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Eyes Crossing: Proconsular Addresses Of 305 A.c.

Mailed from the Lusit Royal Court, several addresses are copied and displayed about the Crown Isle. These missives would have paintings on their backs, so illiterate might feel implored to take them home so they might be read aloud to them by family or friends. It would read as follows:


Damaged dramatization of death riding through the streets of the Holy City

To the members of the Regalian assembly and our common counterparts,

Violence has been left in the wake of violence I am afraid. As I have withdrew my Companions to the front lines to accompany me, and illness seems to have taken the streets of our capital. Just as deadly is it as this plague - it is disunity and terror.

How horrifying and humbling, to have commoners - nay, rats - scurry into the chancellery, and nibble away at the sanctity of our government. For this, I apologize profusely. My goal now is to provide as levy that will better protect the will of our government, and not just my Proconsular authority.

May we reserve nothing but prayer for Consul Wodenstaff. May we not degrade her, her family, nor disservice the title of Consul by speaking ill on her for the stresses she has endured - her capture does not symbolize her own weakness, but puts an emphasis on the dangers of distrust and disunity within the chamber of the assembly.

Furthermore though, with the lifting of the quarantine on the slums, the lion has been released from its cage. We no longer can gain anything from re-instating the quarantine over the area, as now our air and Ailor are all polluted, from every end of the city.

I pray though that this simply provides more treatment options for the sick, and with the death of the Horatio sends a signal to them before I must more brutally remind them of their place, and that some peace and comfort befalls the slums. May we pray the next Horatio of that gang in question - The Devout Few - is wiser than the last, as now he has a prepared opponent to treachery.

Finally brothers and sisters, I must make one thing clear; do not cross into their domain. What have you to gain to walk into a population decaying of plague, with so little money that even the almshouses try to ignore their plight due to financial constraints? Outside of the slums, we have the Regalian Guard to count on, and we need not look to our fellow citizens with suspicion. May the situation surrounding Tobie Piergarten serve as a lesson on the foolhardy nature of arguing otherwise.

With the reissuing of Consular Companions on the streets, I must further insist that your safety is assured within the quarters which suit nobility and productive commoners. Avoid the slums if you do not reside there.

As we march along the Way,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp​

Dearest Ithanian and Leutz-Vixe kin,

Succession and plight - the worst twins. My heart aches for those who are caught in between the battles on our own soil. But more tangible wounds than the pains in my heart can be observed as more men are needlessly wasted in this struggle.

As proud as any Ailor, I know it is not in an Ithanians nature to back down or release a grudge, but I must insist one thing - all violence will cease.

To Piergarten, Rosendahl, the besieged and the worried; your cause will find a clear case in the halls of our peers - that which you occupy, there where you may make your case - comes only in two days. Attend and stand tall, raise your hands and voices in solidarity, and do things as you say we are meant to among peers; through peace, deliberation and cooperation. You too ought to keep your chins held high. Your fight may be won for simply having been made to engage in it.

I would bid no one who believed their cause righteous to do anything other than consult the peers to vote, and I know many among you who are orators of the highest caliber.

Our government, peers, all see and know the plight. To House Ravenstad, count not on the armies you have stowed away from the landing in our ongoing war, and instead to the wisdom of the assembly. We too felt pained at the fall of Percival, but we do not even draw blood from Ailor to find a cure for the plague. Continued aggression will be accounted for by all - heed my advice, as the head of a house that has lent yours mutual support. Remember that our Emperor loved Percival, and that justice will be affirmed by His Imperial Holiness.

Know also it is not the destruction of your house that is desired, but to answer questions of legality.

Stressful is it that such infighting must be addressed during a time of crisis, but none-the-less, I remember my duty to the people, and promise this issue will find itself aptly addressed. Furthermore, I bid that the peers do not ready arms to enter this conflict, but rather ready arms to enter war against our true enemies - the Elves.

As we march along the Way,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp

Hail to the soldiers and to their kin at home,

Drones I hear, no louder than a whisper, but so numerous it could be mistaken for the roar of a machine. People scrutinize our army for jumping to means of attrition, yet have no education in command. Fools are they - I have nearly wept from stress at pulling off this war as both money, men and ships are withheld by the noble peers, all too paranoid to leave their home.

Will being invaded satisfy their ambitions better? I wonder...

Whence danger dares rear its ugly head, we ought not cower. To those who may bombastically call out against the enemies of the Elves - shame. Shame a thousand times. You may look to the rebellion of Valdemar and see the success of smashing all things that pertain to livelihood and identity - it is not as if all Velheimer men and women across the world declared against our Empire as idols were smashed.

Yet all Nelfin across the world have taken excuse to battle us over doing the same in Rie - a single province.

Do not close your eyes and assume to see what is wrong - even the Lusits are being invaded for entertaining my audience. See before you what is at hand - a race war. We went in to fight the Magic Confederation, yet whole states hitherto unknown to us have opened diplomacy with us to simply declare war. Do you think that reeling in, by apologizing, that war will end? Do not play yourself as a moron, as morons are subject to conquest, not victory.

Now more than ever, we need grit and determination. They destroyed 40 000 troops under Undercrown Charles Montagaard unprovoked, and any of our peers would dare to say what we did was not justified? You are either treasonous or a coward apologist. Do not expect to hold council with me if you oppose the war they wage against us.

May we follow the lead of House Typhonus and Wodenstaff, of d'Vaud and Sorenvik, of all who have dedicated themselves to this most righteous battle. Do not forget your duty to the Empire - do not stray from the Way.

Every night, I offer a prayer for all Humanum, that they may turn their focus away from the throats of one another and towards the enemies who grow jovial at our petty distractions. If peace is what you wish for, then aid our armies in earning it.

As we march along the Way,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp​

Good people of the Realm,

Perhaps you have heard tales of Virathus Krupp, the cold man from the mountains of Opper Calem. Cruel or strong depending on who you ask, wise or wroth. If I am honest though, insults, all forms to undermine me by word of mouth - I care little for the wasted words and energy of the people.

Since my career began with my intervention in Drixagh, I have been a figure of great controversy. People saw in me another Valdemar, a half tribal Velheimer who misused a fleet to keep alive a rebellious people he sympathized with. Others saw an invader, a Calemberger who wished to wipe away the remains of the once mighty Skagger Horde of old. I am not deaf to detractors - I simply pay no heed to sensationalists and gossips.

Could you imagine if I had let Treppewitz continue to trounce, and defended none? If I lost heart, because among all my kinsmen I had detractors? There would be no one to cause issue in Drixagh today, and I regret none of the work I have done there, or for our Empire.

I will admit though, my heart is burdened by what aggrieves our Empire. As I age, maybe one day I will see a mistake I have made and die of heartbreak. But before you all I will remain hardy and strong - anything less would make me a failure as a Count, Consul, Admiral and General. My responsibilities are innumerable, and I apologize now and only once for all times prior I have alienated the people and peers of the Realm. If they cannot find the patience to tolerate the measures in which we deal with the realities and dangers our government faces hereon though, they have no business partaking it it.

Truly, I know it will not be in my lifetime that I am fairly judged. How can I, whence my legacy is not clear, yet all are offended or fond of my ways? Why would I be so enamored with what they say in a tavern, whence my responsibility lies on the battlefield in jungles miles away, or in the Chancellery among those who rule our Empire?

All I will insist is that my focus should not be mistaken for indifference. My loyalty lies with the Realm.

In this vein, I will not be taking my troops from the frontlines to quell the violence in Drixagh. It is not a rebellion - I will reason with the wary Velheimers, and defend my subjects. With the troops withheld by Viduggla and other local lords, if it is an ember that grows to a flame, thence a flood may commence. There lies my true weakness, my genuine emotional toils; these are not bleeding wounds of the land, but scars, and I will not lose focus or make myself a hypocrite to reinforce my claims.

For what are any of our claims worth, should the Nelfin kind invade?

From the Royal Court of the Lusits, I write this, and will skip the Crown Isle to amend the issues in my County and abroad in Drixagh. Before the assembly though, I will be present to deal with the affairs out our State.

I will always be where the State needs me; be it now beside our vassals who are being invaded, and sharing our burden in war, in the turmoil of a suffering province, or before the peers to deal with the issues that plague our state, I will stand. Without fail, my posture will never fail - such discipline the military has afforded me.

As we march along the Way,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp​
Ida ran her fingers through her hair as she read a few of the letters. Emitting a sigh, she dips her quill into the ink to begin writing a letter. "What is this mess..?" She mumbled.