Archived Extended Times In Regalia...

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
So your roleplaying.
Your character is having a fun time in the brisk of day with someone else in the bright sun.
Then, all of a sudden, Its night, your characters must retreat and go to bed(well at least that would be logical).
Or, your vampire is on the hunt...
He's been tracking his prey for all night.
Then, suddenly, daylight comes and he runs indoors or to the sewers.
So what I'm saying is that we could extend the length of day and night to help make logical consistencies in roleplay(only in regalia of course).
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premiums can do /ptime to set the visual time on their client (although that doesnt change the server time, so if in survival u have harmdaylight, etc then that doesnt prevent those effects)
Ingame time isn't canonical in RP. In general, just assume time is roughly relative to US Central or East Coast US Time, and go from there.
Ingame time isn't canonical in RP. In general, just assume time is roughly relative to US Central or East Coast US Time, and go from there.
He means like. Having time be like more than a 20 minute loop... so days can be longer for RP. This has nothing to do with anything IC or in cannon... this is a minecraft mechanic idea
premiums can do /ptime to set the visual time on their client (although that doesnt change the server time, so if in survival u have harmdaylight, etc then that doesnt prevent those effects)
Last time I tried the the player time and weather commands were broken. I'll check them in a bit but from what I recall it didn't work anymore.
He means like. Having time be like more than a 20 minute loop... so days can be longer for RP. This has nothing to do with anything IC or in cannon... this is a minecraft mechanic idea
If that is the case I have another issue this brings up: Vampires. While not everyone RPing as a Vampire is a Vampire from the Plugin, a lot are. And it is super obnoxious to play them with the plugin. Especially for people with less-than-OP PCs, Regalia is a laggy mess, and adding the particles and nausea and such only makes this worse (I even had a few full on crashes when I was a vampire, from stepping into the sunlight on accident near the tavern).

On the other hand, /ptime exists too.
welllll.... if you use the vampire plugin for your vampire character, you get nausia and blindness I just thought It would be a good suggestion because It can be kinda annoying
A few months ago lol. Its Premium only now, which is kind of annoying because it was super useful. But eh.
Oh good! Premiums still have it #forgetnonprems
Just kidding walking is great for everyone's dramatic entrances.(even though everyone sprints everywhere)
In general, just assume time is roughly relative to US Central or East Coast US Time, and go from there.
According to actual rules, you have to establish the time yourself, one example that I saw was someone saying 'Good morning' which would establish the time as being morning. If you just assume that the time is relative to a certain timezone, then there are people whose characters only ever showed up at night because of their timezone, which would be quite annoying.
Well.... the vampire plugin still goes hay-wire when sunlight comes out and if it is constantly switching between light and dark, it can be somewhat hard to find consistencies as not everybody is premium and can change their time
According to actual rules, you have to establish the time yourself, one example that I saw was someone saying 'Good morning' which would establish the time as being morning. If you just assume that the time is relative to a certain timezone, then there are people whose characters only ever showed up at night because of their timezone, which would be quite annoying.
Thats technically the case, but in general, to keep things consistent, (since 80% of players are US/EU) most people go with east coast-ish times. If its a little off its no big deal lol.
Well.... the vampire plugin still goes hay-wire when sunlight comes out and if it is constantly switching between light and dark, it can be somewhat hard to find consistencies as not everybody is premium and can change their time
The trick is to not use the vampire plugin for RP, it never adds anything to your character except lagging and random burning. If you want something that conveys the abilities you have, then add something from the traits.
The trick is to not use the vampire plugin for RP, it never adds anything to your character except lagging and random burning. If you want something that conveys the abilities you have, then add something from the traits.
IKR but people around me do it
though reason of cause (the sky) would still warn you into the shade as it would only be logical and would be incompliant if you stayed in the sun as a vampire character. Thats what I've been trying to say... you can't make everybody change their daytimes and not everybody has premium so it will almost always end up appearing to be day and you can't just be a vampire in the sun and say its night time; see my point?
The trick is to not use the vampire plugin for RP, it never adds anything to your character except lagging and random burning. If you want something that conveys the abilities you have, then add something from the traits.
though reason of cause (the sky) would still warn you into the shade as it would only be logical and would be incompliant if you stayed in the sun as a vampire character. Thats what I've been trying to say... you can't make everybody change their daytimes and not everybody has premium so it will almost always end up appearing to be day and you can't just be a vampire in the sun and say its night time; see my point?
Just becuase the Sun is in the sky in minecraft, does not mean that it is the same in regalia.
I could walk up to someone when the moon is in the middle of the sky, but if I say "good morning everybody!" Then in RP, it is morning. And let's be honest, most of our time is spent in the tavern,nand we never bother to look outside. So I don't really see the problem.

(Prays that the bad wifi doesn't make the post double )
In-game day/night cycles do not match in-character day/night cycles and are not intended to.

At this time, there are not enough benefits for this feature to be altered hence it will be rejected.
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