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Explorer's Call To The Nobility

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Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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Prince Duncan Kade issues a request to all the noble houses of Regalia. The Prince has a notoriously short attention span, which fittingly manifests itself in a crunch deadline of 48 hours. The Prince of the Explorer League challenges the nobility to present a personal appeal to the Explorer League for an expedition of their choice to a place of their choice. The Prince will evaluate all bids and then award Court Favor to the top 3 choices that he deems as "Sweet, Bro".

Participation is not mandatory, but the Court Favor can be earned which translates into Titles. To send in a recommendation, send a letter ((in this thread)) to Prince Duncan, and make a recommendation to a specific place in a specific matter and explain why that would be a good idea.

@Tiber_ @Film_Noir @FireFan96 @MarquisAlex @AlphaInsomnia @Nudibronch @Dekuras @Zombiel3ait @seoulmate @Jouster @HydraLana @Jonificus @BullyTheScroofy @MonMarty @SupremeCripple @Eronoc @Fatherland @AptlyRatley @Aespair @YLMadness @Walrusaur_ @Tracenator1 @Borkwood @Lutsu @AntonVoron @Nellaphise @Plutopup @ZiggyStarDusted @BleachForTheSoul @jarebear24 @Wumpatron
Duncan, my dude,
Its about high time we find that Giant Serpent in Loch Lennon Lake in Gallovia we always heard rumors about. With so much left unexplored in Gallovia, there is a really bloody good chance it could still be out there, and with the absence of knowledge on it, there is a good chance it exists like those Sea Serpents that attacked during the Chrysant Wars. The Scholar's Ministry and Court know nothing of what lies in those valleys and mountain ranges, its time you put that Explorer's League to the test and make history. That's why I believe it would be absolutely pissing awesome if you guys managed to capture the Loch Lennon Lake Monster, or take a scale or two to prove its existence. Any adventurer worth his salt would be a legend amongst the Highlanders and a name to be known in the Capital. Should totally give it some consideration, bro.

Many flexes to you,
Rudd Howlester

Titles, titles and titles
Dear Prince Duncan,
An enticing idea and one that suits my ideal of exciting and fun. I've had an itch to explore Hyarroc and it's stone forest in search of the Basilisk and it's treasure, though I believe ten men to be a bit of a stretch to kill a Basilisk I'd wager we could pull off finding it's loot and retrieving it back to Regalia. Though it's a relatively well known entity it's worth the thought of trying it out, it's risky and dangerous but with high reward and renown. But if it goes, then trying to kill the beast may seem feasible. Of course I'm volunteering myself for this trip as well.

Alistair Howlester.
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To the epic explorer, Prince Kade.

Hearing of your search for an adventure awesome and beneficial enough for yourself, I've heard of a rumor, that in the middle of the Forbidden continent of Drowda, there should be a huge crater known as "Estel's Grave". Not only is said to be riddled with magical essence and wicked monsters, it is also speculated that great artifacts and treasure remain buried in the dirt of the enormous crater. Swords and warhammers of long lost elven demi-gods, fragments of the Estel statue, seraph magic, if any of those stories are to be believed. Now I've never heard of anyone looting that place before so I'd assume it is still ripe for the taking.. If you dare.. The wildlife of drowda is said to be just as dark and twisted as the forests. But if you and your team is up for the task, then glory to the emperor and to the void with all who'd stand in your path. I'd advise starting at the Last Bastion to maybe get a drowdar escort, and a guide. Bet your scholars would be aching to cast some glances around the place anyway.

If you do take upon yourself this task, be vigilant, be faithful, and you will turn up wonders long lost I am sure.

Spirit's blessings.
Edmure Howlester.
Prince Duncan,

The lecture delivered by Prince Alexander some evenings past poses an interesting question. What if a number of our would-be ancestors chose instead to migrate south, into lands which are still left uncharted by our empire? My proposal is that we look south beyond the straits of Solangeria, to dispatch a naval expedition to sail beyond what waters we Regalians have tread and ascertain the potentiality of a yet unseen Ailor civilization having grown far removed from the influence of the Empire. If there's truth to be had in your uncle's theory, then perhaps we might find ourselves bolstered in this struggle against Elvenkind and swell the Unionist flock to new heights, and if not, there's always the possibility of discovering new landmasses for the Empire to exploit.

Spirit Protect,
High Reverend Balthazar​
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To Prince Duncan Kade,

Ellador. Legends speak of a third surviving dwarven stronghold, I heard that there are some Seraph ruins there too, it should be interesting.
-Edmond Vis-Vegcht.
Prince Duncan,

Your excitement to go on an adventure has brought up an old tale I heard many moons ago. At the heart of Saivalé lies a large jungle that is completely overgrown by vines and trees. Now past all this mess lies an old Seraph ruin, which is said to contain the remains of Dragons, such as scales and bones. The researchers there are rumored to be recreating an actual dragon by using their power. It might be worth looking into, if you're interested. If you go, Spirit bless you. There are monstrous roars and tremors coming from that part of the jungle.

Spirit Guide.
Cressida Thiel
The Adventurer Prince Duncan,

I believe the rumoured ancient Altalar ruins present on the Islands of the Evokai would provide some exploration to yourself and your league, whilst the land is ravaged by the volcanic activity of the most central islands, that provides the excitement to yourself and your company! I believe these ancient ruins may provide us some insight into our enemy, but it's a shot in the dark, which is what adventuring is all about. You will have to deal with the half-lings though, which seems irritating but not difficult.

Should you take up this task, I extend my fairest offers of luck in your findings.

As we walk along the way,
Marissa Morgann
Kniaz Duncan,

I must tell you of a place that seldom my people speak of, yet when they do, they speak in hushed tones..

The Babushkas whisper, that far in the southern seas, off the Coast of Etosia, there exists an underwater grotto. The clam divers say, that it glows at the sight of the third moon and that in its cold jaws, one can hear the muffled singing of a hundred buxom maiar. A treasure beyond belief, they say, sleeps within a rotten chest. To find such treasure, the old Babushkas say, you must travel to the clamming town of Thesalonká, on the southern coast of Etosia. There, an old clammer, who plays his pipe upon the cliffs at midday, will show your party the way to the glowing coast. Though.. To bypass the singing.. Buxom.. fishwomen.. One will need the strongest of their males: to distract and lure the syrens away. Then. The best of this parties divers will enter the cave- though. The Babushkas warn of a dark curse.. A hex, which would turn the caves into a maze, where any man without scruples would lose themselves. Sharp minds and strong lungs will be needed.. A Vladno truth.

Spirit wills your success
Radoslav Bolshekov.
Your Imperial Highness,

I have been told to be brief so I will do as such. I believe it may be beneficial to gather some of that new equipment we've used in recent years to revisit the Ceardian continent to see if it makes a difference against the demonic forces that reside there. If successful, it could be possible to use in other locations, or against other creatures.

May the Spirit Guide you in making your decision.

Dietrich Drache
Count of Hurst
To Prince Duncan,

Rumor has it a third, lost Dwarven stronghold yet exists in Ellador which has outlasted the Dakkar. Confirmation of the stronghold's existence would be a widely cherished discovery among the local people, and may show grand designs; the best of Dwarven architecture. If, on the search, a Frosthorn is located it would also be a prize kill, and earn right into Fjellstrond. Such a prestigious hunting event would surely compensate if we are unable to locate the stronghold.

I would be overjoyed to join such a hunt myself. If you do consider it, please think on inviting myself.

With high regards,
~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik
Prince Duncan,

I write to you about a potentially stupid idea, but one that's been eating away at my mind for a good number of months, regardless. There is a place in Farah'deen, called Kouriyasui. It is a Pearl City encircled and protected by no less than eight forts, forts that may or may not still stand, given the destruction potentially levelled at them during the Songaskian civil war.

The Massya had a message for us Regalians, in regards to the Kouriyasui. The message that he gave us was very clear: "Don't go near Kouriyasui."

The question is, why? Was it simply a helpful warning from the young ruler, in that the journey to the city is long and arduous, and that there is not much to see when one arrives, and thus to not bother making the trip? Or, does Kouriyasui contain some more "interesting" secrets?

An expedition to Kouriyasui to find out, would certainly be laced with danger. For one, it could potentially risk diplomatic relations with the Massya, should he find out that we ignored him. For two, the desert is an extremely hostile environment.

So, the question is, how much do we want to know the secrets of Kouriyasui?

Christopher Black.
To Prince Duncan Kade,

Your request has surely brought you dozens of replies, but I feel mine will be unique for its position to aiding the Empire in a practical fashion. I propose an expedition to a volcano in Fendarfelle as that region suffered hard during the Bone Horror Crisis and did still suffer until very recently. Firstly, this expedition would allow an examination of the Bone Horror menace of that region and if has decreased or grown less dangerous. Fendarfelle, with it's wealth of minerals and good soil, presents great promise to the Empire and we should ensure that we can make use of such a resource and not suffer the setback of large hordes of Bone Horrors still running about. Secondly, this expedition would allow for mapping and surveying of the region's volcanic activity, to tell us if we should fear an event as terrible as Kelmoria on the horizon or if nothing of the sort will happen for generations. The last point is that such an expedition should prove invaluable to the Empire's financial future as those who undertake the task will also be able to survey possible future logging and mining sites for the Empire's use centered around dense areas of forest and rich mineral veins. All of these factors make an expedition to Fendarfelle a good use of the Imperial Princely Exploration League's time.

Ardige Viduggla​
Bro of my Bro Prince Duncan,

As much as I struggle dealing with the Velheimers in the city, I've managed to gather that a certain crevice within the frigid wastes of Ellador has remained unexplored throughout history. Tales of demons made of ice and snow have begun swirling among the locals, they claim explorers are dragged to their demise within the caverns. But surely the demons (if there even are any) have never before faced the steel of a Kade and his allies, perhaps now is the time for them to do so.

Ser Wulfram Kehlen
Certified Bro
Other Affiliated Titles​
Prince Duncan,

Volcanic, colonial, and largely unexplored; the continent of Fendarfelle shows promise for your exploratory exploits.

It has historically been untouched land, only recently facing intervention by Regalia in the form of Ithanian colonies.
Whilst expansive, unchecked and untapped resources are simply waiting to be claimed by yourself and the Empire.
Who knows, you might even find a fish-guard of your own out there, along with any treasures you return with.

Spirit keep you as chilled as ever in this land,

Benedictus d'Vaud
To Prince Duncan Kade,

I'll get past the pleasantries and get straight to the core of this letter. As a young child, my reading found me diving deep into the folklore of many different cultures and races; most specifically that of the wood singing elves known as the Wolathar. They reside in Hyarroc and with all it's twisting jungles and forests, there is one peculiar sight. A forest made of stone. Rather than stone trees, this so called forest consists of pillars of varying sizes in height that would truly be a test to climb and maneuver through. However, you must be asking yourself, why go there? What could be found? It is said that there is a flower at the top of one of the highest pillars and if part of it was consumed, it could heal any physical ailment or so the rumor and folklore goes. But such a prized and amazing treasure must come with its warnings and dangers. A legendary beast guards and treasures this even more legendary flower. That beast is seen as Hyarroc's boogeyman, a creature foretold to be the child of the dragons of old. This beast is the Basilisk, a gigantic snake with powers beyond one's wildest of imaginations. And it protects this mythical piece of flora.

A creature of legend guarding the ultimate prize that could remedy any injury. What more needs to be written? Slay this beast and discover the truth of the flower, and you would be known as a legend. It would be the ultimate test of any great adventure, and who better than to go through with this adventure, but you, Prince Duncan. This task was created for you.

May your future adventures be filled with treasure and new sights,
Lady Darcie Miramonte
Dear Prince Duncan,
I shall bypass the pleasantries and get straight to my point - as you specified in your request. What I propose may change the way that Regalia sees technology, enhance the lives of all of our citizens and revitalise our economy.

We all know the Dwarves of Ellador are more technologically inclined than we are and that they are the reason we have more efficient ways of transport - such as airships. However, we have not heard much from the Dwarven holds in quite a while - what could they have done in that time? So what I propose is that we venture out into Ellador in search of any further inventions of the Dwarves and perhaps even discover more of their culture. Perhaps - if we find something - we could use their inventions for the Empire's benefit.
Spirit's Blessings,
Marcello Vis-Vegcht​
To Imperial Prince Duncan Kade

I've long planned the expedition, as the Scholar ministry can attest, to the Stone forests of Hyaroc for a rumored flower atop the pillars said to cure any ailment and possibly even as far as healing the maiming of men. This region also supposedly houses a dragon graveyard guarded by a beast, The Basilisk, that kills anything entering the fog bellow.

This expedition could not only expand our knowledge on the dragons but possibly allow for Regalian medicine to save our citizens and troops from immeasurably losses.

While dangerous I have planned on using an airship not only to avoid the beast below, but to survey the pillars to confirm or disprove the existence of these flowers and upon retrieval, test it's effect and if proven useful attempt to cultivate it for further use and research.

On top of that, to map out the area for later much more dangerous explorations to investigate possible the dragon remains for research into their properties.

Signed Baron Jocelyn von Duerr, Doctor, Botanist.
To Prince Duncan Kade,
I imagine there's plentiful areas to cover with your Explorer League, but I'd imagine it'd be more of use if you went off to look at sites that may be pertinent to current matters. I feel like sending an expedition team to Saint Helena to check out the dragon's lair could unlock some mysteries about the Feathered Dragon. There could be something forgotten about as the battle was cut short due to the dragon Rikkira's interference. It doesn't seem like there's much risk to it. Just make your way up to the summit of the mountain, and snoop around. Might find something, might not.

A second trip you also could go on, which is a lot more intense, is one to the Solang lands of Solangeria. I've read in an adventure book about these creatures called "Temple Orphans" who appear to be quite... ugly. Supposedly nothing can survive its attacks, and that they roam around a temple as if they've been bound to defending it for eternity. An expedition team composed of the highest-quality adventurers could perhaps find something rare and valuable hidden within the temples that these Temple Orphan guard. Alternatively, if you find it safer for the members of your league to go explore, there's supposedly some coast riddled with dragon bones on the other side of Solangeria heavily protected by Solangerians. Could find out more about the dragons that have supposedly returned. Two deadly missions are available, so you ought to bring your best men should you take this trip. While it may seem far-fetched, I do think it is possible.

If you need any men for such a trip, I am also open to joining one of your league's many missions.​
With gratitude,
Nobleman of Gästrelänvatnan,
Valbrand Haagenvig​
Prince Duncan Kade,

I have heard tell of serpents so great that they can swallow a man whole, lurking undisturbed in the unforgiving marshes of our neighbour to the Northwest, Nordskag. The Medskala. I propose that we launch an expedition of the finest trackers, hunters, warriors and a small army of taxidermists so that we might retrieve for you the whole bloody beast as a trophy. It will surely be no small feat; the terrain itself will be working against us and these things get to be something like 30 feet long I've heard, but picture this:
a big, f*ck off snake in the corner of your bedroom.

Best regards,

Prince Duncan,

The state of Hadravia is rumored to have dark things dwell within it. As an explorer, would you not wish to become proclaimed as a man who slays the darks one who dwell? A site known as the Shadow Canyon, a deep cut in the land in which the sun only shines on the floor for less than a minute. With the might of your men and yourself, any and all creatures within will succumb the might of your weaponry. Do be sure to provide a solid source of light should you undertake the mission, and don't go with a small amount of men.

Garth Viduggla
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"To the good Prince Duncan,

I've heard tales of whales so huge they can feed a town of a thousand men for years that prowl the Far North Sea. Stories have it the Grunters on Ellador war over the flesh of these beached whales and the victor feasts for many moons. The bones are supposedly sturdy as stone and the fat burns bright as an alchemist's bottled fire but lasts thrice the time.

When have campfire tales like these not proven to have at least a sliver of truth to them? It'd be worth it, Your Imperial Highness, and as my young nephew would call it, 'Wicked'.

-Written by the hand of Morvran Floren, senior scribe of Gaekgraan.

-Signed by Lord Hengest Harhold of Vlissinghelm."
Prince Duncan,

Sendras. Shrouded in both mystery and massive thickets of jungle, I believe that this Allar populated continent would make a fine location for the following reasons:

  1. Jungles are known for their biological diversity. And for a continent largely unexplored, who knows what could await? I have little doubt that the region is teeming with discoveries - you and your team could be the ones to find them and introduce them to the rest of the world.
  2. Rumor claims that a powerful orc once entered the deeper regions of Sendras and never returned. Is he still alive? What caused his demise, if not? You've a chance to be the first to discover what happened and face off against whatever kept this warrior from returning home.
  3. Jungles tend to birth dangerous creatures (for instance, the Great Jungle Cat), and I believe Sendras to be no exception in this regard. Facing off against predators infamous for being the most dangerous in all Aloria has to make for a sweet story, no? And there's no lack of trophies you could take in return for your victory.
Jamie Rosendahl
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