Archived Facs

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Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
(I forgot)
So I know this server is faction based but its just like any other plain faction server (Not talking about regalia)

But If we're going to make the facs special I was thinking we should add some mechanics that could help up with our faction system. Because if we don't do much to make factions interesting, it will be another average fac system. But I think maybe we should add cool things like war machines, or maybe even using magic to have mobs (In this case lore fitting) protect territory, and other cool things.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well since Cayorion is the owner of the plugin... It makes sense that he can make a "special version" for this server. But that's completely up to him. I suggest fleshing out your idea a bit more. Give some examples of what you want to see in your idea.
nice profile pic dude
The MassiveCraft Tech department (not only Cayorion) is responsible for the Factions plugin. That plugin was chosen to be open sourced so that other servers could also use it. By doing that many new players will already know how to use factions. But this doesn't mean that MassiveCraft is yet another faction server.

First of all we DO have special faction behaviour. The factions power system on MassiveCraft is unique. We also use the very latest development version of factions, so we have some features way before some other servers. We had /f rank and the reworked versions of /f invite, /f flag & /f perm, months before other servers (more than half a year actually). Some other MassiveCraft plugins such as MassiveChat, MassiveMoney and MassiveRestore, integrate with Factions giving an even better experience. This integration is not something all faction servers provide. Because the Tech department is responsible for the Factions plugin, we can change the plugin in a way that fits this server, MassiveCraft, much more than other servers are able to. MassiveCraft also have several unique plugins such as MassiveTraits, MassiveQuests and MassiveMobs making us unique.

There is many things that makes MassiveCraft different from other faction servers.
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With regards to the Factions Plugin, here's a few ideas/thoughts:

Alliance Features - All types of alliance would share the Ally Chat
Military Alliance - This would cause two factions who agree (both using /f Millally factionname) to be bound to a mutual war feature - that is, if another faction declares war on one of the two, the other automatically enemies the attacking faction. This would not force them to remain at war - but if you truce/neutral/ally/ext the faction it will give a warning and turn the Military Alliance into a Diplomatic Alliance.
Diplomatic Alliance - Current alliances would become this. They would not be obliged to go to war on behalf of other DipAllies, but would be more inclined to and would have access to the Ally chat.
Vassal Alliance - This would be when one faction becomes completely subordinate to another. The Vassal would have all the same faction relations as the Ruling faction, and would not be able to change faction relations. The Vassal faction would be able to decide it's own leader & officers, as well as change it's description, but would have a line in the /f f stating "Is Vassal of RulingFactionName". They would be able to claim within 10 chunks of the ruling faction, but the ruling faction would get a one-sided ability to edit the Vassal's terrain. The Ruling faction would also get full perm access to the Vassal faction, except for disbandment, promotions. claim, name, description, and titles.​
War & Truce Features
War Tribute Auto - This would allow an attacking faction to name their terms in-game and have it so that accepting surrender would automatically run the demands through - or, if the demands can't be met, notify both sides of this so they can negotiate a change in demands. It would work as follows: /f enemy factionname tribute [Money, Relation Set, Kick Playername, Custom] with Custom being followed by a custom tribute (ex: /f enemy factionname tribute Custom Book about how awesome we are!). Upon surrender, the tribute demand would be automatically met by the losing faction - regardless of which side is surrendering. So if the attacker loses and surrenders THEY pay the demanded tribute, even becoming a Vassal of the winning faction.
Warscore - This would keep track of the kill-death ratio of every faction enemy pair. Vassals & Military Allied factions would all count as a single entity under Warscore. It would be accessed in-game by using /f warscore factionname, giving a list of all current enemies and a killcount in the form of ratio [10:3] with the red number being the enemy deaths and the green being allied deaths (only if they were killed by a player of the enemy faction listed). There would also be a percentage, gained by dividing the smaller number by the larger. A [10:3] ratio would show up as 70% for the warscore percentage, showing the enemy faction has 70% of a complete victory due to having killed 70% more players than the enemy. This would allow PvP factions to keep proper track of their current wars and progress in said wars. It would probably be laggy though.
Surrender Truce Timer - This would make it so that when a faction surrenders to an enemy faction the enemy faction cannot enemy them until the timer runs out. The faction that surrendered also cannot enemy the winning faction for that duration. The duration should be editable based on the server, and should have a toggle for hardcore PvP servers that don't want to have forced surrenders. The surrender command would be /f surrender enemyfactionname. The enemy faction would have the choice of accepting or declining with /f surrender decline/accept factionname. There could also be a toggle-able "Autotruce" feature that forces a truce between factions when the Warscore reaches 1000% in favor of either faction - with the demanded tribute being taken out.​

And that's what I've got for ideas on the faction plugin being altered/expanded. And naturally other features would be more important, like rebalancing PvP Traits & reworking armor durability and such. And of course all of the above suggestions would be limited by the rules of each individual server.
@Mecharic i know that with the new addition of the massive vote plugin that in-game timers aren't out of the question. And tbh this is a really good idea. I like how it's more realistic in that one ally can be a different kind of ally than another.

Surely my eyes are deceiving me!

Ruling factions getting a one-sided ability to edit Vassal faction's territory?!? Along side of automatic war tribute potentially forcing vassal relationship like you suggest!?!?! Do you realize the sheer amount of tickets and headaches this would continually cause? Full perm access over once private chunks? The shenanigans that would ensue would be catastrophic to the player-base with one side getting banned left and right over grey areas in the rules (which would have to be even more complex then they are now) and the other side outright leaving just angry.

I'm not saying Vassal idea shouldn't be looked into but the conditions you describe above are horrific in their current state.

Surely my eyes are deceiving me!

Ruling factions getting a one-sided ability to edit Vassal faction's territory?!? Along side of automatic war tribute potentially forcing vassal relationship like you suggest!?!?! Do you realize the sheer amount of tickets and headaches this would continually cause? Full perm access over once private chunks? The shenanigans that would ensue would be catastrophic to the player-base with one side getting banned left and right over grey areas in the rules (which would have to be even more complex then they are now) and the other side outright leaving just angry.

I'm not saying Vassal idea shouldn't be looked into but the conditions you describe above are horrific in their current state.

A response to your statement:

A Ruling Faction would NOT want to do harm to a Vassal Faction, as that would vastly harm their reputation, as well as enable the Vassal faction to make a Ticket requesting the end of their Vassalment. It would also classify as Grief, and stealing would/should be against the rules in that regard.

This stated, I do agree that it would be horribly abused by asshole factions, and as such remedy it to the following: a Ruling Faction has one-sided universal access to all Levers, Doors, and Buttons in their Vassal faction(s). This would allow them full access to that faction's territory, much like most games I play that allow Vassalizing give the Ruling side complete access to the Vassal state(s). ex, my empire in Europa Universalis 4 (Spain/Raeth) has 2 colony nations (as Vassals) and a Vassal State (Aquitaine, poor, weakling bastards), all of which grant me 100% access to their territory for military movement.
I personally think that adding a line on the /f f (faction) page regarding the vassal thing is fine. But I don't think perms should get involved. Perhaps relationships for the lower faction automatically update to reflect the higher faction's relations. But other than that I don't see any "big brother" accesses being implemented.

In regards to vassals, I can began to understand ruling faction access to all levers, doors, and buttons, but never ever to blocks or chests. And currently I cannot be convinced to rely on LWC locks, when all my locks broke in New Ceardia. I've done a few test locks since then in New Ceardia and they have as well eventually broken. The only reliable way to keep these chests safe is faction perm access. This is the only safe place on the server for these items. It's not like we can legally have chests in Regalia.

And still giving ruling faction the levers, doors, and buttons options does not take in account the invisibility bug that people sometimes experience when they teleport between s1, s2, etc. But this allows for potential invisible people to be in your base. Invisibility potions were banned for a reason.

As for a ruling faction not wanting to do harm to a vassal faction, I've seen enough /seen and alts in my days to know that reputation does not stop everyone. Tickets and issues would be rampant. It would still be a headache.