
Discussion in 'Player Stories' started by _Owlet, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. _Owlet

    _Owlet Nelfin Redhead

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Judging by the slowly brightening navy sky, it was early morning. The Burdigalan Dame had set alight her third candle stub of the night with not an ounce of sleep.

    The footsteps of a worried housemaid grew closer until her head poked around the corner into the office, a weary gaze upon her features.

    “Dame Latimer, perhaps it’s time you retired to your room. It’s almost daw-”

    “-I will sleep when I’ve finished this.”

    “But Dame, you look exhausted maybe it’ll do you good to have some rest-”

    Fleur caught the maid off with a swipe of her hand in the air, pushing her palms against her desk to stand. The quick motion caused her to sink forward slightly as dizziness overwhelmed her field of vision and balance, her palm squeezing the edge of the desk for support.

    “-My Lady! Please listen to me, you will work yourself sick!” The maid spoke out alarmed, rushing to the woman’s aid, settling a palm on her arm in attempts to steady her.

    The Dame inhaled shakily, moving to settle her gloved palm atop of her maids with a reluctant nod.

    “Could you help me to my room? I fear my legs will give out beneath me should I walk alone.” She whispered quietly, trying to steady herself more straighter. It would appear asking for help caused her a great deal of upset, she never was one to seek help from others, fearing it would make her come across as weak.

    As instructed the Maid discreetly helped the woman to her bed chambers, leaving aside a glass of water and the Dame’s nightly wear all laid out and ready. Fleur waited for the departure of her maid once she dismissed her, slipping down to sit upon the floor with her back against the frame of her bed, tucking her arms under her knees with a grimace.

    “How am I burned out so soon?” She whispered quietly to herself, burying her face into her knees. A sad whimper escaped her lips in defeat, tightening her hold on her knees before she fell silent.

    The Burdigalan was tired, falling asleep where she sat the second her eyes closed against her legs, the exhaustion overwhelmed her into the darkness of slumber.


    Fleur is over-working herself currently and her physical health has plummeted a fair bit, not taking care of herself very well and prioritising her work.

    • Powerful Powerful x 2
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  2. CrimsletMonarch

    CrimsletMonarch Priestess?? Dawn Songstress?? Emotional Wreck??

    Jul 25, 2019
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    QAQ Oh no! Fleur! Please rest up, hardworking bean

    (also good lore story! love the color usage!)
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1

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