Preserved Sheet Ezzal'ess Llarel

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i still see ur shadows in my room
May 23, 2018
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ur local walmart

Ezzal'ess Llarel


"A treasure rusts, and do not fret, for I am unfading"​

Basic Information & Proficiency


Basic Information:

  • Full name: Ezzal'ess Llarel
    • Alias: Eruette Thylmara; Rosaline; Ana Sofia di Georgetti.
  • Age: 76 (Born December 1st, 230 AC)

  • Species: Slizzar

  • Natural Gender: Female

  • Sexuality: Fluid

Proficiency Information:

  • + 20 Espionage (+10 Racial Boost, + 10 School of Vilestate)

  • +20 Diplomacy (+20 Racial Boost)

  • +10 Syndicate Contacts (+10 School of Vilestate)

  • +10 Forgery (+10 School of Vilestate)

  • + 10 Quick Fingers (+10 Proficiency)

  • +20 Commanding Speech (+20 Proficiency)

  • +15 Sneaking (+15 Proficiency)

  • +5 daggers (+5 proficiency)

Cultural Proficiency:

  • + 25 Bodycare (+25 spent)

  • +5 Stage Performance (+5 spent)

  • + 20 Dancing (+20 spent)

  • +10 Vocal Music (+ 10 Spent)

  • Zasta (mother tongue)

  • Common (10/10 - tutored by her Mentor)

  • Ithanian (9/10- tutored by her mentor)

  • Dressalo(8/10- learned during her years with the Dressolini people)

  • Modern Elven (10/10 - during her years as a mistress to an Ithanian- Altalar Lord )



  • The hue of her hair was described as a fiery, intense red (Ultimately varies).

  • Her naturally hair could be described as silky tendrils- assumes more natural appearing volume.
  • Her eyes were a crystalline violet- Prominent features set upon her ovular face shape- her complexion a dark grey- a scaly texture to it; Varies per form.

  • Her form was rather lithe, graceful curves adorning her form at 5'9 - Varies per form.

  • Ezzal'ess as Eruette below (general appearance);



Social Perception | The Charmer of man: The Slizzar is ultimately perceived as a temptress- sporting innate grace and charm; She'd often be see sharing suggestive words with others, often cooing them playfully- every statement laced with subtle flirtatiousness. Outwardly appearing amiable, the Serpentine being held a sensible sense of courteousness to all. Despite her flirtatiousness, her attitude can wane into one that is called for concerning the situation before her. To outsiders, the Slizzar could appear rather one-dimensional, aimed solely on entertaining her patrons, yet outwardly radiates glimmers of profound social intelligence.

Internal Perception | Empress of Lust: Ezzal'ess understands herself to be manipulative- constantly using this to her advantage; Her ability to blend into the populace has only deepened this egotistical ideology- Despite this, she does not let it show. Every impulse is fueled by her will to thrive, yearning for the luxuries of life. The Slizzar grows her arrogance with every accomplishment- The Seductive lifestyle only a mask for her greed and longing.

Familial Relations | "What heart?": The Serpentine woman's genuine relationships are truly limited- Most who she forms a connection with are not forgotten, but discarded- as they have no more use to the Slizzar. Those who she does care about, perennially hold a place in her heart. As a student of the School of Vilestate, those who know of her training are usually warded away- therefore, honest relationships are seldom present in her life.

Morality | Fire burns inside: While the Slizzar doesn't bear true emotions towards those she is not close to, she is struck by guilt whenever she has to force her hand; Passion as heated as flame swarms her heart, and the flame combusts another fragment of her morality each incident that she is involved in.

Life Story



The Seed | Hatched to two unknown Slizzar parents, Ezzal'ess Llarel roamed the Lands of Sedras during her first fives years- the youngling using her shifting to beg for meager amounts of food, lasting at a near gaunt state, until she was found by a traveling Altalar- a mage in his own right. From that moment on, he began to cultivate a darkness in his adoptive daughter- His name Thylios Thylmara;

Feeding the temptation | Ezzal'ess, upon reaching the age of ten, was began to learn Thylios's darkest secrets, delving into the lectures of the School of Vilestate, by her maligned father. Her adolescent training continued until the age of twenty, which not only included the studying of Vilestate- but mastering the arts of seduction, and guise, which included the devoted studying of Dressalo and d'Ithanie until age 21, when she was sent into the world as Eruette Thylmara. Her demeanor polished by years of grueling training, her former blooming rose withering into a darkened flower, tainted by the sins she was yet to commit;

Lady of the Altalar | Around the age of 29, the Slizzar caught the attention of a High-ranking Ithanian official, an Altalar Lord. During this time, she had the honor of being his mistress, his closest confidant. She was even seen publicly with the man, which beckoned forth controversy from the masses- unknowing of her race, but of her renown proficiencies. Despite this, the Lord was happy with his "Altalar" companion, who was truly plotting to usurp his power, sending information he bestowed upon her to her father. Despite this, Ezzal'ess grew a fondness for the man that grew in the years they were together- showing a more sensitive side towards the Altalar she grew so close to-.

The reckoning | After nearly twenty years of being his companion, even being proposed to, and married, somewhere around the end, the Slizzar finally elevated herself into a patrician. He gifted her daggers for her 49th year- daggers that ultimately caused his death, at her hands. The death of the only one she loved caused her grief, but understood she had to move on. His death still plagues the depths of her mind, shadowed by a seemingly impenetrable emotional shield. Even her stealth could not lead her to escaping without repercussions- fleeing to the lands of the Dressolini people with her father, entwining herself in another population's lands- an entertainer to high ranking officials. Here, she grew, blossoming into who she truly yearned to become, servicing not one, but several men of power.

Blown into the wind | Here, Ana Sofia di Georgetti, was forgotten- the apparent Dressolini drifting into the world of the forgotten- the man who had nurtured her had been apprehended, and killed by the authorities; A killer, liar, and manipulative thief. Upon hearing the news, the Slizzar packed her baggage, and fled to a land she had yet to visit- the Regalian Empire.

Artwork! <3



By SmolNoot! Truly lovely artwork!​
Last edited:

Hello, sunshine.
  • You've used 70 proficiency points, versus the 60 available to you. The use of Vilestate as a school takes 10 points from your pool, leaving with 50 to work with. Please fix this.
  • In your visual information, instead of using "ovular physiognomy" simply use "oval face." Please use direct language to describe how she looks.
  • In your personality paragraphs, I'd like you to elaborate more beyond the seductress aspect of her. I feel like you can do a lot more than just focusing on that particular facet.
  • Your life story seems fine, but I'd like to see it a bit longer with more experiences that shaped her personality. Flesh her out more than just a seductress.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you've finished. Thank you.