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Played Character Eys’ella

This character is actively played.


Always smirking
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name:
Eys'ella Ohtli Faenmarel Bel-Vashaäel Lathai
Race / Culture: Lanlath/Maquixtl Mix
Age: 31
Gender / Pronouns: She/her
Occult: Exist Arkenborn (Justice), Exist Mage

Core Concept
Raised with the desire to mend and protect albeit amongst a sheltered, lavish lifestyle, Eys'ella is both a cheery healer and warrior, an avid worshiper of Estellon, and still compassionate and naive in the face of the world's wider horrors and truths, seeking to discover, do right by, and enact the will of her unique birth status whilst uncovering all Aloria has to offer.

Appearance Information
Eys'ella towers upon a height of 6'3", with a curvy figure complimented with lean muscle reflective throughout her entire physique, moving with an assured, steady, and graceful stride. Tanned skin and bright golden locks compliment beauteous features and are further brightened by a full-lipped, dazzling smile that often distracts from her starry pupils framed by the glowing blue eye-whites that announce her Arkenborn status to the world. Several small tattoos further set apart her appearance, the largest being a dark blue, decorated crescent moon upon the center of her back.

Attack and Defense Stat
Strength (A) | Magic (D)

Hobbies and Talents
  • Medical Hobby
  • Magical Talent

Strength: 7
  • Concussive Blow Pack
  • Pinning Throw Pack
  • Diving Tackle Pack
  • Knockback Sweep
  • Cheap Shot Pack
  • Bruising Strike Pack
  • Combat Sight Pack
  • Careful Fighter Pack (Free)

Constitution: 0
Wisdom: 1
  • Technique Parry Pack
Dexterity: 0

Magic: 6
  • Wardrobe Pack
  • Magic Snare Pack
  • Magic Trip Pack
  • Magic Smog
  • Magic Curse Pack
  • Magic Bolster Pack
  • Magic Isolate Pack (Free)
  • Magic Summon Pack (Free)

Charisma: 0
Faith: 0


Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Eys'ella was raised within Lanath by her grandparents from early infancy without explanation, leaving the truth of her mother and original origins in much mystery.

  • Raised within the Lanath city of Vashaäel, under a wealthy, aristocratic upbringing, the Arkenborn was brought up and educated under typical Lanlath teachings and culture, and for the majority of her early life would live the sheltered lifestyle of a pampered socialite that floated between many social circles.

  • Brought up under the faith from an early age, Eys'ella held and continues to hold the teachings and practices of the Estellon faith close to heart.

  • Despite thriving within her noble lifestyle, ambition, boredom, and questions beckoned the blossoming elven woman into harnessing her potent magic and physique into a force to be reckoned with, departing Lathan at the young age of twenty-one to seek answers on her origins and try and live up to her intimidating Arkenborn status.

  • Eys'ella would act as a vigilante, a small hand of justice against smaller criminals and those who failed her morals as she moved from Etosil through Daen, ending her adventures within a small village in the forests of Frontierra, seeking the place of her original birth.

  • Despite failing to find any answers, Eys'ella would grow to care for the location itself and its inhabitants, forming close bonds with some, and acting as a defender against the constant troubles and warfare that plagued the tumultuous village, learning more of her Maquixtl heritage within the process, the art of healing, and only departing almost ten years later.

  • After she departs from the village, Eys'ella travels through Westwynd for a few months before leaving for Regalia.