Preserved Sheet Ezekiel Kolen

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
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  • Name: Ezekiel Geoffrey Kolen.
    • Shortened to Zeke or Ez, usually.
    • Uses the handle of Rattlebones when hunting.
    • "Affectionately" nicknamed the Rat Knight from his schooling days.
    • Various other aliases.
  • Age: 28.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Anglian Ailor.
    • Mystic of Vengeance.
  • Religion: "Unionist".


  • Proficiency = 28 points:
    • Combat Proficiencies.
      • +20 Anglian Longbow. | +10 Anglian, +10 points.
        • Tutored via his father during their rare moments of bonding, which eventually grew into a more consistent skill picking up a crossbow as a Darkwald Knight.
      • +5 Blades. | +5 points.
        • Picked up the blade as a further tool in striking down aberrations and making a name for himself. He specializes specifically on broadswords; disabling an opponent rather than striking them down entirely.
    • Knowledge Proficiencies.
      • +10 Hunting Knowledge. | +10 points.
        • He's got to find the aberrants somehow. Tracing footsteps and blood-trails, it's no surprise that Ezekiel's 'style' usually consists of crippling an opponent to follow them after and finish the job on a weakened foe
  • Body Build:
    • 10 Heavy Bow x 2 + 5 combat = 25.
    • Ripped body build.
    • Extremely low fat.

  • Languages:
    • Anglian | Cultural.
    • Common | Free.


  • Eye Color: Green.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Scraggly.
  • Skin Color: Healthy pale.
  • Clothing: Practical garbs in Darkwald colors.
  • Height: 6'6".


  • First Impressions:
    • One may assume a man so dark and foreboding in appearance to be something of a loner. Rather, Ezekiel is a man of surprises. Remarkably social and courteous, Zeke is usually interpreted as well-meaning, if not a bit absent minded. His tone is almost always static and plain, aside from rare moments of sarcasm, and he's prone to occasionally drifting out of a conversation entirely as if hearing a voice call his name. Most interpret this as either stupidity or eccentricity, though the more paranoid sometimes assume him mad.
  • Inner Thoughts:
    • Zeke now feels a calling towards justice and vigilantism, thanks to the roots of demonic possession in his head, though this comes into conflict with the rapacious impulses that too inhabit his mind. Though Zeke is no expert on aberrations, he assumes this being to be a demon and fears it, no matter how kind it comes off as. Though the being is slowly chipping away at his willpower with nightmares of injustices and promises of glory, Zeke's own cowardice is the strongest wall that the Sorrow has to break down. Outside of this, Zeke has heavy confidence in himself and his own actions, believing himself to be the only true thing to rely on in a world filled with the arcane and the unjust. He views his faith, specifically in regards to his "Unionist" beliefs, as more of a tool to get what he wants done. A good amount of his problems can be solved by spouting creeds at people who don't believe him. His belief in the Spirit being real was killed off pretty early on during his time as a poor child, and so he only mimes believing for the sake of not being shunned.
  • Ties:
    • Though Zeke fancies himself as if he's some lone wolf protagonist of a great epic, he keeps friends. Perhaps they're his greatest weakness, as Zeke usually isn't one for growing attached, and an attachment to Regalia is one of the few reasons he hasn't committed one of his ratly schemes and ran off ran off for another city. He's found that it's easier to speak with and grow attached to the people in Regalia than any other city, which is more the result of the nagging voice in his head informing him of all the bad things happening around him than any actual difference in the attitude of this new city.
  • Morality:
    • Greed triumphs whatever moral code the Darkwald school tried to beat into Ezekiel, and his relentless search for money and fame to contrast his past life of poverty is what defines him. He's not above torture or murder, though heavily dislikes the latter simply for the messiness and chance of being caught. He's also not above defending the weak if it benefits him. He's always looking out for "number one", and therefore sees fit to defend others if such will save him from a sword to his neck later on. With the 'extra inhabitant' to his head, Zeke has been drawn to defending others and righting wrongs more frequently, and thanks to Zeke's unwillingness to look back on what he's done he's completely unaware of the slow transition.


Sometimes, people are just born sour.
In the slums of an Veer city, Ezekiel Kolen was born, under the unloving gaze of Myrtle and Olivier Kolen. Myrtle, an alcoholic, focused more on her growing collection of bottles than her son, and Olivier believede his young son to look more akin to the bartender of Myrtle's favorite watering hole than him. Despite his shortcomings, he gathered a solid friend group as a boy. Ezekiel fell into what seemed to be a life of petty crime during his late childhood and early teens, swiping money from the men and women who believed these baby faced children to be pure of heart. After being offered a frankly ridiculous sum for ratting on his friends, Ezekiel threw each and every ally he'd gathered over the years under the bus with little regret.

Ezekiel did not focus on helping the father who believed him a bastard, or the mother who was too drunk to care for her son. Instead, aged fifteen, he shipped himself off to the closest academy possible, with intent to use it as a booster board to fame; the Castle Virgadulvlas in Tirgunn. Surprisingly enough, he got along well with his peers, at least the ones who weren't privy to his exploits in the Veer. Those who did slowly spread the tale until he'd gained somewhat of a reputation for himself, graduating with the moniker of "The Rat Knight".

Ezekiel graduated at age nineteen, though didn't last quite long. Once as he left Tigrunn a year later, Ezekiel talked badly of the school and their methods, alongside accepting Ithanians as 'redeemable'. This resulted in his ejection from the Order. In truth, this was what Ezekiel desired: A way out of the Darkwald school in the most extravagant way he could manage, pushing himself out of the shadow of the most loathed knightly order and into the light of obscurity.

With the skills of a Knight but none of the devotion, Ezekiel wandered the Regalian Archipelago with a smile on his face and a crossbow in hand. Though with outwardly altruistic intentions, all Zeke truly desired was fame and fortune, and the tutoring of the Darkwald school did little to suppress his traitorous urges. As Zeke grew, so too did his avarice, but in turn the places that still accepted him shrunk. By the time he was twenty-eight, he lay to rest in an Inn near a recent gang raid on a hospital in the slums of Calemberg. The wronged souls of that hospital's tenants called together a Wandering Exist Sorrow, that seeped into his mind as he slept.

As Wintertide drew closer, Ezekiel decided that going on vacation to the capital city would be good for celebrations. Unfortunately, he missed it. Though a curious phenomenon hit him as he stepped into the walls of the Holy City. A voice calling to him for justice.

After joining up with a group of fellow discharged Darkwalds, Ezekiel is turned into an outlaw under the state after his associates beat down the wrong Allar. In fear of being caught, and dragged to full desperation, he called on the Mystic not to save others, but to save himself. But the Mystic has other ideas.
Last edited:
I find no issues, approved.
Updated to Mystic of Vengeance after some IC events. Some minor things like hair color and life story also updated.
Didn't change personality yet, as I want to play out the Mystic before I actually know how to write out what Zeke's turning into.