Facile Victory Of The Strait


The salty sea breeze brushed through the fiery fur of the Corsair Lord who stood strong at the bow of the lead ship amongst his fleet along the Essalonian Strait. Waves lightly crashed into the side of the various ships present, flags of red and gold high above head flapped harshly in the winds. A large grin peeled across the Lord's fox-like snout as he watched the opposing ships flee knowing well he was unopposed on the high seas. He released a low chuckle before hopping down from his perch and stepping through his Varran crew.

The crew held pirate grins of their own and nodded respectfully to their passing Altaj, yet it was quiet bar the waves below. A black and white speckled Yarran helped hoist the Lord onto a crate in the center of the deck. He panned across the gathered company once more and with his head held high and chest out he addressed the lot.

"Today marks a significant day, men." He took a pause, eyeing the silent crew who all gazed up to their Alpha. "Ailor fleeing from Varran, what a sight am I right?!" The Rakrran bellowed out and was quickly followed by shouts cheers of agreeance. He allowed himself a moment to grin and take in the praise before raising his hands to quiet the gathered once more.

"We strike pure fear into the hearts of anyone meeting us on these waters! Unmatched! Uncontested! Us Varran are the masters of the sea, it is us who rules these waters and now they know it! They witness what we are capable of and we haven't even had to engage yet!" He paused to take a breath, still that prideful grin across his muzzle. "It is our time! Time for our kin to rise once more! Follow me and we will soon have it all!"

The Corsair Lord concluded his speech there and as he stepped back off the crate his crew once more roared up in violent approbation. The sudden shouting of approaching ships reached his ears and he snapped back to ordering his crew, allowing the nearing Synod ships passage soon after.