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Played Character Eysmyn - The Rebel

This character is actively played.


Phantasmal and Resplendent
Jan 23, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Character Information
  • Full Name: Eysmyn of the Darkthorn Clan in East Selvaria
  • Heritage / Culture: Freefolk (Selvath)
  • Age: 35
  • Gender / Pronouns: Genderfluid (primarily they/he)
  • Religion: Broken Gods (Scornblood) + Gilan Worship
  • Occult: Vortex Mage
  • Character Occupation: Hunter, Ranger
Appearance Information Eysmyn.webp
  • Eye Color: Cyan, set under a heavy brow
  • Skin Color: Bronze, crisscrossed with tattoos and scars
  • Hair: Dark brown, worn in a long undercut decorated with beads, feathers, and gold braided in
  • Height: 6'
  • Body Type: Athletic and battle-scarred, ranger's build
  • Additional Features: Digitrade panther's legs and panther's arms below the elbow; black and red tattoos on brow and cheekbones

Skill Information

  • Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy Hobby, Athletic Hobby, Magic Talent
  • Mechanics:
  • Languages:
    • Fluent: Altalar, Nātl
    • Mediocre: Droque, Common
  • Forest Rebel- Coming from a war-torn region of East Selvath, Eysmyn has learned from a young age to fight against their hated oppressors, the Allorn. They have a fierce opposition to any form of imperialism, capitalism, or other systems that they deem to be exploitative or oppressive which, coupled with their brash and upfront personality, has brought them into trouble through their travels. On the other hand, their idealism and passion makes them fast and loyal allies to those who align with their ideals.
    • Characters with a history of freedom movements may have encountered Eysmyn as a comrade, while law enforcement or agents of empire may have conflicted with them. They have an immediate affinity for the underdog and can be approached for help, even if the work is less than legal.
  • Wild Magic- Though tight-lipped about the circumstances that brought it about, Eysmyn has been cursed with wild Vortex magic which they struggle to control. They primarily rely on mundane skills for this reason, but intense emotion or stress often bring about a crackling pinkish energy which threatens to lash out at any given moment. They are not a purist by any means, but seek to avoid exposure to strong magic to prevent another loss of control.
    • Eysmyn is urgently seeking magical mentors skilled in the Vortex to help them control their abilities. Anima mages are also welcome, as they naturally have an affinity for the dimension and would like to use it to provide structure for their Vortex magic. In the future, Suvial may be sought out.
  • Apostate- As a worshipper of the Broken Gods that nevertheless still holds to Gilan worship, Eysmyn may be considered an apostate by members of both faiths. However, this also places them in the unique position of being a potential bridge between the two, providing an opportunity for unexpected contacts. They are not outwardly religious, but hold their values close to their heart. Unsurprisingly, their anti-imperialism brings them into conflict with the Estelley, Unionist, and Fornoss faiths, while being friendly towards Evolists and followers of the Deep Will.
    • I don't plan on making religion RP a primary focus of this character, but members of both the Broken Gods and Estelley faiths are encouraged to interact with them! Their faith mainly manifests through their ideals rather than outward piety, but they may be convinced to become more or less devout or to change their patronage through RP.
  • Demonhunt- Selvath are known for their wild and adrenaline-fueled hunts, even if ill-advised, and Eysmyn is no exception. Whether magical or mundane, if there is a beast to be hunted, a challenge to be conquered, or a demon to be subdued, Eysmyn is eager to join in the hunt. Great Oak Bloodcasts, Sihndar, and other hunters may find them a solid comrade, while monstrous characters and demons should be wary around them.
    • I plan on doing some RP up in the Badlands and Gloomrot, so let me know if you'd like to arrange a fight or a hunt. I would be particularly interested in a longer-term hunt with a monstrous or demonic character.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Dexterity (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)

Proficiency Points:
  • Constitution: 1
    • Cavalry Charge [x]
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Deadeye Barrage [x]
    • Deadeye Pinshot
    • Deadeye Drillshot
    • Deadeye Doubletap
    • Deadeye Quickshot
    • Deadeye Execute
    • Escape Artist [x]
  • Magic: 7
    • Arcane Portent [x]
    • Arcane Snare
    • Arcane Distortion
    • Arcane Warp
    • Arcane Shove
    • Arcane Revive
    • Shapeshift (Magical) [x]
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