Archived Expanding Character Traits: Deciding The Color Of Your Limbal Ring

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Oct 12, 2012
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Roleplay Guilds
La Ganga, Registry of Merchants.
Hello Everyone and happy holidays!

You may already know me as either Silent_Ruler, but I would suggest you get around to knowing me as Dyrnos Mortinus or perhaps Faolan Animulus. Now, the reason I say this because, as you may have guessed from the title, this is a suggestion for just expanding role-play purposes.

Now, In an attempt to explain, some of you may not know what a Limbal Ring is. I will explain this as quick as possible:

  • The Limbal Ring is the dark ring around the iris, it becomes less pronounced with age.
Very well, we know the definition and what this is for, now for the idea in itself:

So we have the ability to chose our color, of course. But what about the Limbal Ring? My idea composes the ability for one magical individual to chose the color of the ring, according to his type of magic or as a simple manifestation of the characters aura or Seraph heritage. This of course, is just an idea and I am willing to change its meaning.

Usually, from what I know, in reality, the Limbal Ring will always remain dark, and not change color. But this being MassiveCraft, I thought we could give this a shot. Perhaps we could make it so that it means something, for example, like I said above. Or perhaps even relation with the void or veil? The point is, it has a meaning.

This trait will neither be common, nor rare, though again this is just an Idea and im willing to be flexible, please include further Ideas below. Instead, they will be perhaps like... Red Hair, not rare like white hair, yet instead not very commonly seen, at least in reality.

However, it should be treated like a rare trait or be very limited, for I myself wouldnt like to go around Regalia or reading Character Bio's giving me the impression that EVERYONE has a colored Ring, when in the real world, this may be, to my understanding, not possible. And so I think that the staff should be very strict on who has this, based perhaps on how good the introduction is, and how the character implements it.

There would be different colors to chose from, based on race, for example:

  • Elves are probably the race closest genetically to the Seraph, so possible colors could include:

  1. Gold and Silver- Standing as a symbol of their Seraph heritage or that someone near in their family had such mutation. Perhaps could only be used by the Isldar because it could be hard to see their white eyes if borders not shown.
  2. Red and Black- Possible corruption of the race, having been possessed in the past or show a higher risk of possession.
  3. Green- Perhaps standing as a symbol the elf had interbreed with a yanar nymph?

And so on for each different race. Please tell me how to balance this, and how to make this better. Im open to suggestions.

Happy holidays!

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Seems like a staircase straight to specialsnowflakeism.
Just a minor side comment, but this immediately makes me think of the movie/book The Host.

But as an actual comment, it all just seems really random. Sure, I could see it being something that might identify magic users, but in all it would just give option to make people want random features that aren't really useful in a character, nor people would really notice in role play unless someone is familiar with your character. It would open new thoughts to how you can alter certain feature colors. Scleras, speckles of color in the eyes, and maybe even randomly nail color (Not talking about polish, lol.) All which is random, and not entirely useful.

Also, my comment is strictly looking at it through the eyes of someone who has to make characters for a living. My opinion may differ, and probably does. It's a good idea for making characters unique, but as I said, isn't exactly 100% useful.
Seems like a staircase straight to specialsnowflakeism.

Like I said, if you have any suggestions to improve this, go right ahead. I agree it may lead to this disease (lol) but how about reserving it for good role-players, or right off reject the introductions that use this without a proper cause or reason. Perhaps give guidelines people have to follow, keep them monitored role-play wise. Etc.

This is a suggestion, and im open to making it better. Feel free to suggest changes.
Like I said, if you have any suggestions to improve this, go right ahead. I agree it may lead to this disease (lol) but how about reserving it for good role-players, or right off reject the introductions that use this without a proper cause or reason. Perhaps give guidelines people have to follow, keep them monitored role-play wise. Etc.

This is a suggestion, and im open to making it better. Feel free to suggest changes.

I see no point in improving this with suggestions, it's as farfetched as having a character define what the colour of their big toenail is.
So, I am going to do my best to reply to this legitimately.

I do not really think there is any need for this. Ignoring those who may choose something like this for special snowflake syndrome, and concentrating on those good roleplayers, I still believe that this is not lore compliant. Everyone can learn magic if they put the time and effort into it. Eye colour and the like is decided on birth, so it would be rather strange if magic was 'predicted' like this. If you mean for their eye colour to change once they become efficient, that once more makes no sense, as magic does not have an effect on your biology. Eye colour in regards to Seraph geneology is decided on birth, and not necessarily linked to an individuals magic.

Creative idea, but it just does not make any sense within the current, and indeed future lore.
I see no point in improving this with suggestions, it's as farfetched as having a character define what the colour of their big toenail is.

So, I am going to do my best to reply to this legitimately.

I do not really think there is any need for this. Ignoring those who may choose something like this for special snowflake syndrome, and concentrating on those good roleplayers, I still believe that this is not lore compliant. Everyone can learn magic if they put the time and effort into it. Eye colour and the like is decided on birth, so it would be rather strange if magic was 'predicted' like this. If you mean for their eye colour to change once they become efficient, that once more makes no sense, as magic does not have an effect on your biology. Eye colour in regards to Seraph geneology is decided on birth, and not necessarily linked to an individuals magic.

Creative idea, but it just does not make any sense within the current, and indeed future lore.

Well, this is why its called a feature idea and discussion thread. Feel free to lock/ delete the thread. I dont like to leave around failed ideas.
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