Archived F Home'ing And Enemy'ing.

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Faction hopper since '15
Staff member
Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
It came to my attention that it is legal to f home and enemy a faction now. I think it should be made illegal again or give us the option to only let cerntain factions f home to you, with the perms, like you can set a access of a chunk but now you set the f home access for example Viserys. So i would like to know your guys opinions.

I will tagg some people that i would especially like the opinion of. Everyones else his opinion is welcome aswell ofcourse.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
With "Give us the option to let certain factions f home" i ment also keeping it legal.
I think it should be made Illegal. I like how the rules changed to give us more freedom but some things are to far. Part of raiding is stratagising and finding were peoples bases are and stuff, not just magically teleporting to there base and then instantly declare war......
If we were to allow specific factions to f home to us it would make people paranoid on whom they could trust which would be great, making people more aware of who is coming in and out of the faction land is always important. (bandit)
I like that it is now legal, if you give allies permissions it is your fault what they use them for. My faction gives allies no perms
its not OUR fault we are allowed to go there. That's the thing. prime example, if a faction tries to ally us, its their responbillity to take precautions to not letting us f home or neutral us again. the majority shouldn't get punished for the minority.
It all comes down to responsibility. Manage your permissions carefully, and take caution on who you ally.
My personal opinion on it is that it should remain legal. It's an easy fix to change the permissions, if your not willing to disable teleportation to your f home and somebody does so and enemies, thats the faction leaders fault for not setting the permissions to disable it or by being said factions ally. I realise some people dislike it and think "It's easier for friends and allies to come visit" But portals are easily made for friends and others to come.
Tbh who keeps their faction raidiable from the f home, just make it inside a box if it's that bad.
I somewhat agree with alot of things here , I agree with that if someone tp 's inn and Enemies then it is the faction leader's fault, but I also agree that there had been good if some specific factions could have f home'd to you, take for example if you're being raided and are fighting you will possibly have help from your closest, it is a little unnecessary that you have to change the perms everytime someone would like to visit you, it had been easier if only specific factions could come to your f home. portals is one solution but it had been more fun/effectively if only specific factions could ... but of course if you are allied then you are allied. But you should not get an advantage of being allied and then betray them in which case you do now.
I personally think it's rather cheap, and I disallow any of my officers and members to participate in this, but I agree that if a faction leaves their permissions that way, it's their own fault. :c
I really dont care if it is illegal or legal, but i do want to specify which factions are allowed to f home to me if its legal, because setting up portals is such a hussle. I rather have it illegal though, because its the interwebs (yes i just said that). People can act trustworthy and backstab you later, man even in real people do this shit. So how can you know if you can really trust a faction? or a person? What if a trust a faction member and i want to talk to him in alliance with all the other guys but i dont know the officers or leaders, do i take the risk of allying or keeping neutraled/truced? because one of those officers or even the leader might want to attack me.

I just think its rather hard to make a picture of who is trustworthy and who is not if you not know them in real life? I mean teamspeak would help a bit but even then. People can be 2 faced and i dont want to take the risk of brining my faction in danger. While i dont like turning the permissions off for f homeing, I have to do it in the mindset of protecting my members.
You can make a portal to all the allied factions you need in very little amount of time. Also maybe you could set an entry point at your f home where allies can not get past. Like a room with stone button exits (This way you won't have to remove ally door perms to make it easier for necessary allies to defend from raiders if you need it.)
Spys, double agents, and betrayal are all just facts of war. Trust should not be handed out easily and unless your fac is completely self sufficient you should get used to the fact there will be security breeches.

Not really a big deal just take the loss and move on. On the bright side a faction can only pull this move on you once so when they do just minimize casualties and black list that faction.

When I started Massive we did not have ally tp access so removing it from my fac is no big loss and easy to work around.
Well said Jack
It is still a video game though, it needs to be fun for both sides.
An ally betraying you and going in your f home wont ruin the fun of a game any more than them raiding you from the outside. Also with that logic we should just ban raiding in the first place unless the defending faction says "Ok you can raid me." Which doesn't make sense at all in a medieval world.
I think we're all forgetting that the primary factor of this rule change was most likely to lighten the load on staff.
I will keep it short.

If u want specific allies to be able to come to ur faction , use a portal . Theres a reason why this plugin was made .

If u dont want some allies to come to ur f home , it meanz u dont trust them enough , so why ally?
Make it illegal. Causes to big of a issue when it's legal, and a causes no issues when it's illegal. If you're going to make people paranoid about who they ally, in my opinion, you might as well make it legal for faction leaders to kick a player and then proceed to attack them, or vice versa.
Why did thy even make this legal? Allies should be your friends.
People here seem to forget that the /f home for allies was created to allow friendly & peaceful interaction between allied factions. Many here say "well just disable it" and to that I reply with "remove the entire feature" because it gets the same result. You cannot have a feature like this when it can be so easily abused and the abuse isn't even against the rules. So my answer is that /f home & enemy should be illegal, as it defeats the purpose of the entire /f home for allies mechanic.