Archived Expanding Massivecraft Team

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
This is purely just an observation I have have made :) and a solution I have come up with.
So massivecraft has many team members, but there are many everyday problems that the team need not bother with, they have many more important problems to deal with.
If I suggested members that specifically monitor the help chat and can have the basics problems bouncing from team members to these members would you consider expanding the team to this purpose?
What if I suggested massive craft create a team specifically to deal with player issues
If they brought back the helpop and had these members signed specifically to deal with helpop's that way the mods that wish to develop the role play side of the server may do so un interrupted.
I'm not suggesting for one second that the team is insufficient, I'm nearly saying that your only human and there is nearly 500 regular players and only like 30 team members and not all have the powers to help in game.there are a lot of people that need help.

My second idea
Maybe the team could have a team base where they are only massivecraft advisors and not the same powers as an official team member, so regular players that mods can bounce questions and situations to, the advisors can fix some basic questions and problems, it could take a load off the massivecraft team if they had a semi team member that could answer or advise on silly situations, maybe they could even help the players gather all the information needed for a player to put forward a helpop that would be worth a mods time.
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i think this is a great idea that would solve many problems and headaches. Whether its expanding an already existing team that serves this purpose or creating one that does this it would be a great idea. i also thing they should get a larger range of mods and admins because not just European players play on this server there are also several American, Asian, and Australian players and it seems a majority of the staff is European and in a very different timezone which also conflicts with helping players who are not European due to the time difference. just some ideas to help improve the server.
i think this is a great idea that would solve many problems and headaches. Whether its expanding an already existing team that serves this purpose or creating one that does this it would be a great idea. i also thing they should get a larger range of mods and admins because not just European players play on this server there are also several American, Asian, and Australian players and it seems a majority of the staff is European and in a very different timezone which also conflicts with helping players who are not European due to the time difference. just some ideas to help improve the server.

While many are indeed European, many are also insomniacs and play at ridiculous times so they are still useful to those in all timezones
While many are indeed European, many are also insomniacs and play at ridiculous times so they are still useful to those in all timezones

I have noticed that too, but it seems that when the insomniac kicks in they are tired of working on the server for the day and just want to play, but if you had a wider variety of mods and admins then while the European players wanted to play then lets say the american mods and admins could help the american players. so the american players arent bugging the European admins and mods while they are trying to play and can just got to the mods who are in there same timezone.
I have noticed that too, but it seems that when the insomniac kicks in they are tired of working on the server for the day and just want to play, but if you had a wider variety of mods and admins then while the European players wanted to play then lets say the american mods and admins could help the american players. so the american players arent bugging the European admins and mods while they are trying to play and can just got to the mods who are in there same timezone.
I agree, it would be somewhat acting like shifts.
If they reinstated /modlist it would be nice. They could also make it so teammembers can chose whether to show up on modlist or not to prevent random noobs from spamming a admin trying to relax.
The solution to lack of staff is quite simple, more competent applications.

Sadly they don't happen.
i have been thinking about applying but if i was gonna do it it would be after basic training
I would apply but sadly I'm not 16 yet :( :'( but i would love to help Massive out in any way possible, you guys (staff) have a lot on your shoulders and I'm sure I, along with many others, would love to help.
I wouldn't apply, I'm a decent watcher, give me the power to be invisible and I'd watch players like a hawk, but I'd rather experience the server and help as a player than a Mod.
I know I know this is stupid but, I can't find the link for applying how old do you have to be?
Thank you, I shall think of applying for a position.
You are right we lack people in the game department at the moment. We have no helpop system and the help chat is mainly s source for the players to help eachother out with questions that can be answered without any staff assistance. Hopefully we will get more americans/asians/australians to make good applications or help out ingame to the point where the staff notices it and take an interrest.
You are right we lack people in the game department at the moment. We have no helpop system and the help chat is mainly s source for the players to help eachother out with questions that can be answered without any staff assistance. Hopefully we will get more americans/asians/australians to make good applications or help out ingame to the point where the staff notices it and take an interrest.

Wait 3 years and I could make a good Aussie app :)
I'm 19 but I need to get on teamspeak and get more modding experience cause I only has 1 server mod history that I was team for, also the part that I have clashed with the team in the past over silly problems and have been a bit of pain in the past. Not to mention I'm roleplay ing in a very contraversal faction.
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