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Fabrics Of Society | Volume 1


that short girl
Mar 18, 2020
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Fashion is something forever changing as our society grows and shifts. New ideas erupt as the years go on, making the public yearn for more and more as their hunger to be recongized never seems to be sated.

The Fashions of Society is a published article made to compile the new ideas, trends, and in fashion that is dominating the city of Regalia and other regions adjacent to the Holy City. This article does not have to be followed but will perhaps offer ideas to those in need of new clothing with the changing seasons.

Without further ado, let us look into what The Seamstress has created.
The Seamstress strongly encourages the following colors to be worn during the spring season:

COOL TONED PALETTES | It goes without saying the blossoming flora and warmer weather will make colors such as blue, green, and purple blend well into the environment. Pair these colors along with a neutral beige or brown to take full advantage of this selection.

WARM PASTELS | If cool tones are not your cup of tea, a suggestion for light colors such as pink and yellow have been found worn by many within the rings of high society. These colors fit perfectly over white and cream fabrics for a dream-like attire that resembles now budding flowers. However, if you really wish to raise attention vibrant reds and pinks can also make for a beautiful display.

FLORAL PATTERNS | The chosen pattern for the season comes without surprise. Floral patterns are always a must for garden parties, galas, and socials during this time. Be sure to use this pattern sparingly as too much can cause for a busy design.

The Seamstress has compiled a list of attire styles and accessories currently in season:​

FITTED MODEST | Any attire that accentuates the form but also showcases little skin can be flattering on any body shape. This shape can be achieved with corsets to accent the waist and bustle skirts for a more dramatic shape.

SUNDRESSES | Completely different from the fitted modest style, the sundress allows for easy movement and breathable attire that is perfect for the warmer days of the season. This style allows for more freedom on the amount of skin showcased but this style is often paired with wrist-length or elbow-length gloves.

TAILCOAT JACKETS | The tailcoat jacket is a widely popular style or any season but paired with in fashion colors, these become a statement piece for any outfit. Pair along with a nice flower and riding gloves, this can be a refreshing and attractive look.

SASHES | For those wishing to spruce up a casual look, a vibrant sash can make any outfit elevate to something much more. Sashes are also extremely versatile and can be tied in many ways to give options to the wearer.

HATS | Hats that help block the sun are much for those wishing to protect their complexion. The sun is unforgiving and so hats are an exceptional way to fashionable block out the rays. Pair with veils or even decorate the hat with bows, ribbons, or flowers and create something unique to your person.

The Seamstress and her tailors have decided the following people have been most notable in their fashion sense this season:

Baron Aaro Abansaddi | The Baron has been chosen for his mannerly picks of attire which place him in high regard to the Seamstress. His recent attire a pale blue fitted coat with floral patterns and beige dress pants are a perfect example of the current spring fashion.

Lady-Protector Florentine Belrose | It goes without saying that Lady-Protector has high ends fashion taste having come from the Ithanian regions. Her family has been a breath of fresh air to the noble and fashion scene respectively. House Belrose seems to be the embodiment of the season this year.

Miss Fiorenza Garofalo | A bright addition to this list, Miss Garofalo has been seen in many beautiful outfits which have graced the city. From bright yellow to blush pink, it seems Miss Garofalo is certain to showcase her skills in fashion for all to see and take note of. Be sure to stop by her store, Le Belle Vie, whenever you get the chance for high-end cosmetics.

Sera Aldéric Leroux | Having recently come to the city, it is no surprise that Sera has made a name for himself not just for being a twin divine of the Gods Niall and Nolan, but also for his high tastes in fashion. Usually seen in vibrant colors and gold complimented with a stark white, the Sera has caught the attention of both the peerage and common folk.
This has been the first volume of Fabrics of Society. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the next addition.

As said before, while this is not the required fashion, Fabrics of Society is here to guide and offer ideas to the public to better dress for the season. Be sure to think ahead if you are interested in catching the attention of The Seamstress to be featured next time.

Until Then, Happy Sewing.
OOC TAGS: @cosmoons @Harrow @canaaa @microwavemmm