat. Aren't you then talking to both your and their factions?
Also, would this work with factionless players?
I would think it would work with factionless.

Though you make a good point with multiple faction chats... might have to change it so you specify which faction you're talking to. Like:
/ch f <faction name>
/ch f
/ch f <faction name 2>

That way you can switch between your own faction and other factions.[DOUBLEPOST=1358015248][/DOUBLEPOST]
it could turn into a spam fest though, maybe ruin the private faction chat for all.
Well, it'd have to be properly permissioned by the faction leaders. If it's not, then yes, yes it could.
This would be a permission for faction leaders, upon default, and it would be a perm for moderators and admins, and that can be kept
I think this could be accomplished using a party chat plugin, which I believe was approved a while ago. I don't think that it would accomplish much to add people to your faction chat, and would be better to create an entirely different chat and add whoever you want.
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