Preserved Sheet Faaron Arwyndaar

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Captain Greybeard
Jun 12, 2018
Reaction score
New York, USA






Full Name: Faaron Jhael-Auceps Arwyndaar (fair-in gaol awe-seps air-win-dar)

Age: Forty Five

Gender: Male

Race: Ailor

Culture: Imperial

Religion: Unionism​



Proficiency Points (50/50):
• +20 Blades Combat (+20 from Points)

• +15 Magical Knowledge (+15 from Points)

• +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 from Points)

• +10 Visual Arts (+10 from Culture)

Bodily Information:
• Physical Rating: 20

• Body Type: Athletic

• Body Fat: Low​

Known Languages:
• Ceardian (Native)

• Alt-Regalish (Fluent)

• Alt-Anglian (Fluent)

• Proto-Regalian (Religious)

Known Magic Spells:
• Not Applicable​



Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Grey

Hair Style: Bald (keeps a well-trimmed beard)

Skin Color: Caucasian

Clothing: Courtly (elegant and simplistic)

Height: 177cm​



Perceived by Others:
Faaron is often perceived as disgusting from a distance. The flesh of his face and head is scarred noticeably from burns, not so greatly as that he is disfigured, but rather that it is ugly and imposing in an off-putting way. Despite this he goes to great lengths to carry himself well, dressing in high quality imported attire sporting gold and purple as well as boots and gloves of fine leather. The little hair Faaron has remaining is that around his chin as he keeps a well-trimmed beard appropriate for formal settings. Around strangers Faaron tends to act in an amiable fashion that is naught but a facade, in truth Faaron is extremely distrusting of anyone who is not an ally or member of the organized faith, and is very slow to consider them worthy of his friendship. To those members of the faith with whom Faaron is not acquainted his friendly, social and welcoming attitude is far more genuine, and to these people Faaron is willing to reveal aspects of his life and ideals that he might otherwise keep concealed,.​

Internally to Self:
Faaron has lived a life of loyalty and service to church and state. Knowing a simple family of his own he found a means by which to better himself, to serve a high purpose in his work with the church. These values have carried on to today mostly in whole. Faaron is a follower of the Imperial culture as best he can, looking down upon those who disregard the standards of etiquette and apex portions of culture nipped from those lesser ways of living. He attends mass often and is a firm believer in the Spirit as the sole true divine being worthy of worship. Because of the trauma he has suffered in the past, Faaron sometimes falls prey to uncontrollable movements and twitches, most often his right hand, which shakes violently, and his remaining eye, twitching and fidgeting about. Faaron is well aware of these tics but is powerless to control them, and because of this he has grown to hate himself a bit, seeing himself as less of a man than before which has sired a fire within him, a will to try and find his way back to serving a higher purpose.​

Friends & Family:
From a young age Faaron was a family man, loving his parents and his older brother from the get-go. Although he hasn't seen his sibling in many years the appreciation for his mere existence has not been forgotten. Faaron longs to reconnect with his brother, especially after the death of his parents. Save for his childhood most of Faaron's friendships have developed with the church and his childhood acquaintances in his hometown. Although these childhood acquaintances have totally disappeared from his life, Faaron has kept up communication with those Reverends and Inquisitors he had become close with during his service in Basta. Given his departure to Regalia for the times ahead, Faaron has taken to writing to those he has left behind so that he will not lose those friendships if he is ever to return home. Lovers have never been an aspect in Faaron's life, save for a few youthful trysts Faaron has chosen to disregard the idea of sex and a relationship for stalwart celibacy that he has kept to this day.​

Morally Faaron is staunchly lawful, willingly and knowingly following the restrictions put in place by church and state alike. He looks down upon those who disregard these simple rules that keep society civil, and has a hatred for those who seek to dismantle them, namely the Jacobinists. While it would be wrong to categorize Faaron as "good", he firmly sees himself as such. Adhering to Divine and State law, even if it causes harm to some, is the best course of action one can take. When that harm comes upon those who are not of his race, Faaron turns a blind eye with ease for he has no regard for those who are not of Humanity.​

Vision | Faaron's left eye has been all but destroyed. He has no vision from that orb as it was stripped from him during the traumatic events of his past. At first becoming accustomed to his limited vision was difficult, the path to getting to where he is today, that is, used to living with the limitation, has taken a serious toll on the man's mental health. Pain radiates out from this glaring injury, even to this day, and memories of the fire haunt his dreams. Faaron continues to seek relief from these nightmares and suffering through prayer to the Spirit.

Appearence | Faaron's face, head and body generally is severely scared from burns. While the scarring is not so bad as to horribly disfigure him, it is considered off-putting and disgusting to most passersby. To Faaron his appearance has always been a point of damage to his self-confidence, for a time after the incident itself he was extremely hesisant to go out of his way to converse with others, and in the months and even years following he was slow to go out of his home, to the market or tavern. Even today this matter of self-confidence hinders him somewhat, though he has generally come to terms with how he looks and focuses on his duty and obligations as to distract him.

Racism | A weakness in that it causes trouble, Faaron is extremely racist towards those who are not of Humanity. This includes but is not limited to all non-Ailor and non-Ailor who have not been awarded humanity by the Emperor. Faaron also considers Ailor who support Jacobinistic ideals and those who consort happily with non-Ailor to be unfit for his consideration and respect. These beliefs however take a back seat to loyalty, Faaron wouldn't dare to disrespect those above him should they happen to open diplomacy with the other races or treat them with some sense of dignity. A utopia, in Faaron's eyes, is a world free of species, cultures and religions that are not his own.​
Xenophobia | Faaron is extremely distrusting and hateful towards non-Humans, those of cultures non-traditional to Humans, and non-Unionists. While not always displayed outwardly, this often causes first impressions to be extremely negative, even if they are based solely off of appearance, and not off of character. This hatred is taken to such an extreme as that Faaron would gladly see non-Human races made lesser legally, or otherwise persecuted.​
Religious Jingoism | Faaron staunchly supports the Empire and it's interests, as well as those of the Church and it's organized military and inquisitorial arms. Faaron believes that the Empire should constantly maintain a strong and diverse military as well as imperialistic values. Along with this he believes that the Empire should institute the mandatory indoctrination of conquered areas into the religion and culture of the Empire.

Sympathy for the Poor | Faaron's youth was simplistic and enjoyable compared to most, and because of these he has developed empathy for those whose upbringing was worse than his own. He understands that not everyone experiences the luxury of food on their table each day, and as such has taken to charity and temperance. For Faaron, meals are the bare minimum needed to upkeep his form and health, often opting for bread and water, or a pieces of fruit. Faaron has and continues to put large portions of his earnings towards organizations that assist the needy if not donating to them directly.

Paranoia | Faaron is of the mind that everyone is capable of evil, and as such capable of turning from the light to accept the darkness in an instant. While this belief is lessened for those who serve the Spirit, more so for those of a high rank, he still lacks complete confidence. This mindset carries over to his work as an Inquisitor, hence the quote "There is no such thing as innocence - only degrees of guilt."​
Swordplay | Faaron is a trained and experienced swordsman. His initial capabilities were acquired through his service to the Inquisition in Basta, and expanded upon and otherwise refined during his work thereafter. While he is by no means a master, Faaron is capable of handling himself in a fight, and supporting his brothers-in-arms.

Magical Knowledge | Faaron has had extensive learning in the field of magical studies, mostly concerning the functionality and quirks of Sanguine, Silven, and Magi. While he isn't familiar with the various nuances and specifics pertaining to spell-usage, he is informed enough to make his work as an investigator into these matters worthwhile.



Childhood and Adolescence (1 - 19):
Faaron was born the younger of two sons to a loving family in Basta. While not particularly wealthy the family was well-off enough to afford some of the more uncommon luxuries for a commoner household. His father worked as a merchant and his mother, prior to their birth, aided him in this line of work. He grew up in the vicinity of an expanse of church property, and because of this became quickly acquainted with the faith he has come to adore. Save for his mother much of his early turorage came from a local Reverend, a friend of his father.​

Early Adult Life(20 - 30s):
Throughout his early life Faaron neglected the trade of his family, leaving the absorption of their business to his brother. As the months and years went by he spent considerable portions of time with the local Reverends, and eventually the local Inquisitorial men as he was brought on as a student after expressing interest in their work.

The years to follow were grueling at best, Faaron was worked till he could hardly stand, and when he was afforded a break from physical labour and swordsmanship he was sent to study. Despite the wear and tear his mind and body suffered, Faaron looks back on this time of his life with contentment, knowing that it allowed him to partake in righteous work beyond that which he might have otherwise achieved. Some months following his thirtieth birthday Faaron was formally inducted into order of Inquisitors to aid in their work.​

Late Adult Life(40s - Today):
Many years into Faaron's service he was sent with a troupe of men to investigate claims of heresy. The men were led to a village on the outskirts of their city, and from there to a house set back in the woodlands. What they found within was nothing all too out of the ordinary, a band of idiots praising falsehoods with a mindset dead-set on adhering to the creed they claimed was truth. What should have been a simple set of arrests led to a dangerous fight, the Zealots refused to be taken away and set fire to their "temple" of a home. While most made it out, the fighting continuing outside, Faaron was trapped as the house began to crumble.

In the aftermath Faaron awoke in his city's clinic. Pain echoed throughout his entire form, he was scarred horribly from head-to-toe. Months went by before Faaron was capable of getting out of bed, his body was changed irreversibly, and he had suffered horrible trauma from which he wouldn't soon recover. Given his inability to continue his work Faaron was permitted to resign from the order, thanked by his brothers-in-arms for his service.

The years after were spent in recovery, Faaron focused more on literary pursuits than he did combat, at first. The day eventually came that he found the will within himself to redeem himself as a man, to prove that he was still worthy of calling himself an Inquisitor. With the aid of the few friends he had kept, and with prayer, Faaron began refining his skills in swordplay with the hopes of finding his way back to an illumined path. This interest eventually lead Faaron's gaze to Regalia, to the Holy City, taking note of the spreading chaos and debauchery, he wished to make way to do right by his Ailor kin.​

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Here is my review:

Visual Information

  • List his Hair Style as "Bald" instead of "None." Feel free to keep the groomed beard portion, however.
Personality and Abilities
  • In your first paragraph, you explain how Faaron dresses well and grooms well to try and get past his somewhat disfigured appearance. I would like for you to add a few sentences that depict his actual behavior around strangers, and if there's ever a change or shift depending on what kind of audience he's around.
  • In your third paragraph, I would like for you to describe how Faaron acts around these church-going/attending friends specifically, and how his behavior is different here than how he acts around people he doesn't know. Additionally, I would like for you to describe what his personality is like around the company of a lover or even a love interest.
  • Weaknesses are a purely optional. Please put these points under a Spoiler.
  • I would explain how his appearance is a weakness to him rather than how it's a weakness for other people. The social aspects are understood, as some could be afraid or in shock of his disfigurement, but I would like to see mention of how it hinders him.
Make your edits in a legible red then tag me when you have completed them. @Ekizu
@MantaRey Reshuffled points. Removed +5 Linguistics, turned +10 Magical into +15, removed 5 points from Sword Combat. Added Quirks and Skills in a spoiler. Aged down by five to forty five. Physical rating lessened by 5, body type changed to Athletic from Ripped.
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